Sigh. 25 years on and the only thing that's changed is the hair. Tal-ustja, man. Il-vera buzz.

Published: September 27, 2011 at 1:47am

13 Comments Comment

  1. Leonard says:

    The KMB years: Kanna biss.

  2. Vanni says:

    Most worrying is that there has been no change to this day in the mentality that, as long as something is Maltese, it must be the best thing since sliced bread.

    Reading most Maltese comments-boards, one becomes acutely aware of the vigorous defence of all things Maltese and how the Maltese stand shoulder to shoulder against the foreigner (gOnziPN is the only exception to this, which speaks volumes on the political persuasion of the exponents of this belief).

    Mintoff and the Labour Party certainly did an excellent job in implanting this particular notion.

    • Ivan Fenech says:

      No you are wrong on the “Maltese is best”. This is 1986, KMB years.

      Anyone you see wearing some rock T-shirt either made it himself or had it purchased from abroad and sneaked it in to avoid Customs.

      The only reason there is an emphasis on Maltese bands is that there were ONLY Maltese bands.

      Do you think there were any foreign bands playing in Malta in those golden years of Labour?

      These people represent a sub-culture which developed under Labour.

      Do not underestimate them, in spite of their limited vocabulary. And there was some great talent as well.

      • Brian says:

        I agree with you here, Ivan.

        And to those who think that Maltese rock bands in the 70s and 80s had a ‘Kanna Biss Mentality’ as our dear friend Leonard put it, well think again you sad sucks…. They rebelled (in their own way) against the ruling party of the day.

  3. A. Charles says:

    Pathetic. 10.56 minutes too long.

  4. Steve says:

    “Sigh. 25 years on and the only thing that’s changed is the hair” ….. and the shorts.

  5. jim says:

    just noticed that turned red.

  6. Pecksniff says:

    Last para mentions Malta’s drink drive limit being one of highest in EU.

  7. cat says:

    Jiddispjacini nghid li dawn it-tip ta’ nies ghadek issibhom anke fl-2011.

    (u iktar Alfie Fabri kien joqghod ghal dan it-tip ta’ xandir).


  9. bob says:

    Was this on Xandir Malta?

  10. H.P. Baxxter says:

    OK, so we have never evolved beyind the Neanderthal stage. But Alfie Fabri is by far and away the best DJ who ever graced the airwaves.

    Buzz FM? An institution. Oh happy days, when classic trance ruled supreme. Bring back that turn-of-the-millenium sound!

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