"Let me through! I'm not an eye surgeon, I'm a tacky whore!"
August 31, 2011 at 1:15pm
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” ….. she entered Libya as the guest of her ‘boyfriend’ Mutassim, Gadaffi’s fifth son. She describes him as friendly, a playboy who would spend a fortune in a weekend …. ”
Looking like Keanu Reeves is an added bonus.
” ….. We head for the harbour to try and get on the Triva 1, a small Maltese freight boat which has been stuck there for three days.
It is finally unloading. In a city in need of food, workers are piling up bags of dog food…… ”
We sent dog food?? Tell me this is a joke.
‘No straight answers, no straight life’.
Superbly qualified for the PL skip.
And here she is on the ‘save the doggies’ boat.
Geez! Keep them coming.
On another note, why did we send dog food to Libya?
quote from http://www.dutchnews.nl: “In the hectic days before the fall of the military complex Bab al Azizya she slept on the bathroom floor in the five star Corinthia hotel”.
Was the Corinthia Bab Africa in Tripoli a coincidental refuge for Miss Talitha Van Zon or was it being used to house ‘tacky whores’ like this?
Just three addenda of many, which are made possible through Google:
Classic golddigger–nice bod, no brains.
Another one just sprung to mind. However, bad bod, no brains. Sits on a bench in Valletta. Quite a high one. No scruples. Available to anyone who has ‘potential” power.
Pity she’s not Maltese. She’d have made a great new recruit for GaddafiPL, being from the skip and all…
Revolutions suck.
[Daphne – “Van Zon (…) was even flown out as a member of Mutassim’s entourage for his annual Caribbean excursion.” Did Joe Sammut pick up the tab on behalf of his client Mutassim?]
M’hawnx xi gurnalist imur jistenna lil Joe Sammut hiereg mill-ufficcju u jwahhallu microphone ma’ halqu u jistaqsih erbgha mistoqsijiet sura? Jew lill-politici biss jaghmlu hekk.
Charlon Gouder.
But don’t hold your breath.
Dog food they say?
lol @ the title of this article.
Re the madam in question, was she in the business of sourcing women for the Gaddafi sons?
Yes, according to a friend (not Mutassim Gaddafi) who went with her to Libya.
“A girlfriend of Ms van Zon who was with her in Tripoli earlier this year brought charges against Mutassim Gaddafi for sexual assault upon her return to the Netherlands.
She has now also accused Ms van Zon of people trafficking. Her lawyer, Bram Moszkowicz, says his client (who wishes to remain anonymous) believes Ms van Zon received money for inviting her to Libya.
Sent to Malta as Mutassim’s gift to Joe Sammut for good bookkeeping?