Il-Kunsill Lokali Qijjen Barra Fuq Xoghol – ghax issa niktbu bid-djalett, taf kif, bhal Thomas Hardy

Published: August 8, 2011 at 12:34pm

27 Comments Comment

  1. Malcolm Bonnici says:

    I think that that is “qijjeD”. Yes it does look like an N but it is actually a D.

    • Reporter says:

      Yes it is undoubtedly a “D” – but still: who the heck wrote QIJJED?! Is this Josephmuscatspeak – HobbuWWWha??

      Did the Secretary write this? Or the Mayor? Or the Inspector?

      • cat says:

        Muscat jitkellem bl-accent imma nahseb li meta jikteb bil-Malti jaf x’ghandu jikteb (jew almenu nispera).

    • La Redoute says:

      The correct spelling is “qieghed”.

    • Anthony says:

      What’s the difference?
      “Qieghen’ would have been better than “Qijjed”

      ………and our taxes are given to this sort of creature.

    • Not Tonight says:

      Took me some time to figure out it meant ‘qieghed’. I can’t believe people with this level of education put themselves forward for election. Who voted these illiterates into office?

      • chavsRus says:

        You are assuming that an elected councillor wrote it. Much more likely to have been written by some clerk employed cos she or he is the second cousin of the Minister’s driver.

        [Daphne – Try to avoid using Facebookisms like ‘cos’. It irritates me and makes you seem infantile and retarded.]

      • Not Tonight says:

        If mine was a pure assumption, what would you call yours? You must admit that my assumption was much more plausible than yours.

  2. ciccio2011 says:

    The Local Council is on duty overseas. Thank you.

  3. Anthony says:

    I think it’s not Thomas Hardy, rather Laurel and Hardy.

  4. Matt B says:

    While not commending the Church for dragging its feet on the issue, Kurt Sansone’s reporting – not to say that he turned up unannounced demanding answers – shows how The Times’ standards have gone to the dogs.

    What a pity.

    • Matt B says:

      … and this afternoon, took down the original article and the video that was linked above.

  5. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Duh. When the vast majority speak in a dialect, the spelling follows. “Qijjed” would be the Burmarrad dialect, among others. That’s where we get some of our great leaders.

  6. cat says:

    Il-kaligrafija u s-sura ta’ dik in-nota ma huma xejn sew.

  7. P Borg says:

    Is that Lou Bondi taking the photo Daphne?!

    [Daphne – No.]

  8. Michelle Pirotta says:

    Another option is that they are wiser than us and have actually spelt in the way they believe they would be understood by the local population.

    Well, probably not!

  9. C Falzon says:

    How did they get ‘xogħol’ right ? Well, almost right at least.

  10. J. Aquilina says:

    May we have the pleasure of knowing which Local Council is involved here?

    [Daphne – Gudja]

  11. Ian says:

    In separate news-

    Who on earth writes these things? They can’t punctuate, let alone write decent articles, to save their lives.

    Taking just one example: “Nobody is safe,Everybody, especially if one includes their family has something they would not like made public” – WTF are they on about?

  12. A Grech says:

    You never told us which Kunsill Lokali this is :))

    [Daphne – Gudja]

  13. Alistor Farrugia says:

    Much ado about nothing Daphne

    [Daphne – If you know what that means, you should also know that it’s Alistair, not Alistor – unless it’s your real name, that is, and your mother named you after the corner shop, Ali’s Stor.]

  14. toni cachia says:

    Jekk tridu taraw tabella ohra b’ortografija hazina morru fuq is-swar ta’ l-Imdina. (Jiddispjacini ma nafx kif tuza l-Keyman Keyboard jew font iehor Malti hawnhekk. Inkun grat jekk xi hadd jghidli.)

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