News Flash: Labour reveals its first policy. Se jhottu l-barrieri.

Published: August 31, 2011 at 4:13pm

We were all so busy laughing at Labour’s use of the word ‘jabbracca’ instead of ‘ihaddan’ in Monday’s press statement (STQARRIJA MAHRUGA MILL-UFFICJU TAL-KOMUNIKAZZJONI – IL-PARTIT LABURISTA JABBRACCA D-DIVERSITA) that we overlooked the sneak announcement of what must be the first policy initiative from that electoral programme Karmenu Vella is keeping so close to his chest.

It was right there, buried in the statement itself:

Dr Muscat qal li din iċ-ċelebrazzjoni kienet l-ewwel tax-xorta tagħha għal partit politiku u li jistenna li se jkun hemm kritika għal din l-inizjattiva. Imma dan huwa li jsaħħaħ lill-Partit Laburista bhala organizazzjoni li jrid iħott il-barrieri u jemmen f’pajjiż b’soċjetà miftuħa li tirrispetta lil kulħadd.

That’s it: Labour has pledged to dismantle quarries, though how it will do that – given that they would more properly need to be filled in – is a matter for its Tink-Tenk IDEAT.

Edward Montebello, who works for the Islamic School while producing 'news' for Super One

But there’s more. The Great Leader

Tkellem ukoll dwar id-diffikultajiet li għaddejja minnhom l-iskola Mariam Albatool u tenna l-appoġġ sħiħ tal-Partit Laburista biex din l-iskola li qed tagħmel ħafna ġid tkompli miexja ‘il quddiem.

Of course, he failed to mention that the Labour Party and the Gaddafi-funded (that’s why it’s now in financial difficulties) Islamic school share at least one employee: Edward Montebello, who works for Super One news while teaching history at the school.

He’s the one whose voice was recognised by at least two people on that ‘Joe Mizzi’ video, and whose name the police have as a result.

31 Comments Comment

  1. Louis Camilleri says:

    Oh God. They translated ‘remove barriers’ as ‘ihott il-barrieri’. If they ‘move Castille’ in the same way they translate into their mother tongue, god bless us all.

  2. Fred Flintstone says:

    You’ve got me there, Joey.

  3. Dee says:

    “Tkellem ukoll dwar id-diffikultajiet li għaddejja minnhom l-iskola Mariam Albatool u tenna l-appoġġ sħiħ tal-Partit Laburista biex din l-iskola li qed tagħmel ħafna ġid tkompli miexja ‘il quddiem.”

    How does he plan to do that?

    Church schools signed an agreement with the government where they gave church property in lieu of the salaries paid to its teachers.

    What will Marian Albatool school school give to the tax payer in lieu for the appogg shih tal-PL when and if it gets elected?

    • La Redoute says:

      Maybe they’re going to share some of what they got in that infamous 2008 agreement – between a political party and a Jamahariya.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Dee, they’re not planning to do anything. These are the usual empty words Muscat pronounces on such occasions.

      • Dee says:

        In other words, Joseph is trying to pull a fast one on the local Muslim community for the sake of political expediency.

    • A. Charles says:

      I’ll tell you what’s going on in that school.

      Children are taught to recite the Koran by rote and not to recite it in front of infidels.

    • cat says:

      Skuzi l-istudenti ta’ l-iskola Miriam Albatool jistghu imorru skola tal-gvern. L-iskejjel tal-gvern dejjem laqghu lil kulhadd.

      Hemm ukoll l-iskejjel privati indipendenti li mhux ser jirrifjutawhom.

      Jekk din il-komunita’ ma tridx tithallat mal-kumplament tal-poplu problema taghha.

      L-ischool principal ghax l-ex kandidata Laburista, Maria Camilleri?

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Ex kandidata Laburista, u futura ambaxxatrici fi Tripoli. Issa tara.

      • Dee says:

        Wrong, Mr Baxxter.

        On ONE radio she’s headlined as an expert in education, a ‘headmistress for years at a private school’. On the same Labour station, she spews vitriol during her review of the newspapers and goes on about the politico-religiious disputes of the 1960s.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        OK, some special consultant on education to a future Labour government then.

  4. Tanya says:

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE the last line of this piece about Charlon Gouder:

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Do all these guys look like total nerds?

      Pin the medals on Gouder’s chest – does he have one in the first place?

  5. anthony says:

    Thott is to dismantle not to remove.

    It is a verb close to the PL’s heart.

    It is what it excels in. It is what all fools are good at.

    That was exactly what the 16 Golden Years were all about.

    Hattew Malta.

  6. Dee says:

    “Of course, he failed to mention that the Labour Party and the Gaddafi-funded (that’s why it’s now in financial difficulties) Islamic school share at least one employee: Edward Montebello, who works for Super One news while teaching history at the school.”

    They share more then that.

    A prominent Mintuffjana who was one of the first to be rehabilitated back into Joey’s skip runs that school, and has done so from the start in the Golden Gaddafi Years.

    Hmany children of Muslim immigrant families currently residing in detention centres are being educated at Malta’s only Islamic school, instead of in the state school system?

  7. Mediterranean says:

    Altogether now then.

    Edward Montebello teaches at this Islamic school and produces news for Labour’s One TV.

    Maria Camilleri, a Mintoffjani sidelined by Sant and welcomed back by Muscat, also a Labour MEP candidate, is the school headmistress.

    Joe Sammut, former treasurer of the Labour Party, holds funds and pays bills for Mutassim and Saadi Gaddafi (and those are the two family members we actually know about) while lobbying the Maltese government for visas for his Gaddfi loyalist friends.

    Former Labour prime minister Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici is Gaddafi frontline defender.

    Karmenu Vella, who has been a Labour MP for almost 40 years and who is writing Joseph’s electoral programme for 2013, is mentioned in CIA reports as somebody who is a ‘Malta Labour Party contact’ when you need to export toys to Tripoli.

    And Libya/Gaddafi financed Labour Party activities and campaigns.

    How’s that for a liberal and progressive party? No wonder they still descibe the L-Orizzont as an independent newspaper.

  8. Marku says:

    Makes me wonder what kind of “history” is being taught at that school.

  9. Antoine Vella says:

    Actually, I think an Islamic school is a bad idea because it encourages segregation. Social integration should begin in the classroom, during childhood.

  10. A. Charles says:

    While at a lecture on Byzantine iconography, I remember the lecturer saying that big eyes and a small mouth denote that the person depicted is good, while bad people have small eyes and a large mouth. I thought of this when looking at Montebello.

  11. sandy:) says:

    Jistghu juzaw il-barrieri minflok dawk l-iskips li ghandhom, li huma kwazi ‘fullup’.

  12. Mark says:

    The shameless recycling (or is it paraphrasing?) of Blairite rhetoric and gimmicks is nauseating.

  13. Judas Tree says:

    The Maltastar disease spreads to

    “Police Inspector Christopher Pullicino said that the accused was at the early stages of a drug problem and needed to be nibbed in the bud.”


  14. WeGotta says:

    Just wanted to get over a message to you – I sooooo love reading your blog – I am exhausted – supposed to be holidaying and am glued to friggin mobile reading your blogs.

    We really have to find out if Slimey Joe’s party has been moving money around the past few weeks – it would be dynamite if he touched Gaddafi money that was not ‘frozen’…..

  15. The Shadow says:

    I think it was Malcolm Forbes who said “Diversity is the art of thinking independently together:” Now I ask you, does that in any way describe the mental processes of Joseph and his merry – sorry lapsus – gay men?

  16. Richard Muscat says:

    “ihott il-barrieri” reminds me of the first apocalyptical announcement of the newly elected LP Leader: “irrid naghmel terremot (fil-partit!!)”…heqq “…et verba volant” so the Latins used to say.

  17. Gabriel Cassar Torregiani says:

    This is Labour’s new policy on fireworks:

  18. Stink Tenk says:

    They will ‘ihottu l-barrieri’ after they ‘jaqsmu l-bordura’.

  19. La Redoute says:

    ‘Even women and children were there’


  20. Ramon Mangon says:

    As usual with your articles ( failure to link things) I do not see the link with Edward Montebello in all this.

    [Daphne – There’s nothing to link, Ramon. It’s self-explanatory. I can’t keep making allowances for the the analytical skills of Labour supporters and Super One elves. My other readers will feel patronised and irritated.]

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