Q. No, really, where's Joseph? A. He flew to Bologna two days ago.

Published: August 22, 2011 at 9:13pm

The Great Leader, who has made skiving off one of his distinguishing characteristics, wasn’t at the Celebrazzjoni Kbira u Tal-Genn to mark the 20th anniversary of the setting up of Super One radio.

This when he began his political career as an employee of that organisation.

He has also been completely invisible today, as the top hero in the Labour Party pantheon evades capture.

If any journalist has sought his opinion, he or she didn’t get it.

Yet another fissure in a femur? A crooSe, perhaps?

No. He was on a flight to Bologna last Saturday. Mar holidej, il-man, bil-plane.

And what on earth was that rubbish statement his party came up with after a whole day and night of deliberation? “The Labour Party has always been close to the Libyan people.” What tripe.

The Labour Party has always been close to Muammar Gaddafi and his henchmen (and I mean close close, not formal state relations close) and not to the Libyan people. For as has been demonstrated loudly and clearly and with much blood over the last six months, the two are mutually exclusive.

If the Labour Party thinks otherwise, then it shares the sentiments of Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici and cannot distance itself from them.

The statement was issued above the signature of George ‘Allahares Nidhlu Fl-Ewropa’ Vella, shadow foreign minister, ghax Joseph qieghed bil-lijf.

22 ta’ Awwissu 2011

Mahruga minn Dr. George Vella, Kelliem Ewlieni Laburista ghall-Affarijiet Barranin

Il-PL jifrah lill-Kunsill Nazzjonali ta’ Transizzjoni Libjan

Il-Partit Laburista, li dejjem kien qrib il-poplu Libjan, jifrah lill-Kunsill Nazzjonali ta’ Transizzjoni, u l-Mexxeja tieghu, specjalment lil Dr Mahmoud Jibril, u jawgura li dan huwa il-bidu ta’ era gdida fejn il-poplu Libjan jghix fil-paci u fis-sliem, f’ socjeta fejn id-drittijiet fundamentali u l-libertajiet ta’ kull individwu jkunu mharsa u garantiti f’ qafas legali li johrog minn kostituzzjoni demokratika mfassla u maqbula mill-poplu Libjan kollu.

Il-Partit Laburista jfakkar b’ rispett lill-dawk kollha li carcru demmhom ghal-kawza li kienu jemmnu fiha matul dawn is-sitt xhur ta’ glied, u jittama li issa jibda process ta’ rikonciljazzjoni biex tinbena l-ghaqda u s-sahha tal-poplu Libjan kollu kemm huwa, f’ socjeta’ gusta u miftuha.

Il-qawmien tal-poplu habib tal-Libja kellu prezz uman gholi ferm.

Il-Partit Laburista jittama li l-poplu Libjan jghozz dan il-helsien gdid li qieghed jakkwista b’ tant tbatija u carcir ta’ demm, u ghalhekk johloq strutturi kostituzzjonali b’sahhithom bizzejjed biex hadd aktar fil-futur ma jkun jista jerga jiddomina il-poplu kontra r-rieda tieghu stess.

Ninsabu konvinti li l-Libja gdida li qed titwieled se tkun sieheb siewi u sod ta’ Malta fil-koperazzjoni bejn iz-zewg popli kif ukoll fl-investiment, edukazzjoni u kultura.

Iz-zewg pajjizi issa jridu jahdmu ghal stabilita’ u paci f’ realtijiet godda f’ dan ir-regjun.

Dr. George Vella
Kelliem Ewlieni Laburista ghall-Affarijiet Barranin

16 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio2011 says:

    “…f’ socjeta fejn id-drittijiet fundamentali u l-libertajiet ta’ kull individwu jkunu mharsa u garantiti f’ qafas legali li johrog minn kostituzzjoni demokratika mfassla u maqbula mill-poplu Libjan kollu…”

    Considering that the Labour Party was not able to do that in Malta – how can they really mean it when they say so to Libyans?

  2. J Casha says:

    Nahseb Joseph ma jhossux komdu mal-low class tas-Super One la sar mittil kless. U mar holiday meta l-istazzjon iccelebra bil-kbir.

    Tajjeb ukoll.

    Jekk mhux hekk, allura Jason Micallef ghamel il-party meta l-leader kien msiefer, biex ikun fil-limelight hu biss.

  3. ciccio2011 says:

    “u ghalhekk johloq strutturi kostituzzjonali b’sahhithom bizzejjed biex hadd aktar fil-futur ma jkun jista jerga jiddomina il-poplu kontra r-rieda tieghu stess…”

    Reminds me of “Jien nitnejjek mil-kostituzzjoni.”

  4. tbg says:

    “ghax Joseph qieghed bil-lijf”

    ….qieghed bil-lijf jew qieghed off…

  5. .Angus Black says:

    Tghid Joseph se jaqta qasir il-holidej tieghu biex jaghmel bhal Gonzi?

    U le, ma tarax, se jhalli l-missus b’zewgt itfal wehidhom f’pajjiz barrani?

  6. Antoine Vella says:

    From George Vella’s declaration it appears that, for the PL, there is no difference between the Libyans who fought to remove Gaddafi and gain freedom and those who fought to repress freedom and keep the tyrant.

    Perhaps they are pretending to be neutral but, reading between the lines, I sense that PL’s congratulations to the Transitional Council are given grudgingly. It’s no secret, after all, that Labour were rooting for Gaddafi.

  7. Jozef says:

    I hate their doublespeak.

    According to the Labour Party Gaddafi was a ‘kawza li huma jemmnu fiha’.

    It shows how much they’re aware of their standing with the Maltese electorate when it comes to democratic credentials.

    And what’s the crap about disassociating themselves from KMB? He just put their wishful thinking into words.

    Labour are now irredeemably isolated.

  8. Joe Micallef says:

    When I read George Vella on the subject of democracy, freedom, rule of law and will of the majority, I am overcome with irritation.

  9. Vaux says:

    Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici rode on a truck with Drydocks workers during a violent demonstration and show of power, when they broke into the Curia building and vandalised it, and damaged so many shops in Valletta.

    He thought that was fine. And he was the prime minister at the time.

    So expect nothing better now.

    • A.Attard says:

      No, he was minister of education, Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici was sworn in as Prime Minister on 22nd December 1984, the ransacking of the curia took place on 28th September 1984.

      • Pecksniff says:

        Worse ! Some education he was imparting when on the rampage !

      • Grezz says:

        I beg to differ. I believe that he was deputy prime minister – if not prime minister – at the time of the ransacking of the Curia and the law courts. And I believe that it was 22nd September 1984.

  10. Vaux says:

    insomma ‘quasi’

  11. Naqa kalcer anyone? says:

    Now that you mention good old Karmenu … you have to hand it to him: consistently and resolutely on the wrong side of history.

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