Joseph Muscat was the main speaker at an event dedicated to the memory of Lorry Sant
Somebody sent in a link to the Facebook wall of Forum Zaghzagh Laburisti Paola, dated 9 October 2009. I reproduce the relevant bit beneath.
Time Friday, 09 October 2009 · 19:00 – 21:30
Location Centru Laburista Maggie Moran
Raħal Gdid, Malta
Created by: FZL Paola
Nhar id-9 ta’ Ottubru se jsir il-launch uffiċjali ta’ FZL Paola, avveniment li se niddedikaw lil Lorry Sant, persunaġġ politiku minn Raħal Gdid li ħadem ħafna ghal Partit Laburista u għal poplu Malti, specjalment fil-qasam taz-zghazagh.
Fil-fatt kien wiehed minn tal-bidu fil-Labour League of Youth, l-antenat tal-Forum Zghazagh Laburisti.
Huwa minhabba f’hekk, u minhabba l-entuzjazmu u l-ideat tieghu, ghal dak iz-zmien progressivi, li iddecidejna li nfakkruh f’jum il-launch taghna.
L-attivita se tkun tikkonsisti f’diskorsi qosra mil-President tal-Fergha, mil-President tal-FZL u mil-mexxej Laburista Dr Joseph Muscat. Wara se jintwera feature dwar Lorry Sant u z-Zghazagh tal-Labour League of Youth, kif ukoll tkunu tistghu taraw il-wirja li se tigi preparata fuq l-istess tema.
Fl-ahhar ta’ l-attivita se jkun hemm daqsxejn drinks u finger-food.
The photograph is a Life magazine image from the 1970s, showing Lorry Sant (right – unidentified by Life) with Muammar Gaddafi at a Malta Labour Party mass meeting.
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The link:
A criminal …
Is Muscat schizoid or just plain thick? You can’t play liberal and progressive and glorify cruel violators of human rights:
Dak mar ghal daqsxejn drinks u finger-food.
Makes a change from Macdonald’s burgers.
Joseph Muscat ma jhobbx banquets u ikliet ufficjali. Joseph Muscat liberali. ‘Daqxejn drinks u finger-food’ ihobb, mal-fans ta’ Lorry Sant.
So that’s where he gets his taste for big flappy ties.
Please note the outstretched arm of the Libyan guard trying to protect Muammar Gaddafi from close contact with Lorry Sant.
I don’t know if Labour realise they’re shooting themselves in the foot (to use an appropriate metaphor) by exhuming Lorry Sant and putting him back in the limelight.
They are desperate for people to stop attacking their past but then continue to bring it up themselves.
Antoine, they practise ‘Double-Speak’ to cover the reality that they believe in nothing beyond power.
In everything, it’s the past that makes something great or shameful.
Even in football, Real Madrid haven’t won much recently, but their past makes them a glorious team.
Same goes here, whatever they do, they continued building on the past. If they wanted to really change, there wouldn’t be people like Sceberras Trigona still occupying senior positions in the party.
Sorry, but they only changed their emblem, name and leader – the core of the PL is still driven by its past.
To add insult to injury, they are PROUD of that filthy past.
Did the press, especially Saviour Balzan’s Malta Today report this?
Or was Joseph averse to exposure on film in this case?
What do Toni Abela, Wenzu Mintoff have to say about this?
What influence does Ronnie Pellegrini have at Mile End?
Or is the term a new beginning just that, starting anew what was previously intended? This time manipulating a suggestible only child?
I think we deserve some answers.
Because the Labour Party has never really cleansed itself and because it has never admitted that Mintoff and later Mifsud Bonnici had brought chaos to Malta they have a very difficult relationship with their past.
On the one hand they try to glorify the past by saying that these were the Golden Years (because they need to rekindle the fire in the hearts of the old guard) but at the same time they try to distance themselves from certain persons who are known to have been basically criminals.
The Labour youth are told about the glorious past of the Labour governments and how they brought about free schooling and social services and they all go ‘wow’. But they are not told about the atrocities, the blatant human rights violations, the fact that if you were not Labour you were disadvantaged, the disaster in the economy and in the bad reputation we had with most countries, the befriending of communist dictators as a provocation to the West, the nationalisation of legitimate private businesses and the list goes on.
So it is no surprise that the Labour youth (although a bit of reading would help them open their eyes) idolise Lorry Sant and Agatha Barbara, Mintoff and the rest.