Comment of the day (my previous post refers)

Published: July 30, 2011 at 1:01pm

Events now show that Cyrus left the PN before he was asked to leave.

Posted on this website’s comments-board:

Cyrus comments on Facebook before joining the PL:

On facebook – June 17th @ 9.34pm
True Labour colours coming out on Xarabank tonight. As Evarist Bartolo once said, the more things change, the more they remain the same.

On facebook – June 17th @ 9.06pm
Shocked at Joseph Muscat’s comments with regar to the LGBT community: marriage only between a man and a woman only and LGBT people should not be allowed to adopt. Very liberal and progressive!

17.06.11 @ Kunsill Generali Partit Laburista
“…jgħidu x’jgħidu tal-Partit Laburista u jpinġuna kif jipprovaw ipinġuna, aħna għadna
bżonjużi! Aħna bżonjużi għaliex għandna l-aqwa tim li għandu jkompli jigverna lil dan il-pajjiż.”

on facebook – June 20th @ 6.56pm
Last weekend’s events have proven that PN is still relevant and needed. While Muscat on Xarabank gave no answers, PN’s General Council opened the way forward and invited all those who want to be part of it, no matter what their opinion, to join in and give their piece of mind.

cyrus comments after joining the PL

On facebook – 25th July @ 2.49am
I have joined a movement that brings together a wide spectrum of people led by an inspiring leader, Joseph Muscat

42 Comments Comment

  1. Interested Bystander says:

    I have the same dilemma every day: Cisk Export or Heineken.

  2. Pepe` says:

    “17.06.11 @ Kunsill Generali Partit Laburista”

    should read: 17.06.11 @ Kunsill Generali Partit Nazzjonalista

  3. Hibernating Away From Malta says:

    So paradoxical….

  4. 'Angus Black says:

    Cyrus and Joseph Muscat both need to have their heads examined. The Nationalist Party has rid itself of a loaded hand grenade which landed on Joseph’s lap. A dangerous place to land for Joseph’s future utility, should he decide that since there is nothing wrong with porn then he’ll give it a go. What a sorry excuse of a political party.

  5. ciccio2011 says:

    The story of last week about Manu Maltes is looking so ordinary.
    This one, instead, has all the elements of tragicomedy: love, hate, sechs, revenge, hypocrisy, backstabbing, bitching, betrayal, quest for power, and political opportunism.

  6. Jeremy J Camilleri says:

    Would also be fun to cut and paste your past comments regarding

    [Daphne – It would be even nicer if you were to get your hair cut, Jeremy, and brushed up your naff look. Do please tell people that you work for the General Workers Union (doing eff all and collecting a salary, I imagine). The face of the future Maltese government: lovely.{%22ImageId%22%3A20050759}

    • ciccio2011 says:

      And that facial hair…is that in line with Labour Party grooming policy?

    • il-Ginger says:

      He looks like a Maltese ponce.

    • Hot Mama says:

      Ouch my eyes!

    • Pepe` says:

      Let’s see what intelligent stuff Jeremy Camilleri had to say on Facebook this week.

      Jeremy J Camilleri (Thursday at 8:37am via Facebook Mobile)
      “Adrian Vassallo and Dr Gonz..two peas in a fundamentalist pod?”

      – Beats being in bed with Norman Lowell on the refugee issue, does it not Jeremy?

      Jeremy J Camilleri July 26 @ 11:09am
      “Strange how something that allegedly occure a year and a half ago has suddenly come to light..this is Malta nowadays folks…flashbacks to pre 87!!!!”

      And there was I, thinking Jeremy had always voted Labour.

      • Jeremy J Camilleri says:

        In bed with Norman Lowell..Never did bed old Norman..not my type you see…

        Regarding refugees and immigrants(they’ re different you know), lets say that in the past(years ago) I harboured viewpoints shared by a good number of Nationalist mp’s still ‘serving’ the nation. If they’re in bed with Norman Lowell, then he must be having a jolly good time.

        Ah shucks..why am I using up your valuable time, when you must know what I’m talking about(wink).

        However, some things to change, and luckily for the better as in my case.

        Other changes might not be perceived as being so positive…I mean, ask Daphne about Cyrus..she really lurved him not so long ago…

        [Daphne – The difference between me and you, Jeremy, is that immediately I discover people are crap, I dump them, not carry on celebrating them to prove how right I was. It’s unbelievable that you still vote Labour.]

      • Jeremy J Camilleri says:

        Daphne..good on you..but when did you discover Cyrus was crap? the minute he ‘defected’?

        [Daphne – No, and if you read back through what I wrote, you’ll see that. I wrote him off my radar when I found out what he’d done to his ex boyfriend. I would have thought nothing of it had he’d, you know, ripped up his favourite shirts or cut the legs off his trousers or something, but that…my God.]

    • Dee says:

      HILARIOUS! Anyone noticed the advert above his pic?

      It says:

      “Please Adopt Me!
      I’d like to live in your Zoo!”

      Jithajjar xi hadd?

    • Stephen Forster says:

      Kind of like a 70s Swedish Minister….Love the hat, by the way – really goes with that Frank Sinatra/Kurt Cobain look.

    • Jeremy J Camilleri says:

      lol…good to see you don’t like my look..I have been saying that I needed a diet, and now it has been made easier to stick to, seeing that I shall be unable to eat solids for months to come…You see the Daphne not liking my look comment really got to me…

      Now…back to the issue at hand…You did think that Cyrus was going to be PN’s rising star didn’t you? WHat was that about Grandmummys loving him? I loved that bit….Classic…

      [Daphne – They did, Jeremy. And that’s his tragedy. He had it and he blew it. You, on the other hand, never had it so your story can’t be called tragic, just mundane.]

      • Jeremy J Camilleri says:

        lol. touche…Grandmummys never loved me? L (

        [Daphne – I’m sure the grandmummies in some slum do, so don’t be too upset.]

      • Jeremy J Camilleri says:

        Slums? In Malta?..u mur l’hemm!!!!!!!!!!

        [Daphne – Sorry, I got a little confused with all this talk of people starving to pay their electricity bill.]

      • Jeremy J Camilleri says:

        At least Prego feeds me his leftovers..: p

        [Daphne – Lucky you. I have to buy mine over the counter.]

      • Jeremy J Camilleri says:

        I’d do ANYTHING for a weekly raise..something in the region of 500 euros would be fine..Id leave the lights on just for kicks!

      • me says:

        I always had the impression that you are some of Prego’s leftovers.

      • Jeremy J Camilleri says:

        We re all leftovers of some sort or other ‘me’…some like you just don’t realise it and think that they’re all

        Off course using a psuedonym does give one a higher sense of security and importance…Off course you can;t be blamed…you know..with all those Labour thugs roaming the street with torches blazing and all that….

      • me says:

        Well stupid, I know exactly what you mean by ‘with all those Labour thugs roaming the street with torches blazing and all that….’.
        I lived from 1977 to 1987 in Zejtun.

      • Jeremy J Camilleri says:

        Out again are they? Led by Engerer I’m sure.. a la classic Frankenstein’s monster, with ‘me'( or should that now be you?) barred in his hilltop castle shouting challenges from the rooftop as the rain pours

        Seriously though, I’m actually glad you survived Zejtun in the 80’s, but doesn’t that make you a leftover? lol

      • me says:

        No stupid, it makes you leftover. We passed our test.

      • Grezz says:

        “He had it and blew it”? Please, Daphne, given the current topic, another choice of words may have been wiser!

  7. Libertas says:

    Convenient ‘conversion’.

  8. Libertas says:

    Cyrus Engerer, speaking at the PN’s general council on the 17th June (from his own website):

    “Kemm jien kburi li qed nindirizza l-Kunsill Generali tal-Partit Nazzjonalista, ghax matul dawn it-tletin sena, il-PN kien il-forza politika li ispirat bidla u progress, immodernizzajna l-ekonomija u tajna tama ta’ futur ahjar lill-generazzjonijiet il-godda.

    Ksibna d-demokrazija, u ma waqafniex, ghax ridna l-aqwa u l-ahjar, hdimna biex Malta saret membru tal-UE, fejn sahhahna il-valuri tas-solidarjetà, tolleranza u ugwaljanza.
    Ksibna dan kollu flimkien, u dan is-success hadd ma jista’ jehodulna.

    Malta ghandha bzonn lill-Partit Nazzjonalista… jghidu x’jghidu tal-Partit Laburista, u jpinguna kif jipprovaw ipinguna… ghandna l-aqwa tim li ghandu jkompli jigverna lil dan il-pajjiz.”

    Then, all of a sudden, a convenient ‘conversion’, after being questioned by the police on the 23rd June on a ‘small matter’, something ‘personal’ with his ex lover that should be over in Court ‘in five minutes’ (which is the time it might take only if the accused pleads guilty).

  9. GiovDeMartino says:

    I cannot imagine how people like these have the courage to appear in public.

    • Libertas says:

      He’s posting on his Facebook about the Marsa Power Station and the Labour summer bash as if he wasn’t all over the front pages for a week for all the wrong reasons. Unbelievable.

  10. Pat Zahra says:

    ‘Shocked at Joseph Muscat’s comments with regar to the LGBT community: marriage only between a man and a woman only and LGBT people should not be allowed to adopt. Very liberal and progressive!’

    I wonder whether Mr Engerer realises that his behaviour has disqualified him from ever being permitted to adopt.

    Does he have any idea how rigorous the procedure is and how the lives of the couple are raked, combed and filtered out before they are accepted?

    This has nothing with his sexual orientation.

    Any adult who displays such poor skill at handling a relationship – at whatever stage it is in – is not fit to raise a child.

  11. kev says:

    What’s the big deal? San Pawl saw the light in a moment’s flash and went on to be hosted by San Pupulju.

  12. John Schembri says:

    I know that there is a bikers’ community which meets at Golden Bay parking area every Sunday morning, an Indian community which meets every now and then to celebrate some festival or marriage, and a Coptic community which meets to pray at Saint James Church in Valletta.

    But an LGBT community? What are they up to when they meet?

    Aren’t we normal if we’re not members of a heterosexual community?

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