Joseph Cuschieri on Facebook: "Labour fil-Gvern ghall-Laburisti"

Published: August 13, 2011 at 9:26pm

As camp as a row of tents: Jason roughs it with MEPA officer Omar Cucciardi

You remember how Jason Micallef mentioned the other day that he is standing for election to help ensure a Labour victory, and that his ‘glorja personali tigi wara’.

Well, he must have received an enthusiastic response, because here’s his update:

M’hawnx isbah mill-qalb kbira u genwina tal-LABURISTI. Ergajt esperjenzajtha bil-kbir fl-ahhar jumejn. Mill-gdid GRAZZI KBIRA lilkom ilkoll.

And Malta’s ‘sixth MEP’, who I last saw on Thursday night fooling around with a bunch of idiots at the bottom of Dingli Street in Sliema (grow up, Joseph), is not to be outdone, posting his own Facebook awguri to Jason:

Nahdmu dejjem ghal ghan wiehed bhal ma dejjem ghamilna – Labour fil-Gvern ghall-Laburisti u fl-interess tal-poplu Malti u Ghawdxi kollu. U ghal dan il-ghan inkomplu naghmlu kull sagrificju personali bhal ma ghamilna fil-passat. Awguri Jason!

Ma, x’qabda kretini. As somebody commented on this site, Muscat hasn’t got a skip. He’s got a ruddy landfill site.

14 Comments Comment

    • Jeanette says:

      It does make me wonder whether, now that these priests have been defrocked, the Curia still has any authority to stop them from appealing their jail sentences.

      [Daphne – Defrocked or not, it doesn’t. Priests are not outside the law, as many of us have been at great pains to point out. It works both ways.]

      What are the MSSP’s and Archbishop’s apologies worth if the Curia is going to pay for a lawyer to help them have the verdict overturned?

  1. antcam says:

    Patetiku ghall-ahhar. Hope his term is over before he makes a single cent out of it. L-image ta’martri tixraqlu.

  2. Dr Francis Saliba says:

    “Labour fil-Gvern ghall-Laburisti …”.

    I remember hearing that song before, and if my memory serves me right the singer was a Debono Grech. However he was not so silly as to pretend that the discriminatory treatment would be carried out ” … fl-interess tal-poplu Malti u Ghawdxi kollu.”

    Plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose.

  3. M. says:

    Labour fil-gvern ghall-Laburisti? Did anyone ever have any doubt?

  4. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Tista’ tghaddi messagg lill-istrategy group tal-PN, li minghalihom li huwa gustifikat li tkun kretin jekk “taghti kaz lill-poplu”? Jien qtajt qalbi u m’ghandix poltiical clout. Forsi minnek, jew minn RCC, jisimghu.

  5. anthony says:

    “Labour fil-gvern ghal-laburisti.”

    Everyone else dreads the thought.

  6. Ray Camilleri says:

    u iva x’qed teqirdu! bhallikieku l-PN mhux gvern ghan-Nazzjonalisti… lanqas li mhux ovvja ukoll! Two friggin’ tribes… and the list of PN wierdos and hamalli u njoranti is just as long as Labour’s… two skips…for mixed waste.

  7. Christian says:

    These people were finally side-lined by the PL, and because they haven’t got two brain cells to rub together, they simply haven’t realized that yet. In my opinion, whatever they say is quite irrelevant.

  8. Vaux says:

    ‘tenting’ for fund-raisng, no? I am getting more and more confused by Labour.

  9. Dr Francis Saliba says:


    The dinosaurs are back.

    Your second paragraph repeats what I said, translated into English.

  10. Ginga says:

    Bhal issa hemm in-Nazzjonalisti fil-Gvern ghan-Nazzjonalisti BISS tafux !

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