Taht il-PN kulhadd qieghed imut bil-guh (it must be all that pizza)

Published: September 27, 2011 at 11:19am

A terrific headline on timesofmalta.com right now:


The story, by Bertrand Borg, reports on how school-uniform suppliers couldn’t service demand because the stock ordered in was child-sized but the children who turned up to buy it were not.

A retailer who came under fire for only supplying state school uniforms one day before the scholastic year opened has blamed the fiasco on shipping delays, disorganised parents and an inordinate number of overweight children.


Last Sunday, hundreds of parents flocked to Yorkie Clothing in an attempt to secure their children’s school uniforms at the eleventh hour. Many parents complained of a frenzied and disorganised “free for all” while others said a number of items were not available in certain sizes.


“Each school was given a specific time when parents could come and purchase their uniforms, but parents didn’t follow this timetable and instead everyone came at 9 a.m. It was obviously chaotic in the morning, but by 2 p.m. the shop assistants were all sitting around eating pastizzi”.

Parents have complained about uniform supplies being inadequate but Mr Calleja had an interesting explanation.

“We were gobsmacked by the number of obese children in Malta. What are you supposed to do when faced with an 11-year-old with a 42-inch waist?” he asked.

13 Comments Comment

  1. D Fenech says:

    And how many 42-inch waisted children are there? It’s anybody’s else fault but the supplier’s as usual.

    Daphne did you read this? I thought Mr DeMartino was a PN diehard? Why is he naming you (I presume that you are the Daphne he is writing about)?


    SUBMITTED ON TUE, 09/27/2011 – 07:43.
    Quo Vasis U Daphnie?
    Ghedt hmerija ohra, bhas-soltu. Bondi dahal biex jghinhom bhala “avukat” Is-sentenza nqaghtet u issa ma jidhlu ebda politci. Il-kustjoni issa bejn dawn u l-knisja u Joseph ma jidhol assolutament xejn fl-affari. Bhalma ma Jidholx Lawrence Gonzi.
    U Daphnie x’se twiegeb? Se tibqa’ tidher vavu quddiem il-qarrejja? U chicken?

    – Giovann.DeMartino

    [Daphne – That’s not Mr De Martino, who knows how to spell Daphne. It’s some Labour w**ker of the sort who reads Malta Today.]

  2. Patrik says:

    The Onion couldn’t compete with that article.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Patrik, love the Onion.

      Have a quiz for you. Which of the following headlines is not from today’s Onion. But just as rediculous (ludicrous?) as the Times article. However, true.

      1) ‘California Allows Prisoners to Serve Sentences Online.’

      2) ‘Study: Most Self Abuse Goes Unreported.’

      3) ‘Pediatricians Announce 2011 Newborns are Ugliest Babies in 30 Years.’

      4) ‘Prisoners Complain of Lack of Sports Channels,’)

      5) ‘Brutal Spouse Fighting Ring Found in Marsascala Basement.’)

      No cheating. Will give answer if you respond.

  3. Gakku says:

    I don’t think this is anything new; most surveys for the last years have been saying that Maltese children are among the most overweight in Europe.

    But on the other hand I doubt all these fat children got fat overnight (fat year 5 children last year will probably become fat year 6 children this year).

  4. cat says:

    In my school times there used to be huge queues in Valletta at Pace’s arriving up to Palace Square and now the queues have been transfered to Yorkie.

    Ara veru dan il-pajjiz ma jfieq qatt.

  5. mark v says:

    The uniform system is a racket. The solution is simple. Liberalise the market.

    All school children should have a standard uniform with the only difference being the school badge.

    This way several shops will stock the uniforms, prices will drop and the public will be better served.

    It is amazing how two companies still hold the monopoly for school uniforms.

    As for obesity, only education and exercise can tackle this problem. Pastizzerijas should be banned from school vicinities just like alcohol.

  6. Edward Caruana Galizia says:

    There was a shocking article in the Metro and other newspapers in the UK not so long ago. There are officially more obese people than there are starving people in the world.

  7. Richard Royle says:

    Junk food, especially anything based on wheat, is a pacifier; it dulls the senses, lowers the metabolism and limits the capacity to learn – the perfect alternative to subdue rebellious offspring now a good slap round the backside is no longer an option.

  8. MaltaRants says:

    Jien kien minghalija li hawn hafna familji bil-fridge vojta daqs kemm hawn faqar. Forsi fhimt il-ONE News hazin mela.

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