This is the kind of ignorance we're always up against – the kind of ignorance which brings Labour to power

Published: June 30, 2011 at 2:33pm

Jiena ma' Joseph (u Michelle)

This is the first comment posted beneath a report on the decommissioning of the Marsa power station, on (they’re still busy trying to work out who got the commission on that one, apparently):

DECOMMISSIONING of the Marsa power station? Does that means that the national Coffers willbe getting the €4,000,000 in commission paid to Mr. Joe Mizzi BWSC agent????????

31 Comments Comment

  1. Silverbug says:

    Bloody unbelievable! And these are the pretentious lot who feel that they are some sort of intelligentia because they read Malta Today (on line, no additions to their sales figures).

  2. Etil says:

    It is of great concern to note that there are still such ignorant persons around. Could they not look up the word in the dictionary before they comment?

  3. Manhattan says:

    Well…according to Maltastar we have a new procedure in Parliament… it’s called a role call.

  4. Ivan F. Attard says:

    It’s a ‘role’ call for Maltastar.

  5. C Falzon says:

    Surely no one could be that stupid. It is probably intended as a play on words, even if not a particularly witty one.

  6. Erasmus says:

    Why discount altogether the possibility that whoever wrote this was simply trying to be humorous through word-play?

  7. jae says:

    This happened on One TV just now.

    In a discussion programme on classical music in Malta, Brian Hansford asked Maestro Brian Schembri “Allura tahseb illi l-orkestra filantropika ghandha tkun hi li tiftah il-festival?”

    After a somewhat uncomfortable pause, the Maestro replied “Dazzgur ghandha tkun l-orkestra filarmonika illi tiftah dan il-festival.”

  8. Antoine Vella says:

    The person who wrote that particular comment is a well-known (albeit anonymous) Labour Elve who haunts all kinds of websites, posting a stream of anti-PN messages of the type seen here.

    Elves believe that quantity makes up for lack of quality.

  9. ciccio2011 says:

    This piece in MaltaToday did not attract much attention – only two comments were posted.

    Judging by the number of comments on, the nation was more interested in Snoop Dogg, the one who got on friendly terms with Smokin Joe on a trip to Porto Cervo, Sardegna, where the “Superstar” performed in a private party for one of Gaddafi’s sons.

    I must say that I admired him for how he treated those “journalists” like dogs – he first made them wait for four hours, then another two, and then wanted them to “get their arse out of there.”

    Looked as if he knew what he was dealing with. But then he did remind me of the behaviour of Mintoff and Ghaddafi.

    • John Schembri says:

      You admired him, because his behaviour was like Gaddafi’s and Mintoff’s. Well, all I can tell you is that this Snoop Dogg will be begging for the media’s attention as soon as he’s not in the limelight. He will get what he deserves as soon as another ‘supastar’ is made (by the media).

      He will be told “now get your ass out of here” with the bad press he will receive, from the same people he left to wait for long hours.

      • ciccio2011 says:

        John, I have to correct a statement that you make about me:
        I did not say that I admired him because his behaviour was like Gaddafi’s and Mintoff’s.
        I made two separate statements: one statement included a pun about his treatment of “journalists”; the other statement was about how his behaviour was like Mintoff’s or Gaddafi’s. And I was limiting myself to what was reported on the

        John, the press is supposed to be bad, so actually Snoop Dogg got some good free publicity out of all this.

        If you would like to read a positive account about Snoop, I suggest you read the following paragraph – it is about him:

        “Rajt f’għajnejh serenità assoluta. S’issa, imma, ma kontx għadni qed nara l-intelliġenza li eventwalment rajt aktar tard. Imma l-umiltà iva. Diskorsu kien qisu ta’ tarbija. L-ebda traċċa ta’ qżież li normalment huwa assoċjat ma’ min in-natura tatu dak il-ftit aktar u allura seta’ jagħmel żewġ mili aktar fil-ħajja.”

        If you would like to read the full source of this, I suggest you click here:

  10. Marion Sciberras says:

    Is it possible that the gentleman was trying to be amusing?

  11. Etil says:

    Could it be that he wanted to remind people of the commission that Mizzi allegedly received ?

    [Daphne – Commission is normal commercial practice, and it is paid by the seller, not by the buyer. Commission is paid by the seller to the Maltese agent or representative of every non-Maltese company which wins a state tender. Commission is not corruption. Bribes and commission are different things. The allegation that the tender was abusively awarded, and the commission paid to the respresentative by the seller, are two separate matters. This is the ignorance I’m talking about. Commission on high-value tenders is typically set at around 2% to 4%.]

    • Pecksniff says:

      Ghaliex Mizzi ghandu jiehu “commission” ? Typical Socialist envy and “lanzit” (is there an English equivalent for this word?)

      • WhoamI? says:

        The equivalent for lanzit could be “to covet”.: inordinately or wrongly desirous of wealth or possessions.

        Remember the tenth commandment:
        You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbour.

        This is the closest I can get.

        [Daphne – There’s no word for ‘lanzit’ in English. German might have something, because after all it has Schadenfreude, which means the hateful pleasure felt on seeing bad things happen to those you envy. Lanzit is not envy, but hatred and resentment that stems from envy.]

      • Issa daqshekk says:

        Ghaliex Mizzi m’ghandux jiehu “commission” ?

        Ghax ha bizzejjed.

        Ghax il-bicca tal-power station tinten.

        Ghax il-haddiem ha nofs lira zieda, waqt li hu jdahhal l-eluf kbar u l-miljuni ta’ xejn.

        Ghax mhux suppost jiehu daqshekk flus talli joqghod wara skrivanija.

        Ghax kien jahdem l-Enemalta, u wiehed mill-hbieb tal-hbieb.

        Ghax taghna mhux qed jirbhu tender wahda mgiddma.

        U hallikom mill-lanzit!

      • Pecksniff says:

        Issa daqshekk: Hekk dak li ktibt int mhux lanzit u ghira tipikament tal PL/socialista, mela lanzit xinhu ? Spiegalna, please thank you !

  12. Farrugia says:

    ‘This kind of ignorance’ prevails in this country after a quarter of a century of PN administration. What does this show? That the PN has failed to modernise society and raise the standard of education.

    One only has to listen to Maltese idiotic radio programmes (mostly blaring out rock music) or TV to realise that ignorance is our politicians’ best ally and they nurture allies for their own interests.

  13. Steve Forster says:

    The best has to be Joseph Cuschieri in The Times. I have heard it all now.

  14. Etil says:

    I may have been misunderstood. I have no objection to anyone getting a commission as I know this is normal commercial practice.

    What I meant to say is that they could not have been so stupid as to not know what the word ‘decommissioning’ meant and maybe they just said it to remind people of the commission paid and bring out again the hatred and lanzit of someone who is better off than them.

  15. Matt B says:

    Amidst all the trash that Joseph says in his weekly Sunday speeches, Clyde Ellul wrote what I thought was an incredibly sensible comment on – surprisingly enough –

  16. Joseph Cilia says:

    It’s simply embarrassing – even the thought that the BWSC comedy is still being dragged on… simply ridiculous and childish.

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