No more Zammit, ghax now we are middle class

Published: August 13, 2011 at 1:49pm

If you’re one of the several thousand people who can get into Nikita Alamango’s (she’s dropped the Zammit ghax issa sirna middle class) Facebook wall, do so and check out her exchange with Labour activist Mark Camilleri.

Camilleri has asked her to please resign from Forum Zaghzagh Laburisti, and is doing his best to make her understand just what she has done.

She argues back that there’s nothing wrong, that she only ‘paraphrased’ Gillian Tett and that others have done worse. She even takes the Cyrus Engerer line that it’s not what she did that resulted in her removal from The Times’s blogger list, but some mysterious forces gathered against her.

32 Comments Comment

  1. Lorna saliba says:

    Mark Camilleri Nixtieq nfakkrek x’jghid id-dokument intitolat ‘Kummissjoni Etika
    Għall-Midja tal-Partit Laburista’
    9c) Biex jiġi evitat plaġjarizmu, il-ġurnalisti u produtturi gћandhom jagћtu gћarfien xieraq lil min ћaqqu u ma jisirqux il-kitba, filmat, xogћol ta’ ћaddieћor. Gћandu jingћata gћarfien lil materjal minn gћejjun oћra u
    jingћata wkoll gћarfien lill-jeddijiet ta min gћamel ix-xogћol oriġinali.

  2. Helen Cassar says:

    Keccewha ghax qabdulha il-patata.

  3. ciccio2011 says:

    The Times did the right thing about Nikita’s PLagiarising.
    Zero toLlerance.

  4. ciccio2011 says:

    She might consider changing her name to Nikita Alamango Tett.

  5. Vanni says:

    There might be hope for the LP after all, as at least 1 person seems to realize how bad this is for their image. Chapeau Mark Camilleri

  6. Michael says:

    How bored you are. Don’t you have anyone to take you out (I wonder why…)? Ashamed to show your beautiful self at the beach? If you call Castille, maybe you get to meet some “mysterious forces” able to create the strangest coincidences. But if you accept some advice… Be aware that a pollitical loss, a chief of staff with huge phone bills, arbitrary detentions and illegal leaks will be included. You know, together with Gonzi… “everything is possible” ;)

    [Daphne – Cyrus or his alter ego, see a psychiatrist.]

    • ciccio2011 says:

      What is this guy going on about? Go back to the Elves Grotto.

      • Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

        I very much doubt that it’s a guy, ciccio. Men don’t get personally spiteful with me, unless they’re super-camp bitches like Jason Micallef. This sounds to me like a woman with a low IQ, who thinks that because I’m getting attention then there’s not enough for her.

    • Michael says:

      Wow. You got me so fast. You’re so clever… The most!

      Now, irony aside, get out of home for your mental safety. You can continue guessing who I am out of your blog. So far you haven’t been very successful.

      [Daphne – ‘Michael’, believe me when I say that I don’t give a monkey’s nuts who you are. You’re not the first crazie to get stuck on me, and you won’t be the last. I attract nutjobs. It goes with the territory, the police told me a long time ago when the first one appeared with his anonymous letters containing carefully wrapped pieces of human excrement. And then there was the one who used to ring me from phone-boxes all over the island in pre-mobile telephony days, to tell me that he had naked pictures of me, and who disappeared forever the day I got the bright idea of telling him that I had naked pictures of him, and how about that. Then there was Suzanne Muscat (friend of yours?), last seen punching other women and taking off her clothes while in an alcoholic stupor at Tigne Beach, who spent most of last year and the year before that slagging me off while drunk at 4am on the internet and setting up I Hate Daphne Facebook pages. I could go on, but why bother. I’ll just fly over the Cuckoo’s Nest and drop what I can on it as I do so.]

      Your blog has a default option. It will autodestruct itself if you write 10 posts on a single day without a single good analysis (the one on Ignatious counts as two).

      And I told you in a previous comment you didn’t publish. Unlike you, I didn’t come here to talk about myself. When you have a break from searching Facebook and come back to the arena of arguments, we can continue discussing. By the way, do you have at hand the number of your psychiatrist?

      [Daphne – Unfortunately, the only psychiatrist I know is now the minister of health. But ring your friends. They should be able to help you out.]

      • Michael says:

        Once again, don’t get too emotional. I don’t intend to be another trophy in your gallery of freaks. Save me the details and your record of ‘attractions’.

        As I told you, if I decided to comment (and to do it now) looking for good arguments and debate. Don’t expect from me personal attacks or calls at 4. am. I have better things to do. But I don’t expect from you either ‘totalitarian’ right wing blah blah blah or invitations to go to the psychiatrist, like those from your previous answers. You know you can do better, right?

        [Daphne – If you hang on a little, I’ll give you Suzanne Muscat’s number and you can get together and work out each other’s demons over a couple of cases of bottles. If I had wanted to spend my time in discourse with nutcases, I’d have become a psychiatrist. Ah yes, here it is: 9902 2213. Don’t bother coming back unless you have anything worth saying. And don’t bother creating anonymous Facebook pages to upload the comments I delete, either, because it only gets back to me. You have a serious problem, so deal with it. Your obsessive behaviour isn’t normal.]

      • Grezz says:

        Michael, this person might be able to recommend someone to you:

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Oh dear. Richard Muscat.

        [Daphne – Let’s be clear: not the PN one, but the one married to Suzanne.]

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Hang on a minute. Richard “Innovation” Muscat is married to a nutcase?

        [Daphne – Yes, an alcoholic nutcase (I don’t know which came first) who makes a spectacle of herself at parties by punching other women in the face, yelling ‘fat whore’, ‘your daughter is a whore’ and ‘ugly slag’ and following them around the room exposing herself. Of course I wouldn’t be saying any of this ordinarily hadn’t it been for what I had to put up with from her. Occasionally she goes on a real bender, coming in here at 4am, probably blind drunk, and doing the internet equivalent to me of what she did to those other women, calling me all the names under the sun, then going on Facebook to do the same IN HER OWN NAME. And when I rang her to ask whether she’s completely cracked, and why she doesn’t just ring me if she’s got a problem with anything I’ve written or just tell me to my face instead of making a mad public spectacle of herself like somebody from the DiuBalli, she blabbed and said ‘But you’re not being fair to Labour supporters’. Then she promptly went straight to Facebook to call me a Fascist Nazi who’s doing to Labour what Hitler did to the Jews and trying to suppress her freedom of speech. This, I hasten to add, is a woman of FIFTY. As I told her (here), all that LSD she took 30 years ago must have really fried her brain and left her with just a little piece to be getting on with. Is it my imagination, or is Malta a psychiatrist’s dream patch? The array of crazies out in public is just SPECTACULAR.]

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Poor chap. I mean he is the most godawful smug condescending self-aggrandising snob at the University of Malta (and that’s saying something) but to have this inflicted upon him?

        [Daphne – Poor chap, my great aunt Norma (if I had one). It’s about time he did something about it instead of acting like it’s no concern of his. Isn’t he the chairman of the National Commission on Drug and Alcohol Abuse? Not that it would be anybody’s business except for the fact that she’s occasionally inflicted on the rest of us. Funny how he doesn’t seem to know that when your wife is drunk, brawling and removing bits of clothing in public, it’s time to take her home and to apologise on her behalf to the people she’s hit and insulted, not time to move to the other side of the room and pretend she’s not with you. She’s the mother of his children, for crying out loud.]

  7. Mark Vella says:

    Her real name is Nakita (with an “a”) Zammit Alamango.

  8. wee bee says:

    It’s just a question of Tit and Tatt. What else to expect from Standards are Poor, the Party promoting Cyrus and his Stand-Up comedy?

  9. anthony says:

    I see the longa manus of the CIA in this story.

    Her writings must have been perceived as a real threat to the stability of the Obama administration.

  10. David II says:

    By all means, crucify Nikita for committing plagiarism. I remember reading this blog article and thinking this couldn’t be her own words, considering the level of her previous contributions.

    But criticism should be indiscriminate. Last time I checked, people who commited Nikita’s same crime or worse, were members of parliament or the EP, not part of FZL executive. And the skip they form part of is blue in colour.

  11. Not Sandy:) says:

    Mark Camilleri
    Nipretendi li wara li nqbadt tipplagjarizza, ghal-gieh il-Partit tirrezenja minn kull kariga ufficjali li ghandek. Grazzi
    11 hours ago

    Andre’ Vella Missek tohrog int Mark minflokha :P
    10 hours ago · 1 person

    Mark Camilleri Grazzi tal-hsieb Andre!
    9 hours ago

    Nikita Alamango Kont nippretendi li int, min daqs ta nies tifhem l ipokrezija li hawn Malta. If you read carefully I paraphrased and that is not copy and paste. Missek drajt kif jahdmu Malta – l istampa cara hafna ghal min jsegwini u jaf li verita kollha ghaliex gara li gara. Ghalhekk mhux talli ma nirrezenjax talli se nkompli nahdem f dak li nemmen u hadd mhu se jalaqli halqi – qatt! Misni hadd ghal media fil kaz tieghek heh – Grazzi tas support Mark ! Napprezza !
    9 hours ago · 2 people

    Andre’ Vella To be honest, to paraphrase you need to quote the source….and you never did for the FT. Hence why they removed your blog from ToM…
    9 hours ago

    Nikita Alamango andre – it on TOM for 3 days before they removed it . Had it been for that reason they would have never published it.
    9 hours ago

    Mark Camilleri ‎’Rephrasing’ xorta plagjarizmu jibqa’ u xorta jibqa’ hazin. Billi f’Malta hawn l-ipokrezija u hawn il-haxi ma jiggustifikax il-pljagjarizmu tieghek. Il-plagjarizmu hazin, jaghmlu min jaghmlu sinjura Alamango. Il-fatt li qed tiddefendi l-azzjonijiet tieghek jikkonferma dak li ili nghid jien ghal hafna snin: li fil-Partit Laburista m’hemmx professjonalita u kwalita fil-mezzi tax-xandir tieghu u fil-qasam tal-PR. Jiddispjacini hafna li jien bhalissa qed nappoggja partit li jittollera azzjonijiet bhal dawn. Int imissek tisthi mela tiddefendi lilek innifsek.
    9 hours ago

    Nikita Alamango Kullhadd bl opinjoni Sur Camilleri. Ghandek dritt tahsibha kif trid u tant iehor jien. Meta tikteb fuq l wall tieghi jekk jogbok uza kliem dicenti. U tikkonfermali kemm ma tafx xinhu ghadejj. Have a nice weekend !
    9 hours ago

    Mark Camilleri U tkunx tifla u tiehu ghalik ghax din m’hijeix kwistjoni personali. Ministru Germaniz irrezenja fuq kaz ta’ plagjarizmu. Ghala m’ghandux ghalfejn ikollna l-istess standards etici f’pajjizna?
    9 hours ago

    Mark Camilleri L-ebda conspiracy theory ma jiggustifika att ta’ plagjarizmu Nikita Alamango.
    9 hours ago

    Nikita Alamango Int bis serjeta ?? Qed tghix Malta jew le ? Hawn min ikkopja waqt ezami – hawn min seraq mill fondi ta studenti bhali u bhalek u hawn kazi ta korruzjoni cari u hadd f dan il pajjiz ma jirrezenja. Hawn min joqtol u ma jehel xejn. Jien mhux qed niggustifka xejn. Qatt mghidt li jien perfetta pero naf ezatt x gara u xejn mhu se sikkitni. Nerga nghidlek li mhux se nirrezenja .
    9 hours ago · 1 person

    Mark Camilleri M’hemmx ghalfejn taghmilli lecture fuq kemm hu tan-nejk il-PN. Izda jekk il-Partit Laburista jrid ikun ahjar mill-PN, l-istandards etici tieghu jridu jkunu aktar ghola minn tal-PN u dak ifisser li f’kazijiet fejn persuna jinqabad jaghmel att ta’ korruzzjoni jew ta’ plagjarizmu, ghandu jirrezenja minnufih. Jekk dan ma jsirx, mela l-Partit Laburista jkun qed jinzel fl-istess livell medjokri tal-PN.
    9 hours ago · 1 person

    Mark Camilleri Bhal ma jien ma nixtieqx li f’pajjizna jkollna membru parlamentari bhal David Agius, li inqabad jikkopja waqt l-ezamijiet tant iehor ma nixtieqx li l-Partit li nappoggja jien, jkun mmexxi minn persuni li jaghmlu l-istess affarijiet.
    9 hours ago

    Nikita Alamango Mid dehra ma tridx tifhem jew forsi ma jaqbilekx. Iz zmien jghatina parir.
    9 hours ago

    Mark Camilleri M’hemmx x’tifhem sinjura Alamango, il-plagjarizmu hazin, jaghmlu min jaghmlu. Jekk ma tridx taccetta dan il-fatt mela zomm f’mohhok li jien ghalija nqisek bhala politika ta’ l-istess livell medjokri ta’ David Agius u ohrajn.
    9 hours ago

    Nikita Alamango Nirringrazzjak !
    9 hours ago

    Mark Camilleri Nixtieq nfakkrek x’jghid id-dokument intitolat ‘Kummissjoni Etika
    Għall-Midja tal-Partit Laburista’
    9c) Biex jiġi evitat plaġjarizmu, il-ġurnalisti u produtturi gћandhom jagћtu gћarfien xieraq lil min ћaqqu u ma jisirqux il-kitba, filmat, xogћol ta’ ћaddieћor. Gћandu jingћata gћarfien lil materjal minn gћejjun oћra u
    jingћata wkoll gћarfien lill-jeddijiet ta min gћamel ix-xogћol oriġinali.
    8 hours ago

    Maria Frans Briffa nikita ghidilhom kien hemm minn hu fil parlament u ghamel ghar minn hekk u mhux se taqa id dinja id djalogaw bejnitkhom u aslu f xi kompromess nerga nighdlek ghal bread and butter issues ma waqitx id dinja
    3 hours ago

    Maria Frans Briffa u jekk joghgbok sur camielleri int ghal pl jew ghalik qed tahdem
    3 hours ago

    Mark Camilleri Li kieku nahdem ghal-PL, nressaq mozzjoni ufficjali b’permess tal-mekkanizmi tal-partit beix nitlob ir-rizenja ta’ Nikita Alamango, ghax persuni li jiplagjarizzaw u li jaghmlu l-korruzzjoni hsara jistghu jaghmlu lilll-partit u mhux gid. Minflok qed nitlob ir-rizenja taghha bil-pulit pubblikament fuq Facebook ghax jien persuna modesta. Jew int xi wahda minn dawk li kull ma jaghmel il-partit kollox ward u zghar? Filkas prosit, bil-yes men tghdix kemm ha nimxu ‘l quddiem f’dan il-pajjiz.
    3 hours ago

    Maria Frans Briffa daqs kemm imxejjna bin nies bhallek mela ma tafx li il pn l anqas il kriminali ma jgeghlu jirrizenjaw ahsew u ara naqra jekk inhu ikkupjar hi u tidher li ma tahdimx ghal pl ta u jien nahdem ghal pl bl qlieh imma mill qalb ta qalbi issa ghal minn tahdem int ghidilna int
    3 hours ago

    Mark Camilleri L-istess kliem li ghedt lil Nikita hemm fuq jghodd ghalik ukoll: il-hazen li jaghmel il-PN ma jiggustifikax l-izbalji gravi tal-ufficjali tal-PL. Jien tesserrat mal-PL, wara li ma bqajtx membru tal-AD u wara li ma bqajtx l-editur tar-Realta’. Qed nistudja ghal-MA fl-istorja fl-Universita’ ta’ Malta u m’ghandix faham miblul. Ma niddejjaqx nikritika lil Partit li nappoggja jien stess jekk inkun naf li zbalja gahx jien zbukkat. U m’ghandi l-ebda dispjaciri f’hajti. Nahseb jien u int lesti niddiskutu.
    3 hours ago

    Maria Frans Briffa ela jekk int veratesserat ahden ghal ugwaljansvera il hazin tal pn ghalla hares qieghed ghandna ghax kieku jien ma nivvotax pero l a d kieku kellhom hafna hsiebijiet nobbli kif kelli jien meta kont izghar imma jiddispjacini nejdlek li ir realta hija fuq ha nighdilhek bl inglis bread and butter issues meta xi darba id dinja tkun fair ma kullhadd imbghat noqodu nfettqu m
    3 hours ago

    Maria Frans Briffa sorry qed naghgell u nhawwad pero ahdem halli jkollna fairness fuq l affarijiet importanti ghax din hija storja biex ninsew stejjer kbar kbar kbar vat u kriminali u ifhem jekk trid tifhem lil p n ghal llum daqsekk by
    3 hours ago

    Pia Micallef I don’t want to put the limelight on myself at all, but I don’t agree with you Mark. Nikita has done a lot of work for the Labour Party, and I believe that her values are the kind of values the Labour Party needs.

    No person, or political party are perfect… and sometimes we forget this.

    I mean- after all, Nikita does believe in a lot of the things both you and I believe in. And considering her important role within the Labour Party, I think that she can really help get the ball rolling on where we want to go as a country.

    Look I’m not saying that Nikita’s perfect, because she’s human just like you and me- and you might not agree with the fact that she paraphrased an article. But I do believe that she’s an asset to the Labour Party- and I do think she’s an asset to anyone with a liberal mindset.

    Now you can take the mick out of me all you like, you can tell me I don’t know what “progressive” or “liberal” is- you can even call my opinion immature and mindless… but I know Nikita, she’s a friend and a colleague- and to expel her from the PL would be, in my opinion, a very bad idea.
    2 hours ago · 1 person

    Mark Camilleri Le stenna, jien ma tlabtiex tirrezenja mill-PL imma tlabtha biex tirrezenja mill-ezekuttiv u karigi ohra li jista’ jkun li ghandha. Jekk ikollok kariga improtanti fil-Partit u tinqabad tipplagjarizza qed turi li m’intix tajjeb biex jkollok kariga importanti appari li tkun qieghed titfa’ dell ikrah fuq il-Partit. F’gieh kemm hemm, il-plagjarizmu huwa serq intelletwali u ghalija hu att aktar aghar minn serq ta’ oggetti materjali.
    2 hours ago

    Pia Micallef Would you rather have someone who has the wrong idea but the right “ethics” be part of one of the two main political parties in your country, or someone with the right ideas but has done something that you don’t believe is “ethical”.
    2 hours ago

    Mark Camilleri u le x’ghandu x’jaqsam, allahres fil-Partit Laburista l-plagjarizmu huwa tollerabbli! Erga’ aqra sew dak li ktibt, int hekk timplika! Sa fejn naf jien dan huwa l-ewwel kaz (sa fejn smajt jien) fejn kien hemm ufficjal tal-Partit li nqabad f’att ta’ plagjarizmu. Li hi vicin tieghi idejologikament xorta m’ghandux x’jaqsam, ghax att bhal dak ghalija huwa att gravi!
    2 hours ago

    Pia Micallef That was a question, sorry I didn’t add the question mark at the end of the sentence :)
    2 hours ago

    Mark Camilleri U ejja irrejalizzaw naqa x’ghoxxata saret! Li ufficjal tal-PL jkollu jew ikollha blogg fuq it-Times hija opportunita tad-deheb u ‘ssa din l-opportuntia intilfet b’cucata!
    2 hours ago

    Mark Camilleri b’cucata gravi ovjament
    2 hours ago

    Dirk Urpani Niehu gost mark li qed turi kuluri cari fl ahhar, ghax issa zmien id dulliegh ux :) Nikita zbaljat vera imma almenu gharfet li zbaljat u skuzat ruhha….forsi issa it Times ituha lilek dik l- opportunita :) U fl ahhar mill ahhar Nikita m ghamlet hsara lil hadd so dan l ghageb huwa kollu ghax xow…filfatt certi atturi ihobbu hafna ikunu in the limelight…
    2 hours ago

    Mark Camilleri Dirk ghal kuntrarju tieghek qatt ma hbejt l-idejat politici tieghi ghal-skopijiet opportunisti. B’hekk ghalija tista’ tmur tkompli tinhexa man-Nazzjonalisti (kemm metaforikament u kemm litteralment).
    about an hour ago

    Pia Micallef All I’m saying Mark is that I can understand your concerns over ethics, but you must also accept that people have different opinions on the matter. Nikita doesn’t believe what she did was plagiarism, while you do.

    I on the other hand believe that asking for Nikita’s resignation is absurd given the amount of work she has done for the Labour Party, and the “liberal mindset”.

    Let us not forget that it was Nikita (alongside many, many others) who directly confronted the “conservative forces” of this country during the divorce referendum. She received the criticism, she fought very hard, she was insulted, taunted and mocked- all in the name of an issue that me and you believed in.

    To be honest- Nikita went out there and represented our views while we sat on our computers taunting the moviment le for their ridiculous choice of slogans and spokespersons.

    And mock me all you like but that is why I personally don’t think she should resign, because whether or not you believe that she copied an article or not; the good I believe she’s done overshadows everything else.
    about an hour ago

    Dirk Urpani Id dulliegh joghgbok mark nahseb…..
    Opportunizmu INT qed tghid ghalija? LOL…you just get better :)
    Niehu gost narak tuza Malti pur ghax l- edukazzjoni s hemmhekk wasslitek ux :)
    about an hour ago

    Mark Camilleri Jiddispjacini mma ma nies bhalek ma nafx nitkellem bil-pulit.
    about an hour ago

    Dirk Urpani Fik liberali ukoll…insomma dak il kappell tilbsu fejn hemm bzonn meta hemm bzonn fhimtek :) il gurnata tajba :)
    about an hour ago

    Gavin Attard From you responses in this stream, u will fit in just right with the rest of the mediocre lot we unfortunately have for politicians…. shame… we all play the same old game, and nothing changes….
    about an hour ago

    Mark Camilleri Gavin Attard, m’ghandix l-interess li nikkontesta l-elezzjonijiet u m’ghandix kariga mal-Partitu bl-ebda mod ma nirraprezentah. Qed nipprova ngharrafkom tal-izball gravi li sar. Dirk jaf ghala bghattu jixxejjer ibzax.
    about an hour ago

    Dirk Urpani Ghax it tfal zghar hekk jaghmlu :) Jibaghtu nies jixxejjru :)
    about an hour ago

    Gavin Attard Mark – I was referring to Nikita’s response
    10 minutes ago

    Jan-Wouter Stigter The higher the horse, the smaller the rider seems to be
    8 minutes ago

    • ciccio2011 says:

      Very interesting. At least now I know Labour has a Code of Ethics, written by its Kummissjoni Etika ghal-Midja tal-Partit Laburista, without a section for disciplinary action. So much for their “serjeta’ fit-tmexxija.”

    • Herman says:

      “Pia Micallef: Nikita doesn’t believe what she did was plagiarism, while you do” – This is unbelievable! In reality Nikita knows that the majority of PL supporters, who are most of her readers, do not recognize the gravity of plagiarism!

      • La Redoute says:

        That’s the sorry state they’re all in, and sorrier still for those on whom they wish to inflict themselves. They know that plagiarism is wrong but don’t know what it is, and their only line of defence is that it’s all a matter of opinion and everyone does it anyway.

        Why don’t they ask the FT whether that’s plagiarism?

  12. La Redoute says:

    Nikita Alamango’s friend Pia Micallef says “Nikita doesn’t believe what she did was plagiarism.”

    So, in their book, plagiarism exists only if you say they say so. I don’t know what’s worse – the plagiarism or the complete lack of understanding of its implications.

    If Ms Alamango doesn’t think she plagiarised Gillian Tett, perhaps she could email her and ask her what she thinks:

    Better still, she could post a message on Gillian Tett’s Facebook wall

    • ciccio2011 says:

      U ejja, it was not PLagiarism. It was merely a translation from US English to UK English.

      • La Redoute says:

        Gillian Tett is British and graduated from Cambridge University, though she lives in New York.

        Nikita Alamango’s writing qualifies as neither US English nor as UK English. It isn’t even Manglish. It’s simply incoherent writing that betrays a poverty of original thought, or any thought whatsoever.

      • ciccio2011 says:

        Ok, La Redoute. Let’s reach a compromise. Nakita was translating from English to Elvespeak.

      • La Redoute says:

        Her job was to produce original writing that reflects original thought. There’s a way of dealing with ideas scrounged from elsewhere. It’s called attribution. Anyone who claims to be in higher education should know that.

  13. anthony says:

    Like their leader, these people do not even know what they are talking about.

    Boy(Girl) Scouts. With apologies to Baden-Powell’s great institution..

    Still, I suppose they will do for the majority of the electorate.

    The ones swearing on the beaches and on the buses (the majority)cannot tell plagiarism from plain chocolate.

  14. Macduff says:

    And she studied at the LSE, by the way. Or so her Facebook profile says.

    What was it? STEPS? Shouldn’t complain about the Nationalists much, should you, Nikita?

    [Daphne – It appears to be yet another lie.]

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