A lovely day out with the Mittilkless

Published: August 13, 2011 at 3:42pm

31 Comments Comment

  1. dudu says:

    Here’s another case of plagiarism. It’s not clear who is copying who.

    From Nikita’s facebook profile, under basic information:

    ‘About Nikita: Direct, independent, self assured and protective. Pleads for justice and honesty and has a strong sense of responsibility, with an attitude of “Don’t let them walk over you!”

    And the following from a certain Christian on MYspace:

    About me:
    My name is Christian … As character I find myself as a direct, independent, self assured and protective. Pleads for justice and honesty and has a strong sense of responsibility, with an attitude of “Don’t let them walk over you!”.


  2. il-Ginger says:

    Screw busses – I’d rather ride my bike and turn into a lobster than have to deal with people who have nothing better to do other than cause a scene and hold other people hostage after a hard day of work.

    She’s lucky Jonny il-Kajboj wasn’t driving that day…

  3. Helen Cassar says:

    U bstatas u rapiti………………what the heck is rapiti? Rapists? Raped?

    • Ronnie the Bear says:

      “I want to go home!”

      My favourite: the man who offered a woman hames liri biex titlaq u tiehu taxi.

      Why didn’t he get off that bus from hell and use his own money to take that taxi himself?

  4. The Shadow says:

    Kollha criecer (bit-tikka) dawn il-mittelkless.

  5. sandy:P says:

    Mark Camilleri
    Nipretendi li wara li nqbadt tipplagjarizza, ghal-gieh il-Partit tirrezenja minn kull kariga ufficjali li ghandek. Grazzi
    9 hours ago · Like · · See Friendship

    Andre’ Vella Missek tohrog int Mark minflokha :P
    8 hours ago · Like

    Mark Camilleri Grazzi tal-hsieb Andre!
    8 hours ago · Like

    Nikita Alamango Kont nippretendi li int, min daqs ta nies tifhem l ipokrezija li hawn Malta. If you read carefully I paraphrased and that is not copy and paste. Missek drajt kif jahdmu Malta – l istampa cara hafna ghal min jsegwini u jaf li verita kollha ghaliex gara li gara. Ghalhekk mhux talli ma nirrezenjax talli se nkompli nahdem f dak li nemmen u hadd mhu se jalaqli halqi – qatt! Misni hadd ghal media fil kaz tieghek heh – Grazzi tas support Mark ! Napprezza !
    8 hours ago · Like · 2 people

    Andre’ Vella To be honest, to paraphrase you need to quote the source….and you never did for the FT. Hence why they removed your blog from ToM…
    8 hours ago · Like

    Nikita Alamango andre – it on TOM for 3 days before they removed it . Had it been for that reason they would have never published it.
    8 hours ago · Like

    Mark Camilleri ‎’Rephrasing’ xorta plagjarizmu jibqa’ u xorta jibqa’ hazin. Billi f’Malta hawn l-ipokrezija u hawn il-haxi ma jiggustifikax il-pljagjarizmu tieghek. Il-plagjarizmu hazin, jaghmlu min jaghmlu sinjura Alamango. Il-fatt li qed tiddefendi l-azzjonijiet tieghek jikkonferma dak li ili nghid jien ghal hafna snin: li fil-Partit Laburista m’hemmx professjonalita u kwalita fil-mezzi tax-xandir tieghu u fil-qasam tal-PR. Jiddispjacini hafna li jien bhalissa qed nappoggja partit li jittollera azzjonijiet bhal dawn. Int imissek tisthi mela tiddefendi lilek innifsek.
    7 hours ago · Like

    Nikita Alamango Kullhadd bl opinjoni Sur Camilleri. Ghandek dritt tahsibha kif trid u tant iehor jien. Meta tikteb fuq l wall tieghi jekk jogbok uza kliem dicenti. U tikkonfermali kemm ma tafx xinhu ghadejj. Have a nice weekend !
    7 hours ago · Like

    Mark Camilleri U tkunx tifla u tiehu ghalik ghax din m’hijeix kwistjoni personali. Ministru Germaniz irrezenja fuq kaz ta’ plagjarizmu. Ghala m’ghandux ghalfejn ikollna l-istess standards etici f’pajjizna?
    7 hours ago · Like

    Mark Camilleri L-ebda conspiracy theory ma jiggustifika att ta’ plagjarizmu Nikita Alamango.
    7 hours ago · Like

    Nikita Alamango Int bis serjeta ?? Qed tghix Malta jew le ? Hawn min ikkopja waqt ezami – hawn min seraq mill fondi ta studenti bhali u bhalek u hawn kazi ta korruzjoni cari u hadd f dan il pajjiz ma jirrezenja. Hawn min joqtol u ma jehel xejn. Jien mhux qed niggustifka xejn. Qatt mghidt li jien perfetta pero naf ezatt x gara u xejn mhu se sikkitni. Nerga nghidlek li mhux se nirrezenja .
    7 hours ago · Like · 1 person

    Mark Camilleri M’hemmx ghalfejn taghmilli lecture fuq kemm hu tan-nejk il-PN. Izda jekk il-Partit Laburista jrid ikun ahjar mill-PN, l-istandards etici tieghu jridu jkunu aktar ghola minn tal-PN u dak ifisser li f’kazijiet fejn persuna jinqabad jaghmel att ta’ korruzzjoni jew ta’ plagjarizmu, ghandu jirrezenja minnufih. Jekk dan ma jsirx, mela l-Partit Laburista jkun qed jinzel fl-istess livell medjokri tal-PN.
    7 hours ago · Like · 1 person

    Mark Camilleri Bhal ma jien ma nixtieqx li f’pajjizna jkollna membru parlamentari bhal David Agius, li inqabad jikkopja waqt l-ezamijiet tant iehor ma nixtieqx li l-Partit li nappoggja jien, jkun mmexxi minn persuni li jaghmlu l-istess affarijiet.
    7 hours ago · Like

    Nikita Alamango Mid dehra ma tridx tifhem jew forsi ma jaqbilekx. Iz zmien jghatina parir.
    7 hours ago · Like

    Mark Camilleri M’hemmx x’tifhem sinjura Alamango, il-plagjarizmu hazin, jaghmlu min jaghmlu. Jekk ma tridx taccetta dan il-fatt mela zomm f’mohhok li jien ghalija nqisek bhala politika ta’ l-istess livell medjokri ta’ David Agius u ohrajn.
    7 hours ago · Like

    Nikita Alamango Nirringrazzjak !
    7 hours ago · Like

    Mark Camilleri Nixtieq nfakkrek x’jghid id-dokument intitolat ‘Kummissjoni Etika
    Għall-Midja tal-Partit Laburista’
    9c) Biex jiġi evitat plaġjarizmu, il-ġurnalisti u produtturi gћandhom jagћtu gћarfien xieraq lil min ћaqqu u ma jisirqux il-kitba, filmat, xogћol ta’ ћaddieћor. Gћandu jingћata gћarfien lil materjal minn gћejjun oћra u
    jingћata wkoll gћarfien lill-jeddijiet ta min gћamel ix-xogћol oriġinali.
    7 hours ago · Like

    Maria Frans Briffa nikita ghidilhom kien hemm minn hu fil parlament u ghamel ghar minn hekk u mhux se taqa id dinja id djalogaw bejnitkhom u aslu f xi kompromess nerga nighdlek ghal bread and butter issues ma waqitx id dinja
    2 hours ago · Like

    Maria Frans Briffa u jekk joghgbok sur camielleri int ghal pl jew ghalik qed tahdem
    2 hours ago · Like

    Mark Camilleri Li kieku nahdem ghal-PL, nressaq mozzjoni ufficjali b’permess tal-mekkanizmi tal-partit beix nitlob ir-rizenja ta’ Nikita Alamango, ghax persuni li jiplagjarizzaw u li jaghmlu l-korruzzjoni hsara jistghu jaghmlu lilll-partit u mhux gid. Minflok qed nitlob ir-rizenja taghha bil-pulit pubblikament fuq Facebook ghax jien persuna modesta. Jew int xi wahda minn dawk li kull ma jaghmel il-partit kollox ward u zghar? Filkas prosit, bil-yes men tghdix kemm ha nimxu ‘l quddiem f’dan il-pajjiz.
    about an hour ago · Like

    Maria Frans Briffa daqs kemm imxejjna bin nies bhallek mela ma tafx li il pn l anqas il kriminali ma jgeghlu jirrizenjaw ahsew u ara naqra jekk inhu ikkupjar hi u tidher li ma tahdimx ghal pl ta u jien nahdem ghal pl bl qlieh imma mill qalb ta qalbi issa ghal minn tahdem int ghidilna int
    about an hour ago · Like

    Mark Camilleri L-istess kliem li ghedt lil Nikita hemm fuq jghodd ghalik ukoll: il-hazen li jaghmel il-PN ma jiggustifikax l-izbalji gravi tal-ufficjali tal-PL. Jien tesserrat mal-PL, wara li ma bqajtx membru tal-AD u wara li ma bqajtx l-editur tar-Realta’. Qed nistudja ghal-MA fl-istorja fl-Universita’ ta’ Malta u m’ghandix faham miblul. Ma niddejjaqx nikritika lil Partit li nappoggja jien stess jekk inkun naf li zbalja gahx jien zbukkat. U m’ghandi l-ebda dispjaciri f’hajti. Nahseb jien u int lesti niddiskutu.
    about an hour ago · Like

    Maria Frans Briffa ela jekk int veratesserat ahden ghal ugwaljansvera il hazin tal pn ghalla hares qieghed ghandna ghax kieku jien ma nivvotax pero l a d kieku kellhom hafna hsiebijiet nobbli kif kelli jien meta kont izghar imma jiddispjacini nejdlek li ir realta hija fuq ha nighdilhek bl inglis bread and butter issues meta xi darba id dinja tkun fair ma kullhadd imbghat noqodu nfettqu m
    about an hour ago · Like

    Maria Frans Briffa sorry qed naghgell u nhawwad pero ahdem halli jkollna fairness fuq l affarijiet importanti ghax din hija storja biex ninsew stejjer kbar kbar kbar vat u kriminali u ifhem jekk trid tifhem lil p n ghal llum daqsekk by
    about an hour ago · Like

    Pia Micallef I don’t want to put the limelight on myself at all, but I don’t agree with you Mark. Nikita has done a lot of work for the Labour Party, and I believe that her values are the kind of values the Labour Party needs.

    No person, or political party are perfect… and sometimes we forget this.

    I mean- after all, Nikita does believe in a lot of the things both you and I believe in. And considering her important role within the Labour Party, I think that she can really help get the ball rolling on where we want to go as a country.

    Look I’m not saying that Nikita’s perfect, because she’s human just like you and me- and you might not agree with the fact that she paraphrased an article. But I do believe that she’s an asset to the Labour Party- and I do think she’s an asset to anyone with a liberal mindset.

    Now you can take the mick out of me all you like, you can tell me I don’t know what “progressive” or “liberal” is- you can even call my opinion immature and mindless… but I know Nikita, she’s a friend and a colleague- and to expel her from the PL would be, in my opinion, a very bad idea.
    about an hour ago · Like · 1 person

    Mark Camilleri Le stenna, jien ma tlabtiex tirrezenja mill-PL imma tlabtha biex tirrezenja mill-ezekuttiv u karigi ohra li jista’ jkun li ghandha. Jekk ikollok kariga improtanti fil-Partit u tinqabad tipplagjarizza qed turi li m’intix tajjeb biex jkollok kariga importanti appari li tkun qieghed titfa’ dell ikrah fuq il-Partit. F’gieh kemm hemm, il-plagjarizmu huwa serq intelletwali u ghalija hu att aktar aghar minn serq ta’ oggetti materjali.
    58 minutes ago · Like

    Pia Micallef Would you rather have someone who has the wrong idea but the right “ethics” be part of one of the two main political parties in your country, or someone with the right ideas but has done something that you don’t believe is “ethical”.
    48 minutes ago · Like

    Mark Camilleri u le x’ghandu x’jaqsam, allahres fil-Partit Laburista l-plagjarizmu huwa tollerabbli! Erga’ aqra sew dak li ktibt, int hekk timplika! Sa fejn naf jien dan huwa l-ewwel kaz (sa fejn smajt jien) fejn kien hemm ufficjal tal-Partit li nqabad f’att ta’ plagjarizmu. Li hi vicin tieghi idejologikament xorta m’ghandux x’jaqsam, ghax att bhal dak ghalija huwa att gravi!
    40 minutes ago · Like

    Pia Micallef That was a question, sorry I didn’t add the question mark at the end of the sentence :)
    37 minutes ago · Like

    Mark Camilleri U ejja irrejalizzaw naqa x’ghoxxata saret! Li ufficjal tal-PL jkollu jew ikollha blogg fuq it-Times hija opportunita tad-deheb u ‘ssa din l-opportuntia intilfet b’cucata!
    25 minutes ago · Like

    Mark Camilleri b’cucata gravi ovjament
    25 minutes ago · Like
    Dirk Urpani Niehu gost mark li qed turi kuluri cari fl ahhar, ghax issa zmien id dulliegh ux :) Nikita zbaljat vera imma almenu gharfet li zbaljat u skuzat ruhha….forsi issa it Times ituha lilek dik l- opportunita :) U fl ahhar mill ahhar Nikita m ghamlet hsara lil hadd so dan l ghageb huwa kollu ghax xow…filfatt certi atturi ihobbu hafna ikunu in the limelight…
    18 minutes ago · Like

    • Ronnie the Bear says:

      Here’s at least one Labour activist who can think with the appropriate part of his anatomy:

      Mark Camilleri: “U ejja irrejalizzaw naqa x’ghoxxata saret! Li ufficjal tal-PL jkollu jew ikollha blogg fuq it-Times hija opportunita tad-deheb u ‘ssa din l-opportuntia intilfet b’cucata!”

      He’s the only one who sees the situation for what it is: an ‘ghoxxata’.

      But that’s what you get for choosing an gh*xx to write your blog.

  6. anthony says:

    Imnalla li il-lingwa tat-tribu’ taghna ma jifhima hadd aktar.

    • Ronnie the Bear says:

      You’re wrong, Anthony. Any speaker of Arabic can understand.

    • Paul Bonnici says:

      Do you have to be so demeaning towards the Maltese language?

      You should be proud of your mother tongue. I don’t find English much better sounding than Maltese!

      • Vaux says:

        Comparisons are odious but any way, I think French is a very nice soft-sounding language, with that hint of harmonious vocals.

      • La Redoute says:

        English is not the only language in the world besides Maltese, though it is the mother tongue of many.

      • M. says:

        Demeaning of the Maltese language? Why, it’s as expressive as a language can get, as these “official” Maltese idioms will show you.

        Toni jahra fejn ixommu
        Wiccu u sormu xorta
        Qisek xidja f’sorm il-patri
        Il-qahba mill-jkolla ttik
        Thallat il-hass mall-bass

        Need I go on?

      • Pecksniff says:

        Just stand on any London Underground platform within easy reach of Oxford Street (Primark obviously) and hear them screaming away in our beloved mother tongue with alla, madonna, g***x, l**a freely interspersed with every other word and then you will feel comforted that only compatriots can understand them.

        Hear Maltese abroad and you will have to run a mile in the opposite direction to avoid them.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Demeaning? The language demeans itself. It’s nothing but a pidgin dialect, a Creole patois, elevated to the status of official language. Now we’re having to deal with the consequences. Just look at the story on “uniform reorganisation”.

      • Paul Bonnici says:

        H.P. Baxxter the same could be said about English. English has been forced onto the world by default.

        What about the sound of Dutch, it sounds like choking cows!

        I am proud of my native Maltese language, I could not chose my mother before I was born nor my mother tongue, in fact I studied Arabic to appreciate its beauty even more, an NO I am not Mitoffjan, Mittelkless or a PL creep!

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Bah. I too didn’t choose to learn Maltese, and it’s just taking up part of my brain that could be used for a more useful language.

  7. beauchamp says:

    People very similar to these this will be running the country very soon…….Alla maghna.

    • Ronnie the Bear says:

      They do so already, beauchamp. The mittilkless has taken over, or haven’t you noticed? They’re everywhere, and everything has to be tailored to their taste. Malta is now the MIddle Eastern equivalent of Chav Central.

      Oh, by the way, did you notice that the Manchester looters targeted flat-screen TVs, music system, sports shoes and….Burberry check items?

  8. ciccio2011 says:

    Initially, I thought it was the Gudja-Valletta via Luqa service, and that those ladies were complaining that the bus had not been around the Luqa monument round-about.

    But I think they were complaining for not having been around the Workers’ Memorial in Msida.

    • Ronnie the Bear says:

      As if. That lot wouldn’t know a prick if it hit them between the eyes. There are a few pricks heading up the Labour Party and they actually think they’re the family jewels.

  9. Paul Bonnici says:

    At least in Malta they can have a laugh about this ridiculous situation, believe me if this took place in the UK, they would have definitely come to blows! This video should not bring shame to the Maltese but they should be proud of their light heartedness.

    I lived 35 years in the UK, bus drivers are constantly beaten up, that is why there are many vacancies for bus drivers in the UK!

  10. Malvo says:

    As we used to say when we were young: tal-genn, man.

  11. anthony says:

    The poor girl is in denial.

    Her written Maltese is as pathetic as her written English.

    • Ronnie the Bear says:

      Ah, but she’s liberal and progressive and stood up for divorce. So that makes her stupidity, dishonesty and lack of literacy all right, or so we’re told.

  12. Ronnie the Bear says:

    If ill-bred barnyard fowl could speak Arabic and decided to have a brawl, this is what it would sound like.

  13. Etil says:

    Paul Bonnici – whereabouts in the UK did you live? You say bus drivers are CONSTANTLY being beaten up.

    • Paul Bonnici says:

      Maybe ‘constantly’ was a bit of an exaggeration. That is why there are signs in every bus warning passengers about assaults on bus drivers and bus drivers are now protected by a glass screen.

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