No need for prudence any more: kullhadd ghal mar-rebels, ras!:)))))!!! Wooohoooo!!!:))))

Published: August 28, 2011 at 7:13pm

Prudence personified: commemorating 40 years of friendship between the Malta Labour Party and Gaddafi's regime - Toni Abela, Anglu Farrugia, John Dalli and Libyan diplomats in 2009 at Mile End

The thing is, it’s not even funny, is it. It’s disturbing.

Now that Gaddafi is as good as dead, our politicians are scrambling to get on the I’m With The Rebels bandwagon.

Il-vera razza ta’ nies bla bajd u bla zejt f’wicchom.

We’re going to quickly strip Gaddafi of his Maltese decorations so that he will not die decorated by Malta, a fact that would otherwise be listed in the international obituaries.

How can they not see that this devalues the symbolism of the act, that it gives out entirely the wrong – if accurate – message? We are not stripping him of his honours as a matter of principle and in solidarity with his victims.

We are stripping him of his honours because it is safe to do so.

Moral acts mean less than nothing if you wait until there is no cost to yourself before you perform them.

What cheap, shoddy behaviour.

Now Joseph Muscat, scrambling over everyone else to portray himself as the hero of the hour, has followed the Libyan ambassador’s sorry example and rushed to disclose his dangerously covert cloak-and-dagger meetings with ‘representatives of the rebels in Malta and abroad, during which they discussed what the PL could offer in Opposition’.

This is more doublespeak, like the Labour Party’s doublespeak on the money it took from Gaddafi in its pre-2008 days, quoted in The Sunday Times today.

I, too, have met many rebels and spoken to them. There were lots of them protesting outside the Libyan Embassy every day for months and quite a few at the demonstrations in which Muscat never took part because Gaddafi was still on his throne and so it wasn’t prudent.

Rebels are rebels. The Transitional National Council is what he is looking for here, because that’s the official body. And I know for a fact that he hasn’t met anybody from the TNC.

My contacts tell me that the TNC did not have the most positive reaction when told that Joseph Muscat flew about in Gaddafi’s private jet (my own note: while criticising, if you please, the finance minister for flying in George Fenech’s).

He really does think everybody is as thick as his spokesman on European Affairs.

Any moment now and Enid Blyton’s Famous Five will make an appearance with a tartan rug and a hamper of ginger ale.

And this afternoon, after sitting on the fence for six long months and refusing to so much as mention Gaddafi by name, the Labour leader pulled the last remaining fence-post out of his butt and hauled himself down to Shipwrights Wharf, together with his lovely wife who had just climbed out of the Burmarrad swimming-pool at the 11th hour, to admire the work of those loading aid, with the air of King George and his queen visiting London’s East End after the blitz.

But there wasn’t much aid to be loaded, was there. Of course not. That’s what happens when you tell your people that Gaddafi was good for Malta. They become most uninclined to give things to the people who toppled him and cost them their lucrative jobs in Libya.


Muscat and Michelle - look! no rollers! - decide it's finally prudent to jump on the rebel bandwagon now that the other party is out of the race

13 Comments Comment

  1. maryanne says:

    They are obeying John Dalli. Eh, now we are not spectators any more.

  2. anthony says:

    I do not believe it is right to wash our dirty linen in public as a nation.

    Therefore I will follow Daphne’s example and comment in the vernacular.

    Veru wiccna u sormna xorta. I am including myself. I do not mean to offend anyone.

    Bottom wiehed.

  3. Jozef says:

    Nice picture, albeit staged, where’s the rest of the entourage?

    Note the big guy on the right, hands across, standing in the way of the carton box.

    • Judas Tree says:

      It was a personal visit by The Royal We.

      Anglu and Toni decided to stay by the pool with a birra and a BBQ.

      AST and Karmenu Vella couldn’t bring themselves to go for obvious reasons.

  4. Jozef says:

    Judas Tree,

    I need to wake up early tomorrow.

  5. Gakku says:

    Nice picture? Lanqas b’polo shirt (size kbira) ma jidher sura ta’ nies. Ma nghid xejn fuq il-marki tal-malja tal-Mrs.

  6. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Oh god. White suits.

  7. Harry Purdie says:

    Is little Joey trying to hold up his bulge? Times must be good for the ‘Great Leader’. Is his Daddy paying his water and electricity bills?

  8. Vincent says:

    Is Joey pregnant ? Or is it the burgers ?

  9. pippo says:

    inehhu lil Gaddafi, lil Ben Ali, allura lil Ceausescu ta Romania ma nizgradawhx wkoll? dak wara kollox qatluh in nies tieghu wkoll.
    Nahseb kont prezenti inti Daphne meta tawh l unur l univerzita ta malta gewwa il belt?

    [Daphne – Why would I have been ‘prezenti’, pippo?]

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