Decorations before gardens

Published: August 26, 2011 at 11:04am

Now where did I last see that cap?

Parliamentary Secretary Jason Azzopardi, who is responsible for the Lands Department, has asked for the renaming of Gaddafi Gardens in Paola. He suggests Libya Gardens instead.

That should have been done six months ago, instead of waiting until now for the eradication of the 0.0000001% chance that Gaddafi would stay in power (talk about hedging your bets).

Better late than never, but the more pressing requirement is stripping that man of his Maltese decorations.

Any news on that, or does somebody still think that there’s an 0.0000000000000000000001% chance that he might make it through?

In any case, this looks like a situation where the right hand doesn’t know what the left is doing, because on 24 June, The Malta Independent had run this story:

No need for Gaddafi Gardens to be renamed
by Scott Grech

Article published on 24 June 2011

There will be no need for the government to rename the Gaddafi Gardens next to the mosque in Paola, Resources and Rural Affairs Minister George Pullicino told this newspaper, because the gardens will soon make way for the new MCAST buildings.

He said the gardens do not fall under the ownership of the Muslim community in Malta but were built on public land at a time when relations between Malta and the Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi were at their closest in the 1970s.

The mosque next to the gardens was built in 1978.

On 10 June, the Mepa board approved two applications which will kick-start the construction work on a new MCAST campus at Corradino. The first application regarded the excavation of the big football ground next to the current campus. The second application regarded the construction of the first three of the many colleges that the campus will eventually house.

According to Mepa, the Gaddafi Gardens will make way for new sports facilities, which will be connected to the main campus thanks to a bridge.

The works should be completed within 18 months’ time. MCAST is aiming to attract over 8,000 full-time students and 13,000 part-time students by 2015.

Shortly after the start of the Libyan crisis in mid-February, many urged the government to sever all its ties with the Libyan leader and to rename the gardens in Paola.

Col Gaddafi was made honorary member of the ‘Xirka Gieħ ir-Repubblika’ on 5 December, 1975 and honorary companion of honour of the National Order of Merit on 8 February, 2004.

On 8 March, the Attorney General said that honours bestowed on Col Gaddafi by Malta can only be revoked by the President acting on a resolution approved by Parliament.

Dr Peter Grech was replying to a letter sent by former Nationalist MP Frank Portelli to the President calling on him to revoke honours given to Col Gaddafi.

10 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    A trivial question – someone got the hat. What happened to the rest of the uniform and the medals?

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    “Any news on that, or does somebody still think that there’s an 0.0000000000000000000001% chance that he might make it through?”

    KMB still thinks his mentor has a fighting chance. Never was there more steadfast cheerleading.

  3. Dee says:

    When will the government of Malta see fit to strip the rat of his Malta decoration? When his unworthy miserable carcass is dragged through the streets of Tripoli as a war trophy?

  4. Tony says:

    The garden should not be renamed. It should stay there so we that we are forced to remember the days when the Maltese governement was dishing out public property, titles and honours to Gaddafi and his regime.

    I would also fit a small permanent exhibit next to it with some photos of those not so glorious days, lest we forget.

  5. tal hgieg says:

    H.P. Baxxter

    Jien nghid li KMB huwa iktar perswaz minn Gaddafi illi ser jerga jqum fuq saqajh gaddafi gewwa il-Libya.

    Halluh ikompli jghid fuq l-Smash TV – wara kollox ma ghandniex id-dritt illi jkollna kummidjant li jifqana bid-dahq?

    Jien iktar minnkom ghax narah kulljum u meta narah nibda nidhaq minghajr ma jlissen kellma.

  6. tal hgieg says:

    Tony, hallieh lil Reno.

    Dak kummidjant iehor. L-aqwa li jkun ghaddej bil-briefcase tal-gilda kannella, vojta bhal mohhu.

  7. neville pace says:

    Probably the rebels took the Malta decoration before us. It is certainly on someone’s battle jacket

    • Joethemaltaman says:

      Are you referring to the one Mintoff gave him, or the one from our dear Gwido in 2004? Impressive what a warm hug Pepsi gave the Colonel in the previous video. They must have been real buddies.

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