Some people in Labour knew about the Cyrus Engerer story last year

The latest photograph on Labour website tasteyourownmedicine, chosen for its absolute suitability now that homosexuality is in the news
The post beneath was put up on the progressive liberal Labour website tasteyourownmedicine last year.
Tasteyourownmedicine specialises in homophobic attacks on and threatening language towards, among several others, former personal assistant to Lawrence Gonzi and current chief of Malta Enterprise Alan Camilleri, who is openly gay and accompanied to all official functions by his companion.
The same website targeted a prominent Nationalist politician by saying that his wife left him because she found him with another man, and accused him of being a closet homosexual – when the reality, not that it is anyone’s business, which makes it so horrible, is that she left him because she found another man herself.
These attacks, which feature language that is contemptuous of male homosexuality and are sometimes decorated with photographic close-ups of buttocks, anuses and penis rings, illustrate the point I make repeatedly that Labour still thinks of gay men as ‘pufti’ and doesn’t even rank lesbians, who are nowhere in Labour’s overtures and false sucking-up.
It is quite obvious that Labour sees gay men – not homosexuals in general – as a target group and doesn’t even bother with lesbians because they are not as well-networked and vociferous.
The tragic thing is that the gay men who have fallen victim to Joseph Muscat’s overtures (“because he listens”) are heading into a party that thinks of them as ‘pufti’ and away from a party that practises instead of preaches and correctly understands that parading gay people about like captive apes or Yetis, defined only by their sexuality, is degrading for all involved.
Labour’s attitude to gay men is exactly the same as its attitude to women. It parades women around like captive freaks, too: ‘See here, a woman who can work AND find the time to put on make-up. My God, how do you manage?’ ‘Let’s collect all the prominent women we know and have a Friday night special on Super One, in which we ask them how they managed to do something other than look after the house. Make sure they’re all wearing attractively feminine outfits with slits and frills, and two inches of eyeshadow.’
But here’s the relevant – and highly significant – post from tasteyourownmedicine. It was uploaded on 21 July last year. When Cyrus Engerer announced his resignation from the Nationalist Party and move to Labour on 15 July this year, a quick-thinking person immediately called up the piece and copied it before it was removed.
It has since been deleted along with the pictures which accompanied it and which, unfortunately, weren’t copied along with the text.
If you’re wondering who Vladi is, that’s me. It’s the name of a transsexual showgirl famous in Italy. Progressive and liberal Labour, which thinks ‘pufti’ and speaks ‘gej’, thinks it is the most terrible and offensive insult it can levy at me to call me a transsexual. Unfortunately for them, I am truly liberal and can’t see why they think I would find it insulting.
21 July 2010
Ara veru dawn tal-PN kollox messa in xena.
Mela ghandna lil Uncle Lorry jiddikjara, meta kien ghadu segretarju generali, li ma jaccettax kandidat omosesswali.
Hmistax ilu, dan Uncle Lorry qal li l-valuri tieghu ghagnu l-politika tieghu (Stat konfessjonali?? Tridx tmur) u f’daqqa wahda johrog dan Cyrus ic-Cirillu (Kunsillier tal-PN u persuna fic-crieki ta’ gewwa nett tad-dar Centrali) u biex taparsi jurina kemm hu proud li gay intefa jintreda ma’ siehbu quddiem il-kameras u folla nies.
Issa l-istorja ta’ Cirillu mqallba daqsxejn. M’hawnx gay nazzjonalist li ma darx… u jaqlibha lil dak u jaqblibha lill-iehor. Nafu b’xi zewg pampaluni li spiccaw vittmi ‘siekta’ ta’ dan Cirillu – fosthom MP tal-PN. Xi darba nghidulkom l-istorja.
Imma llum mhux se ntawlu wisq.
Jekk ghal Vladi l-gay pride hija farsa ta’ grupp ta’ nies li jmisshom jisthu jitkellmu kif jitkellmu, mela allura x’inhu dan Cyrus ic-Cirillu li qalleb l-istonku ta’ nofs Malta biex jurina kemm jaf jintreda.
Ha naghmluha cara: Sewwa jaghmel – “ihobb” lil min irid.
Sewwa jaghmel isemma lehnu u jghid kemm hu proud li huwa gay.
Imma hemm ghalfejn tintreda u tintghafas quddiem 400 ruh ??
Kieku gie kwalunkwe politiku straight (li minnhom hawn erbgha tghoddhom) u ntefa jintreda mal-mara quddiem il-cameras, konna nghidulu l-istess … Pulcinell.
Bhal dak li qallu Gonzi jew Kate ggustawk iblah bil-provi.
Serrah rasek Cyrus, li Kate ga hargitlek il-karta s-safra minn gol-bloomer.
Pulcinellata ohra bhal din u flok tintreda tkun erdajtu.”
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An example of just how liberal and progressive Labour is beneath its ‘I want your vote’ mask:
OK so i get your point about labor, and certainly i agree that labor is full of old farts that keep dreaming about the 1970’s. I also don’t doubt the evident sexism present in the labor party coming from the same old farts still in the party.
That said, what is the PN doing? i never hear anything from the PN regarding gay and lesbians rights, or women’s right for that matter. Perhaps the PN should start competing with the PL and not let the PL have a free rein on speaking about gay rights and women rights.
[Daphne – Paul, the piece of work I quoted here is not the work of ‘old farts who dream about the 1970s’, but of young men in their 20s. You can tell by the idiom. I can also tell a lot more, but I’m not going into it here. The worst people in the Labour Party are actually its youngest generation, because they have the atavistic thinking and attitudes – university education notwithstanding – of their parents, dangerously linked to the consumer trappings of more highly developed societies. They haven’t been through a process of social development but only of material development.
As for what the Nationalist Party is doing on gay rights and women’s rights: instead of talking the empty talk, it’s promoting people on the basis of merit and not defining them as gay or women. I and many other women absolutely hate it when politicians talk about ‘wimmin’ and ‘how wimmin are’ – get this – ‘kapaci daqs l-irgiel.’ We think it deeply offensive to be categorised in the manner and see any such talk as patronising. If our claim is that our gender is not an issue, then we don’t want it made an issue. That is where I think lots of gay men are going wrong in their agitating. This is a genuine view (as are all my others). What I believe is truly needed – pressingly urgent, in fact – is not yet more partisan talk about wimmin and gays, but a nationwide public affairs campaign to combat ignorance about the perceived role of women and about homosexuality. The target audience for the ‘women’ campaign should be women themselves because there is a lot of ignorance, which is why they put up with so much. The target audience for the ‘homosexuality’ campaign would be mainly other people.]
OK I get your point, but why isn’t the Nationalist Party saying what you are saying loudly enough for people to hear? I know it is silly but making a party’s talking points heard is important.
[Daphne – I agree.]
Off the top of my head I can tell you what Muscat is saying about gay rights and women’s rights, (being right and him having an argument is another discussion) but I honestly can’t do the same for the PN.
[Daphne – Would you rather the prime minister did what Muscat has done and say ‘I am against same-sex marriage.’ Imagine that. The situation at present is that Muscat can do no wrong – so he makes a statement like that and gay men rush to pant at his ankles – while the Nationalists can do nothing right, so if Gonzi said the same thing he would have been crucified on Facebook.]
They might be saying all of this, but it is not getting enough coverage, and that speaks to their lacking media strategy. Perhaps the big hold back has a lot to do with the Catholic Church.
[Daphne – I doubt it. I think you forget that there’s a socio-cultural gulf between the key people in the PN and those in the MLP. But about the media strategy, that yes.]
This Liberal party is a joke. Does Muscat know that all the gay men and women I know wouldn’t vote Labour even if their life depended on it? Because there are loads of them – I know, I’ve spoken to them.
There is also something unsettling about how they keep insisting that they are Liberal. The more they feel the need to declare it the less I believe it.
Joseph Muscat should call for the setting up of an independent public enquiry about the matter reported above, to investigate what, and who, in Labour knew exactly about this case.
Why does this remind me how silent Labour has been since the PN enquired about Joseph Muscat’s involvement in meetings with Bateman about the Delimara Power Station?
It is very true. Many Labour supports are awful homophobes and they express that homophobia in the crassest way.
Many PN supporters (not to mention government officials) are also homophobes, but they express this bigotry in a much softer manner:
Which is the lesser of two evils?
[Daphne – I am in no doubt at all which is the lesser of two evils, Zachary, because the second one isn’t even homophobia. It is a legal and policy issue that – as I explained earlier in response to another question, is concerned not with homosexual couples but with heterosexual ones. Any rights extended to homosexual couples will also have to be extended to heterosexuals. So if John with an EU passport is allowed to bring in Tony from Moldova, then Mary with an EU passport will have to be permitted to bring in Constantin with a Russian passport. Malta is as tough as the US when it comes to immigration control, largely because of over-population issues. This is not the same thing as letting people drown.]
But if I’m not mistaken, Mary IS allowed to bring Constantin under the status quo.
[Daphne – No, she isn’t. Any such permit is at the discretion of the immigration authorities and the person remains here only on sufferance, with no rights, unable to work because if a permit is issued, it’s conditional on Constantin being financially supported by Mary.]
John cannot bring Tony unless Tony is willing to live as a permanent tourist or student. At least this is what was explained to Paul and me by a Maltese immigration official.
The situation is no better in the USA, which is why we are so lucky that Paul’s mother is a US citizen. Many of our friends are not so lucky.
Sorry. Let me be more clear. I am assuming in this scenario that Mary is married to Constantin and John is married to Tony (perhaps in Spain or Portugal). As you pointed out with Paul below, if they’re married there’s little that can be done. But presently Malta (and 22 EU member states) selectively recognizes these marriages. This is an affront to the full faith and credit in the marriage contracts of the members state that do recognize same-sex marriage (a similar situation presently exists in the US).
So in that respect discrimination (albeit softly spoken) against would-be married LGBT folk and the odd heterosexual same-sex couple about which you have previously written does exist within Maltese (PN?) “public policy.” I rather think the latter group would fall under the category of fraud, but I suppose that all depends on how Maltese legislators define a “durable relationship.”
And you’re right in saying that Malta has ample company in this discrimination, but that is no reason not to push against it. If we do not want Malta to be habitually behind the curve, we should not assume that it always will be. We should expect better.
I realize that the government plans to introduce cohabitation legislation. Would such legislation cover someone in my situation for immigration purposes? Do you think it should?
[Daphne – I have no idea because I don’t have the details yet. I doubt that it would or could cover immigration, though, because the idea is to regulate the position of couples who already live together in Malta.]
There is actually a loop-hole there. Under EU law the partner of an EU national have the right to stay and work in Malta, as long as they can prove they are living together (and have done so for a certain period). I know as my boss is from New Zealand, but with British citizenship, while his fiancée, also from New Zealand, lacks the citizenship. She was nearly chucked out of the country and denied a work permit, until they found this little gem of a paragraph, showed it to immigration and voilà, she can now remain and work safely, as long as he does.
I have no clue whether this applies to same-sex couples or not, but it really should.
[Daphne – If it doesn apply to same-sex couples, it can be challenged. Unlike with marriage law, there is discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation.]
But Mary is already allowed to bring Constantin from Russia under EU and Maltese Law, we all know about the Russian brides that come to Malta and marry Maltese men.
[Daphne – If they’re married there’s little that can be done. The problems arise with ‘partners’, and there the state has discretion.]
While John is not only barred from bringing Tony from Moldova, he is also barred from bringing another EU citizen to Malta as a marriage individual of the EU. That is where i think the discrimination is, if two gay married EU citizens move to Malta, they will no longer be married under Maltese law.
[Daphne – Two gay people who are married in another jurisdiction, both with EU passports, are free as birds to live and work in Malta and nobody has to be Maltese. No, they will not be married under Maltese law, but then neither will they be married under the law in another 22 EU member states. In the European Union, only Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium and the United Kingdom permit same-sex marriage. So please let’s not make out that Malta is some antediluvian exception because it clearly is not. ]
Agreed, so many countries have equality problems. We just need to flush out all these realities and figure out the problems that need to be fixed. That is what we are doing here I guess and that is the first step for this movement.
I have in fact sent tasteyourownmedicine a piece of my mind when all this drama started 1-2 weeks ago.
The original people behind that site have gone elsewhere (remember Chris Aguis – Aguis spelt like that on purpose, dak li kien qed jistudja barra fil-bitha t’ommu Hal-Qormi, and the other one li nqabad l-airport jiehu ritratt ta’ dak l-importer tal-pinnoli insejt min hu bhal issa), and it has become a one-man show apparently.
The number of hits on the site continues to dwindle, and the rankings… ah never mind. When a blog becomes an insult-hurling medium, and also when the people behind it don’t identify themselves, then there’s only one way it will go – south.
Talking about turncoats – if Cyrus is one, then so is PL using its most unsophisticated medium by suddenly becoming so pro-Cyrus all of a sudden. They had vilified him big-time a year ago. Wonders never cease. It’s an amusing country indeed.
Whoami The going ons are not amusing , they are sad . So much wasted energy due to political pique .
Malta delivered the goods with a a home grown university piece of hard/software that keeps planes on runways safely at a safe distance and position from each other and today a new operating tool was unveiled at university designed by local brains and talent .
The diabolical twists and turns of the political class and their disciples seriously harms our little island paradise in the sun – we can always blame our excesses on the weather.
I always considered the sub-proletariat that normally votes Labour to be intrinsically homophobic. Indeed, the biggest insult one can conjecture on someone else is to call that person a homosexual in vernacular speech.
Joseph Muscat has a long way to go to convince his own people that gay persons are just like any other person (unless they make an effort to look ‘different’) let alone convince the rest of us.
Your quotes from this Labour website proves how Labour is light years away from accepting any form of diversity in society (gays, blacks, intellectuals, etc…).
Unfortunately for the PN, it is still embraces a ‘don’t speak, don’t hear, don’t see’ policy on homosexuality which makes it look antiquated in a popish way.
Why Farrugia? What’s there to say about homosexuality? Would talking about it make the PN look more liberal? Are you implying that Labour has taken the lead by setting up a Labour gay ghetto?
BTW, this is what talking too much about homosexuality can look and sound like.
Are you honestly using tasteyourwonmedicine as the standard ‘young labour’ way of thinking? Its a crude and idiotic website. Its hardly representative of anything.
[Daphne – It is definitely representative.]
Please – I have used my imagination but what does “jintreda’ really mean?
[Daphne – French kiss, apparently. Because you know, the Maltese have such a long history of French kissing that we actually have a homegrown word for it.]
To anybody interested, go here – find the link to story in question – don’t bother clicking, it’s been removed. The page above AND below, by incredible coincidence, are still there.
Biggest damn proctoscope I’ve ever seen.
It’s the endoscopy that Silvio Parnis was looking for when he asked that very intelligent PQ of the Health Minister. Silvio was very concerned there were no endoscopies at Mater Dei.
I think we have found one.
Bing cache including picture,afffcd0c
[Daphne – Thank you.]