Oh dear, dear – "keep it up my Cyrus"

Published: July 30, 2011 at 3:39pm

In the current circumstances, there is one expression of encouragement that people should avoid using. But clearly, some people don’t think so.

And so we find ourselves reading absolutely priceless comments like this one, on the internet:

Anton Magro
you are a great person keep it up my Cyrus!

It’s enough that I’m still unable to look a kiwi in the face.

And somebody calling himself NO TO GONZI has just called somebody else a c**ksucker….on Cyrus Engerer’s Facebook wall.

They just don’t get it, do they.

15 Comments Comment

  1. Paul V Xuereb says:

    HEMM, clearly someone or both of the parties involved here are lying. I can’t even make my mind on who is responsible for what and who did what.

    I honestly think they are both guilty of something, and Cyrus is not playing all his cards yet, while Marvic is. Just watch, I predict more interesting and shocking stuff is going to come from Marvic’s side.

  2. Libertas says:

    Cyrus posts on his Facebook page that he went to Labour’s summer BBQ yesterday.

    Must have had a jolly good time explaining how he had his conversion on the way from interrogation at Police HQ struck by the vision of ‘progressive’ and ‘liberal’ Joseph welcoming him ‘with open arms’.

  3. ciccio2011 says:

    Since joining Labour, Cyrus has posted twice about attending BBQs with Labour.
    Apparently meat is once again affordable to the mittel kless.

  4. Dee says:

    Kiel xejn hotdogs fil-barbakew jew lahqet kilitilhom kollox Debbie?

    [Daphne – DAbbie. Taf kif, bhal DEfni.]

  5. Paul Bonnici says:

    Even if I were as camp as Christmas, I would never join Labour’s LGBT. Labour is very patronising but believe me, they will only patronise those gays who cannot think for themselves and those are the minority in Malta.

    Cyrus will regret defecting to Labour in the long run.

    [Daphne – As we now know, it was a choice between Labour and no politics. The Nationalist Party would not have kept him on when it discovered the circumstances.]

  6. ciccio2011 says:

    In circumstances like these, the advice one should be given is not to keep it up, but to hang one’s head in shame.

  7. Louis Camilleri says:

    I was quite surprised, Daphne, when a few weeks ago you had described Cyrus as a great asset for the Nationalist Party. But then I thought you knew him well to say so, and did not comment.

    But it’s one thing going on TV and being able to coin a sentence together without seeming too excited (mind you – he was never a Sarkozy but in a country of imbeciles, yes – coining two words together make you look bright) and another being a huge asset for a party.

    I much rather prefer those young assets that grow organically, that show their worth behind the scenes and by so doing gain all the respect. We can do without a few more Lacoste popped collars and people asking friends to take a picture of them whenever they don a suit to meet the ‘kap’ at some djalogu or other to put on Facebook. Good riddance to old rubbish, indeed.

  8. heidi1015 says:

    Cyrus is a long way from Sliema with all these raving new friends on his Facebook wall:

    Maryanne Grixti
    Dear what happened to you recentley is not fare,but keep up the good courage!
    Friday at 14:52

  9. julian says:

    cyrus engerer is a very clever and progressive person like joseph muscat

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