I watched this and thought: isn't this the perfect time to put JOSEPH in charge?
September 27, 2011 at 7:57pm
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“All we need is a living wage my euro chums”
And luckily we have the right Guy for the job.
The answer to your question is No.
Of course.
Maybe we should because he has a vision. It’s all about VIZJONI now.
There will never be a perfect time to put Joseph in charge.
He is permanently incapable of being, reliably, put in charge of anything.
The potential is what it is.
Invest in….fireworks! Joey’s solution.
Point very much understood.
Here’s the same version with an extra (important) 15 seconds at the beginning.
I can assure you, he won’t be back on the BBC again.
Every man for himself…tally ho.
Personally I wouldn’t trust the words or advice of someone who “dreams of this type of scenario”.
Nor one who blatantly underlined one important fact-that “governments don’t rule the world”.
And after those types of words I don’t believe that this arrogant highflyer has any understanding of compassion towards people.
Advice? Don’t use words you don’t understand.
However, there is a huge problem in the world. I don’t see Dr Muscat being much use against this type of person who clearly seems to enjoy his ability to not care about anything except making his money. My question is: Is the PN going to grow some balls?
That’s the beauty of deciding and acting for yourself.
How about Peter schiff’s advice, one of a handful of people in 2006 who was warning people of today’s woes and was the laughing stock of all the hopium-smoking ‘profesional’ talking heads on MSM.
You’ll love this one…
Can’t argue with hindsight. Now look up some of his present day comments and compare to what was said above.
– Do you dream about the economy at night, Joseph?
– I try not to.
Very surprising that you actually spotted this BBC odd-one-out. But then, the title betrays your childish interpretation away.
Obviously someone who never worked in the industry and yet has a very strong opinion thereon. An opinion which he then presents as a fact – impressing the paranoid kevs of the world.
Very surprising that you actually spotted this BBC odd-one-out. But then, the title betrays your childish interpretation.
kev, baxxi s-sound. Qed ikollok hafna reverb…reverb….reverb…reverb…
Which one is it kev?
The trader is thought to have been a hoax although his reasoning is not far off from truth.
There seems no way that the eurozone can come out of this big mess in one piece.
I have here the link from Joseph Muscat profile and going through his personal information it’s no so bad, we are told we are in safe hands as he knows all about economic stuff. (what i cannot really gather is how come he states he doctored in economics when he actual fact he followed market research) http://www.facebook.com/pages/Joseph-Muscat/63887949740?sk=info
[Daphne – His background is public policy and not economics, and it any case it’s irrelevant. Fenech Adami and Gonzi are lawyers.]
I would prefer a cesspit plumber who listens to the experts as my PM, rather than have an ordinary ‘karta ta’ l-incova’ graduate posing as an economist who wants to run the country by himself.
So sad that the BBC pulled the plug on the BBC News Channel (the UK one – not the mediocre World News) from where this clip was ripped and shifted it onto another transponder on the Astra 2D satellite. We were just within the footprint of the old transponder.
It was the only decent British news channel that we had access to. Now I’m stuck with Sky News which is as sensationalistic as all the other media that News Corp. is involved in.
If we really had to take up this trader’s reasoning, we DON’T owe anyone anything.
[Daphne – Well, yes, that’s pure and unadulterated liberalism.]
Malta Today is running the story on this BBC clip TODAY, after the trader has been discredited and exposed as a bit of a fake.
Malta Today clearly doesn’t follow the international media and sticks to the minutiae of life in the Maltese fishpond.
In that case I’m writing a letter to the bank declaring myself a pure and unadulterated liberal.
There is some truth in what he’s saying about fear. Right now there is no confidence in the markets and ‘traders’ main concern is how to make more money, as it always was.
So if you watch BBC, Sky or CNN the innuendos from their ‘market analysts’ are that the Eurozone will crumble “ Germany will not support Greece..Bla Bla Bla” . Watching Euronews one will hear some positive news “ Angela Merkel pledges full support to George Papandreou”.
The only thing which worries me about this crisis is that the Greeks do not want to treat their ‘cancer’.
I would put my money in countries where there is WORK not SPECULATION.
This speculator is probably good at short selling, with his scaremongering advice he created the atmosphere to make a quick buck, like he stated.
Short selling was one of the causes of this crisis.
Well the trader on the BBC clip maybe a fake but the situation is very serious indeed and the possibility of getting sucked in this “Euro” mess is getting more real by the day.
A run on the Euro would certainly kill it and on rolling back to former national currencies a few governments in Europe would devalue their national currencies soon afterwards.
Government debts and interest payments would be cut down to size and turn its citizens into paupers overnight.
Those who have savings would have nothing left but cents.
Then comes the cuts in public spending right across the board starting from student stipends, free education, free medicines, free health cover, pensions and last but not least social welfare to those in need and unemployed.
As the so called trader said ‘The economic crisis is like a cancer. If you just wait and wait, thinking this is going to go away, just like a cancer it’s going to grow and it’s going to be too late.’