August 25, 2011 at 9:16pm
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Still sends shivers down my spine. THIS is Malta’s history and it should never be forgotten by anyone.
….I was going to say the same thing. It’s the first time I heard this speech.
[Daphne – I watched it live, along with the rest of the country that wasn’t suffering a black-out and had a television set at the time. Perhaps some contextual explanation is required. You know when the camera focuses on the ‘arma ta’ Malta’ (yes, that was the arma ta’ Malta, that thing with the boat and the cactus)? That was what the cameraman was required to do every time a fight broke out in parliament. So first you’d hear lots of loud swearing, then see the Labour MPs running across the floor, then the sound would go off, then the camera would focus fixedly on the ‘arma’ until order was restored. Those who watch this film right through will even see the Speaker of the House storming out.]
Sometimes they forgot to cut off the sound. On one occasion we were treated to the sound of the prime minister of and Salvatur ta’ Malta saying ‘Mur ahra’.
Listening to the speech Dr. Fenech Adami was telling the people the truth about the dire economic situation under Labour.
He easily connected with the people as they were feeling the pain and despair while our neighbours were steadily climbing the economic leader.
For the life of me I really do not understand why half the population still prefers Labour to govern this country. Why do these people want to go back to the “lost years”?
It’s a mystery to me.
Matt. Statisical theory proves that one half of any population is ‘below average’. Just so happens that, in Malta, they all vote Labour.
One hardly needs statistical theory to prove that one half of any population is below average. A rudimentary understanding of what an average is should get you there :)
Actually you’re both wrong, but I get Purdie’s point.
Mothers to be shouldn’t have a look at this heading. Awful names which shouldn’t be copied.
I am surprised that there is no Mwammar, Fidel, Nicolai or Kim with THAT lot.
Or Doms, for that matter.
Dyson, Lipton, Buxton, Tampon and Wonton are still available.
Look who’s talking…GABRIEL(what a silly name) haha guess you are Daphne’s guardian angel. This is a classical And highly regarded speech, although not very applicable to these days. The PN cannot remain il-partit tal-parrocca jew tal-knisja or call it whatever you like. I was never a labour fan, but PN lost its tastes!
[Daphne – Gabriel is a proper name. Larson, Kleavon, Quinton, Byon etc are not. Byon is even a misspelling of Bjorn, though we should be grateful at least that his mother the Labour amateur porn star never saw it written and didn’t know there is an ‘r’ there, because otherwise the little weasel would be called ByoRRRRRRRRn. ‘PN lost its tastes’ – mur mal-partit tal-ingravata hadra, mela, qalbi.]
HardOn anyone?
Rayon, Teflon?
[Daphne – You’re forgetting Dralon and Nylon.]
That speech, and PN before 1987, was anything but parochial.
If anything, it is only post-EU membership that they’ve gone into insular mode. That speech IS applicable, and that mindset should be re-taught to all PN politicians and policy-makers (i.e. this and that “proposta” in PN’s manifesto is there because of some universal principle. We do this and that because we aim to be part of a European system of values. etc etc)
@Maria Spiteri
Gabriel (or Gibril in Arab) is the name of an archangel, as are Raphael and Michael .
The names I referred to earlier ie Mwammar, Fidel, Nicolai or Kim are the names of Dom’s best buddies and heros during the ‘golden era’ of Maltese history. Mwammar Gheddafi , Kim il Yung, Nicolai Caucescu, Fidel Castro…….
How about all those Yans, Yakovs, Yanovs, Raisas…….our neighbour also called his dog Croatia during the trouble there.
Mind you, I’m not sure which is best, this or naming your kids after footballers’ surnames, like Klinsmann.
Seems to work for Klinsmann though. He pulls loads.
Names are an unfortunate thing. It’s one of those things where you’re powerless. Some of us have to bear the cross of our parents’ tragic decision.
@Maria Spiteri
I hardly think that Daphne needs any of my help. But as for you Maria, bet you don’t like my name because you get these visions.
You may be particularly inspired by this link
It was so bad then, that it’s hard to believe that these things happened many a time during the MLP administration.
Thank you, Dear Excellence, you are one of the greatest leaders – honest, hard working, and an example to all politicians. I hope all the Maltese have by now learned what is true politics and what is fake politics. Thank you once more and God bless you.
Any updates on ‘Chiquita’ and the LSE?
‘Why do these people want to go back to the “lost years”?’
The way I see it, the average Labour voter won’t accept the truth that they were scared shitless of Mintoff and his party.
The other half of the population, by voting, by demonstrating, simply by walking into a newsagent’s and asking for an opposition or independent newspaper, showed them that dignity and a minimum of decency were self perpetuating qualities.
They didn’t have what it takes then, and they don’t want it now.
If you listen in to One Radio, you will understand why the young generation of Laburisti sincerely belive that during Mintoff’s and KMB’S regimes , Malta was heaven on earth,
All the old socialist Mintoffijan troglodytes who were more or less discarded by Alfred Sant have been rehabilitated and left to run amok in the Labour media.
You forgot to include Saviour, though he’s old enough to remember the events himself.
The additional parts (2 to 10 and a closing part) are worth watching too. that LP still approves of thugs such as Karmenu Vella and others made watching foreboding, rather than a historic insight.
[Daphne – I strongly recommend parts 6 to 8.]
I can fully understand that two political parties differ on the direction the country is to take. Here in Malta one party wants to take the country forward and another party wants to take the country back to the Golden Years.
Why would half of the population want to self-inflict pain? Why would this half of the population want to lower their standard of living to the levels of the70s? Don’t they care about the future of their children?
[Daphne – They want to go back to the 1970s because they feel themselves losers in the present, Matt. They cant cope with the complicated pressures of modern life – such as they are in cosy Malta – and want to go back to when life was simpler, even if it was more boring and tedious and so much more difficult in other ways. They are the equivalent of those people who think that the 1950s was the golden era of family life, when everything was so much simpler and everyone was so much happier – except that they were not. Most people were miserable.]The MLP must split and the moderates must get a good grip of the party for the sake of Malta.
Exactly Daphne – remember Toni Abela waxing lyrical about those wonderful days when he’d come home from school, to find Mama waiting for him with a ‘borma tfuh’?
What worries me most is that the people who were part of the MLP then, who thought and still think like this, are still an integral part of the PL.
You can change an emblem, or a name, but underneath the sheep’s clothing there might still be a wolf.
How about Dakota, Dementia and Serenace?
or Lyrica.
I’m sure this was a very significant speech at the time, but goodness gracious, someone should have told Eddie that brevity is the soul of wit.
[Daphne – Zachary, it’s still a significant speech, and you might not know this, but that was the only opportunity in the entire year that the opposition leader got to address a national audience on television, albeit via the response to the budget in parliament. Or have you been led to believe that he made television appearance on a daily basis?]