We were talking earlier about current Elvespeak…

Published: July 28, 2011 at 1:25am

My, how didn't Joseph and the Elves think of this one?

….and saying that the Elves are no longer Sliema housewives planning to vote Labour because Gonzi is intollerent.

Now they are Liberal Elves who support Gays and Porn because Muscat is tollerent and Gonzi is a taboo of high church influence.

Nikita Zammit Alamango of Forum Zaghzagh Laburisti must really be keeping her slave elves chained to those laptops.

And right on cue, here’s the latest stilted one.


Daphne, I would like to know how beneficial this article was for us, Maltese citizens, to know this about “Manu Maltes”. Who cares if he was a pornstar? Oh I missed out a word…a GAY pornstar.

I don’t see what these details have to do with him going on strike to protest against the new transport system. Being gay in Malta is still a taboo and with the high religion influence, so is being a pornstar. This proves how far Malta is behind…where’s the tolerance? Oh and please, I have a friend named Jeff Borg whose HIV positive, can you write an article about him to let everybody know about this?

This being said, the information in this article (actually the whole article) is just useless and only tries to put shame onto “Manu Maltes”. At least I’m an open minded guy who’s not easily influenced by the media and am able to evaluate information that’s put out there/here. Now, all I hope is that more open minded people are able to do that.

6 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Some of my best friends are pornstars. No, really.

  2. How was dinner?

    [Daphne – Very pleasant, thank you for asking.]

  3. Joe Micallef says:

    Nikita has all sorts of problems which start with a misplaced first name that flows into confused logic and priorities.

    But I am full of gratitude for her timesofmalta.com blog as it flags the state of mind I do not wish to be in.

  4. Not Tonight says:

    Don’t ask me why, but this ‘guy’ sounds very much like a woman to me. Well, at least you seem to have taught them how to spell ‘tolerance’.

    Kudos to you, because it doesn’t seem as if teaching them anything is an easy thing to do.

    I sincerely hope that ‘Jeff Borg’ + medical condition was an attempt at sarcasm, not a name invented to prove her point (although I failed to see one).

    • C Falzon says:

      That’s odd. For some reason I took it as given that it was written by a woman so much so that I was surprised at the point he (she?) said “At least I’m an open minded guy “.

      On re-reading it I cannot figure out any logical reason why I should think it was written by a woman though. Maybe just an instinct of some sort, which may or may not have worked.

      [Daphne – Whether it’s a man or a woman, it’s somebody in their 20s consciously communicating in English with ‘a grown-up’ (hence the A-level essay style). I read so much trash written by Forum Zaghzagh Laburisti and the like that I know the idiom.]

  5. ciccio2011 says:

    “Then Jesus told them, “A prophet is honored everywhere except in his own hometown and among his relatives and his own family.””

    Anything wrong with being at least aware that we have a Maltese gay porn superstar of international fame and that he has a beautifully layered uncut cock and that he is a bear?

    Actually, I think that Daphne’s posts helped draw more attention to this social case – that being a role of the media.

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