What a prat

Published: August 28, 2011 at 1:35am

This is Robert-O Francalanza. What sort of person pushing 40 wears his hair like that? What sort of person at all?

We can forgive him the voice because there’s not much he can do about the breaking and squeaking, but the hair, honestly.

Oh, and we’ve found his boyfriend: a German-Maltese called Joseph Mifsud (with those two German dots on the U) who is a hair stylist at El Corte Hair Lounge in the Munich area (www.el-corte.de).

It wasn’t that difficult, because outsmarting even ageing elves like Robert-O Francalanza is like shooting fish in a barrel. Some weeks ago he changed his relationship status on Facebook to ‘In a relationship’. Eighty-two idiotic comments from his ‘friends’ followed: proset eh awguri, awguri eh, gl habib, gl sabih, gl:)), proset hafna bobby hi, good news ta hi awguri – but blessedly, there was no ‘keep it up ta sweet hi’.

It is astonishing, though, how blind and oblivious some people are. Here are some of the other comments:

U zgur, ghax issa hemm id-divorzju :))
Noqodlok brides ta Robert:))
Namillek bridesmaid?
Nafuha bobs????!!!!


Then it was simply a matter of having somebody go further back into his wall where there were bound to be clues to the identity of the Lucky Man.

And there it was, sitting there waiting.

Back in April, our hero posted this on his wall:

Roberto Francalanza
You may be out of my sight… but never out of my mind… Thinking of You!

“Hmmm, so the lover is obviously somebody who doesn’t live in Malta, Sherlock.”

“Yes, Watson, obviously. People like that don’t date in front of their mothers and their rahal in Malta. Ghax progressivi u liberali – imorru jinhx** barra minn Malta.”

Then it was a matter of scrolling through the moronic comments beneath (Ronnie Pellegrini: Din fiha x’tifhem :))))))))))))), Janice Briffa lollll) , knowing that the Love Interest would have been unable to resist responding.

And there the cutie-pie was, in his kajbow het:

Joseph Mifsüd: thanks!!


Roberto Francalanza's boyfriend: hair stylist Joseph Mifsud of the El Corte Hair Lounge in the 'Munich area'

Robert-O Francalanza has scored at last (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:))))))))))))))))))))

Proset Robert ta hi awguri sweet. Keep it up.lollllll :)))

Istja kemm saret titkellem sew bil-Fejsbuk, is-Sahhara!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh and another thing: gl sweet :))) – the man’s better looking than you are and in Germany, so you’re going to need it.


Good day. Thanks. :))))))) CU soon. Tejt imur Tattingers? Nice day!!!!!

26 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    What’s gl?

    [Daphne – Good luck. Because you know, it’s too trying to spell the whole thing out. They need to save their energy for all those !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????:)))))))) ]

  2. U Werner says:

    Not exactly stunning journalism by Roberto Francalanza here, I’ll give you that – but is the extreme sarcasm really warranted? And the need to highlight that he’s gay? And that he sports a slightly silly hair cut?

    It all seems slightly irrelevant to me.

  3. Jozef says:

    Being gay isn’t the only thing in his closet.

    He was quite fond of the Nationalists up to 1996.

    At least, that’s the impression he tried to give.

  4. The chemist says:

    Classic shock and awe, DCG style.

    Robert-O, you play hard, you get trashed hard.

  5. Whoami? says:

    Joseph Mifsud used to cut my hair when he was still living in Malta about four years ago. He’s Maltese Maltese, not German Maltese. That umlaut in Mifsud is just a decoration because you can’t even pronounce Mifsüd otherwise if you’re German.

    [Daphne – Ah, another Laburist who took advantage of the very thing he voted against, then.]

    • apc says:

      I remember him, too. He was a really good hairdresser, and took the opportunity to better himself abroad, thanks to our membership in the EU.

      Thank God for the Nationalist Party, then hux Joseph?

      By the way, Roberto and Joseph were already an item before Joseph went to Germany.

      [Daphne – I gathered that. But it was a….closet affair. So much so that most of his Facebook friends and Super One fans – judging by their wall comments – think he’s some kind of hetero stud. Their ability to miss the clues is quite phenomenal.]

      • cat says:

        Italy is full of hairdressers who come from China and South America, so I don’t think that it’s difficult to start working in the EU even if you come from an outside country.

  6. The Cat's Away says:

    That ‘good luck’ is hilarious. U tghid Joseph mhux ha joqghod jistenna lil Roberto, meta hemm daqs dak gid Munich. El Corte is in Augusten Strß – wahda u-bahn u tasal fejn hemm minjiera minn fejn jaghzel.

  7. A. Charles says:

    This little shit Robert Francalanza comes from an excellent family, (I know them very well), but as the saying goes, “kull familja ghandha il-paljazza”.

  8. psaila says:

    Where’s the skip?

  9. Malcolm says:

    Considering that he’s gay (nothing wrong with that), his TV programme should probably be renamed STR82APOINT.

    On the other hand if Toni Abela were to present it instead, a good name might be CUM2DPOINT.

    • Not Tonight says:

      How about STR8IAMNOT? What really ruffles my feathers is the popular shorthand use of ‘D’, reflecting the ignorant Maltese pronunciation of ‘the’ as ‘dee’.

  10. cat says:

    At one time, all the men working for Super One wore that hairstyle. Il-hairdressers taghhom veru kreattivi.

  11. Charles Cassar says:

    Nation reels as news of man having relationship with another man is uncovered through Mugtome.

  12. That’s not a kajboj hat.

    [Daphne – I know it isn’t, Michael. It’s an Elle McPherson Bondi Beach straw hat http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_EKSe1GNwvp8/TCwu9MKh6GI/AAAAAAAACew/8wrlXkD183s/s640/Elle+Macpherson1.jpg ]

  13. The Shadow says:

    He wears his hair like that because the tectonic plates in his skull shifted and created a ridge.

  14. Matthew Vella says:

    What a minute, what was the point of this article? Just to out the guy?

    [Daphne – He should count himself bloody lucky that I stick to the facts and that I haven’t given the truffling little weasel a taste of his own medicine with a pack of vicious lies. Take my advice, and don’t even bother sticking up for scum like that. People of his relatively great age who have spent their whole lives ducking and diving and living a lie think that lies are normal.]

    • U Werner says:

      But some facts are irrelevant to policies/politics/etc and do not need highlighting – I agree the journalism deserves some severe criticism/shaking up to be anything near decent but still, what does him being gay have anything to do with it?

      Incidentally – what is your email address please? I sent a mail but got no reply so I’m assuming that either you are very busy (quite possible with a flourishing blog like this) or I got the wrong address.


      • Matthew Vella says:

        To be fair this isn’t journalism, and its not pretending to be. Daphne knows her place, she comments on politics but a significant part of the blog is gossip. A blog that was devoted purely to journalism wouldn’t criticize others based on their physical appearance or spelling mistakes. So its her outlook, with well founded political opinions but also with idle gossip.

        [Daphne – To be fair, nobody’s taught you anything about journalism and you never found out for yourself. Try working this out: all newspaper columnists are journalists but not all journalists are newspaper columnists. All gossip columnists are journalists but not all journalists are gossip columnists. To be fair, you were born in 1990 and haven’t yet worked out what a bad and stupid notion it is to condescend to somebody about the field in which they have worked as long as you have been alive.]

      • U Werner says:

        Actually I was referring to Francalanza’s pseudo-journalism and not to this blog. That being said, I too cannot see how physical appearance or sexual orientation should be of enough importance to merit space on a blog which seems to always try to claim the moral high ground.

        [Daphne – Moral high ground? No. I can’t be bothered with that. It’s so b-o-r-i-n-g for readers and comes across so badly. Think Jacques Rene Zammit. He hasn’t worked out yet that to get your point across you first have to make sure that people want to read you. Once thousands of them are reading you, then bingo! You’re sorted and can get all kinds of points across. If you want to, that is.]

      • U Werner says:

        So, in order to increase and maintain the (already large) number of followers of this blog, you point out politically irrelevant details such as hairstyle/sexuality. Following this (if you wish) you proceed to posting less superficial stories?

        [Daphne – I post a mix of stories and information because, U Werner, variety is the spice of life. Like Coca-Cola, I am not giving you my recipe for success.]

      • Matthew Vella says:

        Oh come on! Its true! Maybe I didn’t get the wording right, but you know exactly what I mean. The difference between the type of journalism that the person I was replying to was referring, i.e. political or social commentary and this kind of ‘journalism’. You comment on political issues but even on things like this! I didn’t mean to sound condescending, though I was a little annoyed by the article, cos its one thing to ‘out’ someone when they’re being hypocritical and you catch them in it, but its another to do it just well, for the hell of it.

        [Daphne – I didn’t do it just for the hell of it, Matthew.]

  15. Spiru says:

    Mhux kull familja imma kull razza ghandha l-paljazza

  16. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Hang on a minute. This guy’s boyfriend is Malta’s top hairdresser and yet we poke fun at Francalanza’s hair? Surely we’re all mistaken?

    I’m off to buy a five-gallon drum of Kjun mill-Isfar first thing tomorrow morning.

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