Sack your ghost writer, Cuschieri
September 5, 2011 at 9:38am
In The Times (letters to the editor) today:
Monday, September 5, 2011 , by Joseph Cuschieri, Sliema
Ratification process for Malta’s sixth MEP
In the item entitled Malta’s Sixth MEP Must Still Wait (August 31), in which I was mentioned, The Times reported: “So far, all 27 member states, except three, have finalised the protocol’s ratification process. Romania and Greece have passed the protocol through their national parliaments but still have to deposit the necessary documents in Rome while Belgium has yet to start the ratification process.”
Where did The Times get its information from? Does it research his pieces?
Let me do the work for him.
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The rest of it is cringeworthy, too.
Not just the written English – but take this:
“2. Greece: The Greek Foreign Ministry have informed me that the ratification process was concluded six weeks after I drew everybody’s attention **to the democratic deficit**.”
I can just imagine – “Hey Mr Greece, just bringing the democratic deficit to your attention, can we do something about it?”
Yeah, the “democratic deficit”.
A peasant doing his best to impress, and in so doing, just showing us all how way, way out of his league he really is.
Actually I have read it, and apart from the weird mistakes pointed out by Daphne, I cannot really see any mistakes in the English. Certainly, had there been any more mistakes Daphne would have pointed them out.
@Reporter – It’s the whole package that counts, and that includes the man-who-runs-after-the-Madonna-tal-Karmnu-tal-Balluta-statue-at-the-festa-with-a-silly-infantile-look-on-his-face himself, who signed the letter in question.
Do you really want people like that to represent? I certainly do not.
I meant “to represent you?”
From the bowels of Labour comes the classic turd.
A successful graduate from the ‘College of Labour Scatology’. Joining such illustrious graduates as the Elephant Man, Dr. Zero, Perit Mintoff (kind of out of it now), and, the most recent graduate, wait for it, Dr. Dwarf.
Grow up, and cut the Facebook-speak more akin to teenagers with a low IQ.
Maltastar reports the death in a traffic accident of a 34 year old.
It describes him as a Yugoslav national.
Yugoslavia indeed.
Things seem to go un noticed by the MLP’s media – such as the break up of Yugoslavia and loads more.
Knowing that at some point in time we will be represented by this person in the European Parliament and various other international fora makes me sick with embarrassment.
Is this the best that we can do?
I think my dog would cut a better figure.
It says a lot about Joseph Muscat that he is not embarrassed having someone of this level of ineptitude representing him, his party and his country.
If Labour wins the next election, we will have people like Anglu Farrugia and the rest of the 2 digit IQ brigade to reinforce the perceptions generated by Cuschieri; we will once again become a laughing stock.
What amazes me is that these people never learn. I remember someone recounting an incident that occurred during a formal dinner with representatives of the IMF at the Phoenicia Ball Room in the early seventies. After the main course, Labour cabinet minister Danny Cremona’s wife stood up, put her fingers in her mouth, whistled and shouted across the room to tell their driver to get the trifle that she had prepared for the occasion, from the car.
Almost 40 years later, I would not be at all surprised if Joseph, Michelle or anyone else from the MLP/PL brigade were to pull a similar stunt.
Can I, in any way, make sure that the ratification process is delayed!
What a stupid comment! It is in Malta’s interest that Malta has a sixth seat in the EP as soon as possible.
I also think that Cuschieri is incompetent for such an important job, however I wouldn’t in any way want the ratification to be delayed further.
Still, I don’t think Cushcieri is going to have his seat any time soon.
Belgium is in a political stalemate and has had a care-taker government for over a year now (how embarrassing). As long as the situation remains so, they cannot completely ratify the Lisbon treaty. And even if they manage to form a government, Belgium is facing more pressing problems (mainly it’s ballooning budget deficit) than an unratified treaty.
Or better still, put off indefinitely.
When Muscat replaced Cuschieri, did he adopt the constituency the latter represented?
I think you might fnd this interesting:
What a naive article – not to mention that the ‘finer’ points he’s talking about are remnants of our independence that are being EU-regulated one by one.
All this talk of people ‘depositing their instruments’ sounds rather saucy, Frankie Howerd style…….’Ooooh-errrrr Missus! Where would you like me to deposit my instrument?’
While reading the letter to the editor this morning I was pretty sure it wouldn’t go unnoticed by this blog..and voila’ :)
Well at least he did the nation a favour and vacated his seat from our parliament, saving us further embarrassment.
Let’s just hope the next EP elections will be held prior to Cuschieri taking the 6th seat. He’s one of those guys thinking that wearing a suit and a tie makes you an intelligent and respected person.
I think that Joseph Muscat should be ashamed of himself for having stolen the parlamnetary seat from Manwel Cuchieri’s not-so-bright younger brother for pie-in-the-sky promises.
More sanctimonious pontification from the bikkej nazzjonali’!/profile.php?id=100002341073222&sk=wall
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.
Khalil Gibran
Try this Mr JPO:
“He who learns but does not think, is lost. He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger. ” – Confucious.
irrelevant, but check this out.
I wonder what sort of blogs we would be reading if the sixth M.E.P was a P.N. candidate instead of Cuschieri?
An important point, we should remember is that Cuschieri is a Maltese M.E.P not a Labour or Nationalist.
If he or she were a moron, you’d be reading the same blog posts. Stupidity crosses party lines and unites the Maltese People in one big happy Xarabank crowd.
You have to explain to him what a ghost writer is, miskin.
Cuschieri’s letter on The Times website was not even supported by the usual Labour Elves (Laiviera and Co). He’s really on his own, isn’t he?
That photo very effectively depicts the phrase “Judas’ hug”.
Michael embraces Fredo.
Tumesonline: Monday, September 5, 2011, 16:50
“Gas-firing power station remains government aim – Gonzi”
Better keep out of the way of that one.
On the other hand, there may be much to be said for a gas-fired power station.
Actually the author wrote gas-fried and the editor spotting the mistake ‘corrected’ it to gas-firing.
Is this guy expecting to represent us? Who is ‘ him’ – The Times ?
Daphne, qtiltni bid-dahk! :D
Actually, apart from those two errors, the article is written in more than serviceable English. It seems to be a matter of distractedness, like when somebody decides to alter syntax and forgets to change all relevant words.
PL’s reaction to Gaddafi’s downfall and the Wikileaks posts is like the denial of St Peter .×303-8698.jpg
Two marbles in a can – I stand corrected – just the one marble.
Daphne, we have to give Joseph Muscat this one – he chose Cuschieri to vacate his seat.
Baxxter iniedi kampanja sabiex Malta jkollha Jum Nazzjonali wiehed: il-birthday ta’ Daphne.
Beneath the report on your case yesterday:
“During Latin classes at school many years ago, we were taught “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes” (“Who will guard the guards themselves” or “Who watches the watchmen ?”);is this still relevant in this day and age ? Where does the Commission for the Administration of Justice stand on this matter ?”
Other persons commenting seem to think that “ix-xejn mu xejn”; I think the elves are out in force.
“Till then, Dr Herrera said, it was common practice for lawyers to appear before relatives who happened to be members of the judiciary. In truth there were no legal grounds for asking for an abstention.”
I am genuinely appalled by Dr. Hererra’s flippant approach to conflict of interest. He refers to legal grounds. Has he never heard of ethics? Can a member of the judiciary be truly impartial and be seen to be impartial by all and in all cases?
Dr. Herrera claims that this also happened in the Mifsud Bonnici family. It was unethical whoever did it. It reflects badly on the Maltese judiciary and legal profession if it had to be a judgement of the European Court of Human Rights for them to realise.
Pity Magic Kiosk has finally gone – Cuschieri cannot go back to his previous job there.