If they're going to run the country like they run their news site….

Published: August 20, 2011 at 7:45pm

Others might have a bandwagon, but Labour has a flying ship

Earlier today, Maltastar reported on the first known sighting of an airborne ship: M.V. MARIA DOLORES ON HUMANITARIAN AIR MISSION.

Now they’re headlining with the news ‘BOAT CRASHES INTO MARSA PORT’.

And to really make things interesting, there’s a mall in that port, because that’s the bit of the port that the boat crashed into.

Habat mal-moll, tafux.

“For some reason the ship, or one of the tug boats crashed into a mall in the port and managed to destroy it. The mall is part of the Marsa Regatta club.”

Sack the lot of them.

“It managed to destroy it” – il-la, how clever it is, to manage something like that.

36 Comments Comment

  1. psaila says:

    Sack the man who read the news on One this evening. He was wearing a skinny tie.

    Dear Director, One News,
    Athough skinny ties are making a come back your newscaster, whom I’ve seen wearing a thin necktie, must keep in mind that his suit and dress shirt should have been updated as well to keep everything in proportion.

    One reason for the return of the thin necktie is due to the slimming down of men’s suits. Apparently the man reading the news this evening was not wearing a dress shirt or a skinny suit, and he/they should never either since their representing supposedly serious TV and not preparing themselves for a night out in Paceville.

    A good rule of thumb to follow is that the tie shouldn’t be more than a half-inch wider than the jacket’s lapel. Your reader’s jacket was not in proportion with the tie.

    Thin neckties look best on very thin men, go well with narrow shirt collars or button-down shirts, so please inform your newscasters that they should not wear a thin tie with a broad collar shirt. Ever.


  2. Pecksniff says:


    Now here is Saviour Balzan with his “open letter” of advice to Joseph Muscat.

  3. Neil Dent says:

    Has Evarist Bartolo taken over there yet or not? Decided against it maybe.

  4. Christian says:

    Is Mr. Bartolo running maltastar.com?

    Then it’s time for a change.

    [Daphne – Apparently, it’s Glenn Bedingfield (pronounced Glann Badingfield).]

  5. davidg says:

    I predicted that a landfill site is needed rather than a skip and that a recycling plant is out of question.After 2013 we need compactors to minimize the environmental effects of the landfill in sight.

  6. I.R.A.B. says:

    Absolutely brilliant. I’m in fits. I think I’d have never figured out what they meant by mall if you hadn’t explained it.

  7. Pecksniff says:

    A comment on timesofmalta.com has described the Libyan rebels as a “rag tag” army.

    Better the rag tag army than Gaddafi any day.

    It has an added bonus for Malta in that we will be getting rid of a malign influence that has conditioned our internal and external politics from 1971 to 1987.

    By the way, it seems Abdelsallem Jalloud has defected to the rebels as well; remember him toing and froing between Tripoli and Malta in the “golden years”.

    What is it that they say about rats and a sinking ship?

  8. Antoine Vella says:

    Speaking of malapropisms, Saviour Balzan has written an open letter to Joseph Muscat and assured him that “none of this letter is plagiarised. Poor Nikita Alamango and stupid David Agius would have carelessly copied some missal and sent it you.”

    It’s good that he didn’t copy a missal of course; Joseph Muscat might have thought the letter was from a priest. A Dionysian one perhaps.

    Balzan also warns Muscat to beware “the burocracy (sic) that inflicts every segment of government.”


    • el bandido guapo says:

      I’m thinking, maybe it should have been plagiarised.

      What a rant! A totally unreadable one at that. The only valid points made appear to have been cribbed from this site.

      And he does visit, regularly, as is evidenced by terminology used.

      Sad man!

  9. C Falzon says:

    Ships do occasionally crash into malls, nothing unusual there.


  10. The chemist says:

    I thank the lord everyday we are dealing with such f..kwits.

  11. K Farrugia says:

    Has anyone watched at least part of that gem on ONE TV this evening, celebrating the 20 years of ONE radio?

    Among Miriam Dalli’s interviewees were Roberto Francalanza and newly appointed head of news Mark Farrugia. The cherry on the cake towards the end: a speech by Anglu Farrugia.

  12. anthony says:

    What extraordinary ships.

    The Maria Dolores flies on a humanita(i)rian mission to North Africa.

    The other vessel first crashes into a harbour, then turns amphibious and after considerable effort gets to a mall and destroys it.

  13. ciccio2011 says:

    Flying ship? It must be the GuZEPPELIN. Full of hot air.

  14. alexs says:

    What is the difference between mall, quay / wharf?

  15. ciccio2011 says:

    Those people on the boat must have planned the attack on the mall really well to have managed to destroy it.

  16. Marcus says:

    First a Poodle, now some Elves, soon a few Hobbits; this whole affair will soon put JRR Tolkien to shame.

  17. Pat Zahra says:

    Nittama li jitilghu fl-elezzjoni li gejja halli l-generazjoni l-gdida tbati kif batejna ahna. Hekk biss jitghallmu ghaliex dawn posthom fl-oppozizzjoni u mkien aktar.

  18. Randolph says:


  19. red nose says:

    Claire Bonello very clearly explains all this today in The Sunday Times. Daphne has been saying the same thing for ages.

  20. Jozef says:

    Someone must be spiking their drinks.

    So if moll is a mall, does a molla become a mallet?

  21. Farrugia says:

    Maltastar has mauled the English language for long enough that they nearly ‘managed to destroy it’.

    By the way, who is responsible for this e-newspaper?

  22. Delacroixet says:

    Plagiarism strikes again.

    Leo Brincat – Euro crisis and China – Times of Malta

    François Godement – The euro crisis as seen from China

    Notice the usage of common phrases such as “to bolster their own creditworthiness,” ““throwing good money after bad,” and the poaching of unusual words like “overdependence.” Some of the statistics, especially the information on the Piraeus deal was pilfered from an inflammatory article by Verena Schälter on The Final Call.

    Admittedly, the ‘paraphrasing’ here is a lot better than Ms. Alamango’s. What is it with the leading lights of Labour and economics? Thank god suffering fools is not illegal.

    • ciccio2011 says:

      This report also refers to the Godement report, and Mr. Brincat’s article contains sentences lifted almost intact:


      “China bought Greek bonds “as a quid pro quo for a 35-year-lease on Piraeus harbour and a deal to finance the purchase of Chinese ships” in June 2010…”

      “Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain now represent 30 per cent of Chinese investments in Europe…”

      “The next month it promised to buy €1bn of Spanish bonds”

  23. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Perhaps a few words on the situation in Tripoli? There’s an anti-Ghaddafi carcade in Paola, and a crowd of Libyan expats is celebrating near Paola mosque.

    • Kenneth Cassar says:

      Expect Maltese whiners, who never complain about noisy petards during their pseudo-pagan village celebrations, to complain about the noisy celebrations of the end of a murderous dictatorship.

  24. David S says:

    It’s incredible how Joseph accepts such amateurism. Can’t he get Marisa Micallef to proofread Maltastar, besides being a tea lady at Mile End?

  25. Jozef says:

    Apropos Saviour Balzan and ‘his’ advice, there’s one in particular;

    ‘I would suggest a closer look at the resources and independence of the judiciary, the police and the auditor general.

    At the importance of giving the role of the Commission on Corruption to a enquiring magistrate and of giving an executive role’.

    Apart from the fact that the wording indicates suggestions made in pencil, (a magistrate, it seems, wasn’t deemed enough), I would like to know who Saviour deems fit for this role.

    Or am I seeing things?

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