When you're plain stupid, you think everybody else is

Published: August 27, 2011 at 11:55pm

Let's get STR82DPOINT: this man is an A1PRICK

The Baldricks and Blackadders at Super One have done it again.

Robert-O Francalanza of ‘One’ rang GRTU man Mario Debono, he who manages the aid-running ferry between Benghazi/Misurata and Malta, and demanded the telephone numbers of the captain and crew.

Because you know, now that Gaddafi’s almost dead, it’s prudent for the Labour media to begin covering the Libya crisis.

Debono refused. Francalanza insisted. Debono cut him off.

And then, like megiks, the elve-run website tasteyourownmedicine suddenly uploaded a piece of nastiness about Mario Debono and the ferry.

Two plus two is….look, I had better get some advice on this from Maltastar, which told us that the rebels control 80% of Tripoli while Gaddafi controls the remaining 30%. Or from Saviour Balzan, who thinks that a 360-degree turn gets you to face the opposite direction and not the exact same one.

This is Robert-O Francalanza, in his own words on the Super One website. Watch out, Dr Luciano BA LLD MP – you have a rival in the potted bio stakes.

Roberto Francalanza

Manager Human Resources & Corporate Services

Roberto started off his career in the broadcasting industry in 1992 at Bay Radio after he has finished his academic studies in the field of hospitalisation and nursing.

In 1998 Roberto joined ONE Productions Ltd serving as Assistant Manager of News & Current Affairs department. During his occupancy he produced and presented leading current affairs programmes Qribna and STR82dPO!NT, both increasing in popularity as each year passes.

Having work experience in several governmental administration positions Roberto is now flourishing his career at ONE as a Manager of Human Resources & Corporate Services ensuring the smooth running of the workforce whilst assisting the rest of the management team in organisational duties.

In the past few years during the re-furbishing process at the ONE Studios in Marsa, Roberto has expressed his hidden talent for design and decoration as one can truly appreciate his natal colour matching skills and design.

On a personal note Roberto loves travelling especially to Italy and eating pasta which is in perfect harmony with his Italian name even if he was born in Malta.

17 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    So this man’s a nurse, is he? Maybe that’s why he wanted to call the El Entisar’s captain – he’s volunteering to serve in a hospital in Libya….I don’t think.

    • Luigi says:

      Actually he is a bed-pan assistant. But you know, since his appearances on TV he turned up as a nurse, and then as Prime Minister Sant’s driver. Sant drove, and Roberto got paid. That’s an anspiring career, eh – from bed-pan assistant to driver to natal colour matching skills at STR82DPOINT on Super One. What a stupid man.

      • cat says:

        I think Luigi is wrong. Sant’s driver (or parker, as he used to park only the car for Dr. Sant) was a certain Cefai an ex-Dockyard worker.

  2. Judas Tree says:

    Hmmmm. “His natal colour matching skills and design”. If this was Roberto Francalanza’s obituary and not his CV, it would be wrapped up with the euphemism ‘Mr Francalanza never married’.

    He’s another one in Super One’s very extensive walk-in wardrobe of closet gays.

    If you want to know why Super One and the elve hierarchy is so bloody hopeless, look no further than the Pink Mafia. People are not recruited on merit but because they are part of the network of secret homosexuals.

    Il-vera progressive. U liberal.

    Mohhom miftuh dawn in-nies, ukoll.

  3. Grezz says:


  4. Dudu says:

    I’m sorry, the following is off subject. Shouldn’t this maltatoday headline read ‘Libyan Ambassador (speaks) to MaltaToday’ instead of ‘talks’?

  5. H.P. Baxxter says:

    We’ve been through this already. I remember the avalanche of comments on the “natal” skills.

    Daphne, you’re not flourishing this blog.

  6. Harry Purdie says:

    This is a CV? Possibly a career as an ‘au pair’ girl? (no offence to real ‘au pairs’). Gawd, these people are sick.

  7. cat says:

    Ara kemm ihossuhom safe tas-Super One ghandhom nurse maghhom.

  8. cat says:

    Imma din donnha xi tradizzjoni gdida tan-nurses. Hal Qormi hemm hair dresser li huwa ukoll nurse. Jidher li bejn shift u iehor jahdem hairdresser.

  9. R Borg says:

    Fl-okkazjoni tal-ghoxrin anniversarju tas-Super One…


  10. Judas Tree says:


    He certainly is a prick, and that prick is well and truly erect and sitting on top of his head covered by a sort of tent of hair.

    His voice alone should have disqualified him from television.

  11. Farrugia says:

    I like the way that ‘Roberto is now flourishing his career at ONE’ (sic). Are we sure that it is his career that he is ‘flourishing’ at ONE or perhaps something else?

  12. psaila says:

    Seems like Labour will never be short of idiots to babble about.

  13. Another example of plain idiocy.

    According to Hon Edwin Vassallo, all those who do not attend Catholic mass and lose their faith, also lose their conscience.


    Thanks to Lou for pointing it out.

    I would like to quote Bill Maher on the subject as a reply to Hon Vassallo (by the way, what’s with this Vassallo surname? Do they all have to be imbeciles?):

    “When we talk about values, I think of rationality in solving problems. That’s something I value. Fairness, kindness, generosity, tolerance. When they talk about values, they’re talking about things like going to church, voting for Bush (in our case Gonzi or Muscat), being loyal to Jesus, praying. These are not values.”

  14. rustic fairy says:

    I may start correcting these biographies as a part-time job.. To be Maltese and enjoy going to Italy and eating pasta is something very unique indeed (!!!!!!!!).

  15. David Buttigieg says:

    Didn’t he forget to put down ‘chauffeur’?


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