Tajba jekk tigi xi Scud dritt ghal go Mile End u tfottilu kollox issa, is-Sur Prudent

Published: August 28, 2011 at 7:45pm

Hi folks! As you can see, I've found the prudent moment to stop being prudent, if that makes sense. Or does it? It doesn't matter because all I need is this photograph and then Lil Din and I can get back to our swimming-pool.

28 ta’ Awwissu 2011

Maħruġa mill-Uffiċċju tal-Komunikazzjoni

Joseph Muscat jappella għall-għajnuna lill-poplu Libjan

Il-Mexxej Laburista Joseph Muscat dalgħodu appella lill-poplu Malti biex bħalma kien ġeneruż fil-passat, jibqa’ jkun ġeneruż, b’mod partikolari ma’ pajjiż ġar tagħna l-Libja.

Joseph Muscat qal dan waqt żjara li, flimkien ma’ martu Michelle, għamel dalgħodu lid-Dipartiment tal-Protezzjoni Ċivili fil-Marsa li tul dawn l-aħħar jiem kien qed jilqa’ provvisti biex jintbagħtu lill-poplu Libjan.

Id-Dipartiment tal-Protezzjoni Civili ilu minn nhar l-Erbgħa li għadda jilqa’ provvisti mingħand il-poplu Malti biex jintbagħtu lill-poplu Libjan. Sfortunatament iżda, għadhom ma nġabrux biżżejjed provvisti, fosthom ilma, ikel u prodotti sanitarji.

Għalhekk waqt zjara li għamel lid-Dipartiment tal-Protezzjoni Ċivili fil-Marsa, il-Mexxej Laburista Joseph Muscat appella lill-poplu Malti biex bħalma kien ġeneruż mal-poplu tal-Haiti wara t-terremot li ħakem lill-pajjiż, jerġa’ jkun ġeneruż mal-poplu Libjan.

Għandna dover aktar minn qatt qabel li ngħinu lil dan il-poplu ġar tagħna f’dan il-mument ta’ bżonn, qal Dr Muscat. Il-provvisti qed jingħataw lill-Kunsill Transitorju Libjan li mbagħad dan iqassamhom fost il-poplu Libjan.

Dwar is-sitwazzjoni fil-Libja, Joseph Muscat wera d-dispjaċir tiegħu li l-Gvern ta’ Gonzi qed jippolitiċizza din il-kwistjoni u saħaq li l-Partit Laburista ma xtaqx li jispiċċa f’battibekki politiċi dwar kwistjoni li għandha tgħaqqad lill-pajjiż u mhux tifirdu.

Qal li l-Partit Laburista seta’ jippolitiċizza din il-kwistjoni billi fakkar kif Lawrence Gonzi kien l-aħħar Prim Ministru tal-Ewropa u d-dinja tal-Punent li żar lil Gaddafi u saħansitra stieden lil Gaddafi stess għal-laqgħat f’Malta. Imma jekk din l-issue tkompli tiġi politiċizzata dan ma jkunx fl-interess nazzjonali.

Dr Muscat qal li l-Partit Laburista jemmen li l-Kurunell Gaddafi ghandu jitneħħewlu ż-żewġ unuri li ngħata mir-Repubblika ta’ Malta, wera d-disapprovazzjoni tiegħu għan-nuqqas ta’ konsultazzjoni tal-Gvern dwar din id-deċiżjoni. Huwa qal li l-Partit Laburista qed jipproponi li r-riżoluzzjoni ssir b’mod konġunt u bi-partisan. Qal li li kieku kien ikkonsultat, il-Partit Laburista kien jipproponi wkoll li jitneħħew l-unuri ta’ dittatur ieħor, l-eks President Tuneżin Ben Ali.

Tul dawn l-irvellijiet, Joseph Muscat kellu kuntatti ma’ rappreżentanti tar-ribelli Libjani u kien qed jara kif il-Partit Laburista mill-Oppozizzjoni jista’ jgħin lill-poplu Libjan.

Uffiċċju tal-Komunikazzjoni
Partit Laburista

17 Comments Comment

  1. anthony says:

    I await with trepidation KMB’s opinion on all this trash.

  2. Judas Tree says:

    Why it is suddenly so prudent to stop being prudent:

    “With Gaddafi on the run, his spokesman Moussa Ibrahim called The Associated Press to say Gaddafi is still in Libya and offering to have his son, al-Saadi, lead talks with the rebels on forming a transitional government. In the past, Gaddafi referred to the rebels as “thugs” and “rats.”

    Ibrahim said he saw Gaddafi on Friday in Libya but would not give more details.

    Mahmoud Shammam, the information minister in the rebels’ transitional council, rejected the offer.

    “I would like to state very clearly, we don’t recognise them. We are looking at them as criminals. We are going to arrest them very soon,” he said at a news conference. “Talking about negotiations is a daydream for what remains of the dictatorship.”


  3. psaila says:

    Michelle, b’dik il-libsa, qisha sejra l-bahar, u Joseph ma sabx il-flokk tal-Burberry.

  4. Jozef says:

    “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
    but in ourselves, that we are underlings.”

  5. Bhalissa ghawn bzonn kbir biex il-Maltin juru soledarjeta’ mal-poplu Libjan.

    Joseph Muscat issa qed ihoss li il- Maltin nies sinjuri u jistghu jaghmlu karita’ ma-Libjani. Dak minflok johorgu jiekly pizza, forsi.

  6. Neil Dent says:

    Unbelievable opportunism. Politicising the issue while condemning politicisation of the issue.

    Playing to a gallery of imbeciles.

    Those who vote this clown into power in 2013 are very welcome to him and the rest of the ridiculous rabble that comes with him – they deserve no better.

    But we do.

  7. xmun says:

    Did I miss something in this report? Apart from visiting for propaganda purposes, did the Muscats dig into their own pockets to give a donation?

    Or better still, did they present a donation on behalf of the Labour Party?

    Or is Labour there only to TAKE from Libya?

  8. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Ach, those love handles.

    • Min Weber says:

      Hey Baxy

      Why is access to your website denied?

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Joey’s or Michelle’s? Venus robes cover a multitude of the results of a good life. Maybe little Joey should borrow it.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Muscat is following in the grand tradition of Maltese politicians, who don’t seem to realise that aesthetics is nine tenths of the game, and that they represent their country, not just themselves.

        There’s nothing he can do about his height (tell me about it; I’m a short-arsed barsteward myself) but he should follow Cameron’s example and pound some tarmac.

  9. Jozef says:

    Michelle is into Nana Mouskouri now.

  10. anthony says:

    Lanqas biss jisthu.

    Now that, at least, 20,000 men, women and children have been slaughtered it is considered safe to stick up for the ones that were not so unlucky.

    When the mass murders were being carried out it was in our interest to be prudent and cautious and to look the other way.

    Mhux biss bla bajd, izda bla ruh, bla kuxjenza, bla sinsla u bla xejn.


  11. La Redoute says:

    The Labour Party doesn’t need to meet anyone to work out how they can help. I have the perfect solution. They can hand back any cash they picked up from Muammar Gaddafi over the years.

    If Joseph and Michelle Muscat showed their much fabled ‘moral courage’ earlier on, their sheep-like followers might have found some loose change to spare.

  12. John Schembri says:

    Where’s the beef? How much did you donate, Joe?

    On TV I only saw two packets of sugar, a water six-pack and some canned peas on the table when the royal couple entered. Were they from Michelle’s larder and past or nearing their expiry date?

    About those love handles: weren’t we shown Joseph doing his morning workout at the Westin Dragonara on Xarabank’s “a day in the life of Joseph”?

  13. silvio farrugia says:

    Expect lots of pushing now from the Labour Party for state funding of political parties.

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