In 18 months, we're going to get the deputy prime minister the underclass deserves

Published: August 16, 2011 at 4:30pm


Here’s Anglu Farrugia, the man who in just 18 months will be deputy prime minister of Malta and minister of the interior, the man who confused the Statue of Liberty with the Empire State Building and still got its name wrong and called it the Empire Station, wishing Dom Mintoff a happy birthday on…..Facebook:


Il-Perit kif nafuh huwa dak li ghamel l-istorja ta’ pajjizna.Ghamel pajjiz veru indipendenti minghajr il-barrani f’pajjizna w Bena repubblika mibnija fuq ix-xoghol.

Nehha l-faqar u ta dinjita lill-haddiem u ghamlu nies.Tah dar fejn jistken u nehha l-faqar. U aktar u aktar. Ghad rridu nibquk ghal snin ta snin . Grazzi petit miltos anni .


And here’s another brilliant illustration of his underclass mentality, and his total inability to rise above and beyond it.

Anglu Farrugia on Facebook:

Ghada 31/7 sa niltaqa ma’ Shanna l-Maltin I l-Ghawdxin fil-club taghhom f’Astoria,New York u sa naghmel prezentazzjoni ta’ kotba Maltin f’suggetti varji , kopja tal-opera Maltija Gensna u medalja kommerattivs . Unur ghaliha li naghmel san f’isrm il-Partit Laburista f’isrm il-mexxej Josep Muscat

I absolutely cannot even bear to think about what he planned to do f’isrm il-Partit Laburista and f’isrm il-mexxej Josep Muscat. The images that spring unbidden to mind are just plain horrendous.


Anglu Farrugia’s speech, quoted on Facebook:

“This is a great honour to be among my fellow country men which gives me more strenght to work in the interest of our common country of origin, Malta.

49 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    18 months, eh? Yet it wasn’t so long ago that another PL leader sent shivers down the spine – for all the wrong reasons too.

  2. maryanne says:

    He’s going to work wonders ” mill-ewwel jum”:

    Dwar il-qasam tax-xoghol l-inkwiet tieghi hu li hemm loghob qawwi bic-cifri dwar min effettivament qed jahdem, kif qed jahdem u l-isfruttament tal-haddiema taghna li lum spiccaw jahdmu xoghol prekarju minghajr ebda ghazla.
    Fuq dan ahna bhala tmexxija tal-Partit Laburista, niltaqghu b’mod regolari mal-General Workers Union u qeghdin naraw kif mill-ewwel jum ta’ Gvern Laburista kull haddiem ikun zgurat li jkollu paga dicenti u drittijiet kollha li taghti il-Ligi.

  3. SM says:

    Definitely not Petit.

    Three mistakes in two languages in one title, he should submit it to Guinness.

    I think this guy is dyslexic.

    Is dyslexia a requirement to join the police force in Malta? I have yet to meet a serving or former policeman who can spell.

    Ad multos annos, follis.

    • Charmaine says:

      Dyslexia is a terrible affliction which is not to be made fun of. What’s easy to you and me is a daily struggle for dyslexics.

      Please make the distinction between the inability to spell due to an inherent condition and the inability to spell due to the ignorant refusal to learn to do so. The ‘character’ described above almost definitely falls into the latter classification.

      • Marcus says:

        You’re quite right when you say that, “Dyslexia is a terrible affliction which is not to be made fun of.”

        However I would love to know how you arrived at your conclusion that, “The ‘character’ described above almost definitely falls into the latter classification.”

    • John Schembri says:

      People with dyslexia are different, and have to struggle a lot with letters and numbers.

      Persons who are dyslexic expect an apology from this ignoramus who came out of some cave.

      • Charmaine says:

        Marcus, it is easy to reach that conclusion. Dyslexics are painfully aware of their inability to spell, so are very rigorous when writing – using dictionaries, spell checks etc.

        A person who writes for public consumption yet doesn’t care about spelling and the correct use of grammar and punctuation is not dyslexic but is someone who just can’t be bothered. Hence the conclusion.

  4. La Redoute says:

    Petit Mintoff? The full size version was bad enough.

    Why does Anglu Farrugia say that Mintoff made Malta truly independent of ‘foreigners’? That would mean that Joe Grima was lying when he said that Mintoff’s government depended on handouts from Gaddafi to prop up welfare payments.

  5. Catsrbest says:

    And if unfortunately the change does happen I will pray that he will break Alfred Sant’s record.

  6. JPS says:

    Are you so sure that Labour will win the next election or is it a case of listing it constantly in your blogs to make us more aware of the sad situation should they win?

    [Daphne – I look at it this way, JPS. Alfred Sant, who was tried, tested and despised, almost won last time – just 750 people swung it – and things haven’t got better for the Nationalists. There’s more spite, more whining and even more stupidity. Another factor: last time, the new voters got behind Gonzi en masse, even those whose parents are Labour. The new voters this time, at one step removed from Alfred Sant and the battle over EU membership, are not likely to do the same. Link that to the fact that people in our age cohort have decided that it’s unhealthy for the Nationalists to win another term in government, even if the alternative – a Labour government – is going to be unhealthy for the country.]

    • pm says:

      Daphne, don’t you think that the Nationalists themselves are making it easier to be ousted out of government? The way they are “governing (?) unfortunately tells us that they are fed up.

      [Daphne – What’s wrong with the way they’re governing? It’s the way they’re communicating (or failing to do so) that’s the problem.]

  7. Mustaccun says:

    Anglu Farrugia on Facebook:

    “Qisu l-bierah ftaht il-pagna tieghi fuq Facebook. Diga 3000 habib. Grazzi lilkom ilkoll. Nipprova nzommkom kemm nista’ aggornat minn dawn il-pagni. Fejn ma nlahhaqx aghdruni, zgur li tifhmu l-impenji varji tieghi.
    July 8 at 11:09am”

  8. Jozef says:

    Quite a Freudian slip there, addressing Joseph by mistake.

  9. Mustaccun says:

    And more (he switches to English to address Cyrus ghax dak minn Tas-Sliema):

    “Anglu Farrugia:

    Dear Cyrus Engerer,
    Welcome on board the Labour family. We grow stronger by the minute because the nation is now more than ever looking at Labour as the only means of righting the sorry mess they’ve put our country through. Kuragg, hbieb.”

    • La Redoute says:

      The good ship Labour Family. Welcome on board. This is your would-be captain speaking.

      We are now going to navigate the mess that the nation put our country through. No, we’re not telling you which nation that was. We’re too busy pretending we’re working on policy. You’ll just have to trust us.

      Kuragg, hbieb.

  10. Grezz says:

    It must be really easy to graduate in law from the University of Malta, and still people like Charlon Gouder fail their exams and others like Nakita Alamango can’t even get into the course.

  11. Marku says:

    Mid-dehra dak il-privat kollhu tal-Latin minn widna dahallu u minn ohra hariglu.

  12. Marku says:

    PS. I’m glad he shaved his mustache as it makes him look rather like Lorry Sant – no doubt someone whom he will emulate when in government.

  13. Andre says:

    “Min daq lil Mintoff japorezza dejjem ahjar it-tmexxija ghaqliha.”

    This comment just makes me shudder.

  14. Andre says:

    In another comment about the Mintoff era, Dr Farrugia says: “Prosit lil kulhadd ghax Malta baqghet timxi b’xi mod grazzi ghall-politika dejjem li nigges f’pajjizna”

    Does he really mean nigges (to pollute)?

  15. Mustaccun says:

    Does anyone know what ‘Shanna l-Maltin’ means?

  16. H.P. Baxxter says:

    “Petit Mintoff”.

    The perfect description of Joseph Muscat.

  17. Pecksniff says:

    I never condone violence from any quarter (refugees, police, army, bouncers,….) but the racists are out in force.

    • La Redoute says:

      They’re never hidden. In the interests of scientific accuracy, I suggest setting up a control experiment – corral several hundred racists and put them into substandard living conditions with nothing to do, and let’s see how long their self-control will last.

  18. Ghajn Tuffieha says:

    Please don’t tell me his prezentazzjoni includes the Statue of Liberty’s torca f’isrm il-mexxej Josep Muscat.

    Can’t wait to see Mlatastr’s ‘Angluf’isrmjosephmuscatgoodpic’.

  19. Carmel Scicluna says:

    F’isrm il-familja tijej u f’srmi niringrazja lil Anglu u lil Joe tana tal-gid kbir li qed jamlu al uliedi, jien gej min familja labulista u mil-gdid f’srmi nibqa nistmakom u nillingkazzjom u ntikom il-one zkur zkur halli dafni toqod tejr alikom.

    • Pecksniff says:

      And I thought my Maltese was below par.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      F’srm il-kontributuri kolla ta dal blogg, proset. Dan li nejd qed nejdu f’srm il-poplu Malti w Ghawdxi, ax f’srmhom biss nistaw namlu progress. ahna wrejna li mux billi jkollok srm biz-zewg srmijiet, bhal Dafeni imma tahbi srmek. Biex turi kemm int ragel trid tikxef srmok.

      [Is this right? Ed.]

  20. Fenech M says:

    Mintoff is on Facebook, maybe he read his message.

  21. Paul Borg says:

    Mhux ad multos annos…..imma Liberanos Domine.

  22. working mum says:

    I agree with the government not communicating bit, which is a shame. I think it’s absurd not to use the same communication strategy from 20 years ago.

  23. ciccio2011 says:

    Mintoff’s reply to Anglu’s message on Facebook:
    “U mur h*d* f’isrm il-Partit Laburista f’isrm il-mexxej Josep Muscat”

    • Carmel Scicluna says:

      Meta kien jirrabja l-Petit Mintoff kien jaghti bis-sieq mal-iskrivanija u jzelzel wahda f’wahda bil-Madonna.

  24. Dee says:

    “f’isrm il-mexxej Josep Muscat.”
    Oh my God.

  25. C Falzon says:

    “I absolutely cannot even bear to think about what he planned to do f’isrm il-Partit Laburista and f’isrm il-mexxej Josep Muscat. The images that spring unbidden to mind are just plain horrendous.”

    … Ad multos anus.

  26. red nose says:

    I challenge DOCTOR Anglu Farrugia to give us the full meaning of “LL.D”
    Shame on those people who made him a lawyer before testing his elementary grade of schooling. But giving LABOUR people a title was in fashion.

  27. Etil says:

    ‘Here’s Anglu Farrugia, the man who in just 18 months will be deputy prime minister of Malta and minister of the interior,’

    Liberamus domine.

  28. bri says:


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