Unbelievable – he talks about 'nafdaw iz-zaghzagh' and then stuffs his shadow cabinet and party hierarchy with creaking dinosaurs

Published: September 26, 2011 at 11:51am

Here’s Joseph Muscat’s meeting for the zaghzagh of Sliema, on the supremely contentious site – to the real people of Sliema – of Joe Pace’s Magic Kiosk.

Which one of his brilliant advisers chose the location?

And if those zaghzagh are from Sliema, then I’m from Glasgow.

Why, there’s even Joe Pace’s former Magic Kiosk waiter, ‘sixth MEP’ Joseph Cuschieri, smirking in the background, probably thinking how far he’s come since those days when the reality is that he was better off then because he had a job.

As for Muscat, his total lack of eloquence never fails to shock me.

‘Jippartecipaw b’mod ta’ frontline’.


58 Comments Comment

  1. Blondie was there too with Cyrus.

  2. Vanni says:

    Why the appeal to iz-zaghzagh?

    I would think it obvious that any particular party would target the best person, and not a member of any particular group.

    Muscat really should avoid any mention of education. Seeing we do not have any policy utterance on the subject from the man, we are forced to judge his policies by past Socjalist policies.

    Seeing that this IS the old Labour despite the fancy repackaging, we can only remember that it was this same party that tried its damnedest to ruin the educational future of a generation.

  3. red nose says:

    How many young people does Muscat have in his shadow cabinet?

  4. Jozef says:

    Were he outspoken like this in the EU referendum campaign in 2003 we wouldn’t have such reservations in accepting his words as genuine.

    So St.Anne’s Square is another one of Cyrus’s achievements now?

    What next, a similar meeting at the Sant’ Antnin recycling plant outlining Labour’s vision for the environment?

    A meeting on Campus promoting EU scholarship programmes?

  5. P Shaw says:

    This is just the beginning.

    We will be watching this propoganda crap every day soon on TVM news post 2013.

  6. Dee says:

    The NEW names that are being touted on ONE media adverts as the modern progressive moderate PL’s political commentators/ opinionists/ program hosts etc include such NEW names as MINTOFFIAN faithful Felix Agius, Frans Ghirxi, Tony Zarb, Joe Grima and Maria Camilleri.

  7. sandy:P says:

    Le, dawk mhux Slimizi. Hemm xeba elves tas-South – Santa Lucija, Rahal il-Gdid etc

    Imbaghad hemm iz-zaghzagh eterni:

    Anthony ‘tie me up’ Zammit
    Andrew C. Azzopardi
    Marlene ta’ Jeffrey

    Slimizi dawn?

    [Daphne – Tie Me Up Zammit, iva. L-ohrajn, le.]

    • Dee says:

      Are they irregular or illegal immigrants to Sliema from the south?

      • Yes ….. especially in St Anne Square. Remember how we were treated in Zejtun?

      • Delacroixet says:

        So now everyone from Zejtun is a persona non grata in Sliema. Why, thanks.

        I guess all us Nationalists from Zejtun, treated like blood-traitors by our neighbours, and living in constant reminder of the 1980’s, should just give up, right? You know, what really ticks me off isn’t all that ‘illegal immigrant’ talk towards all the people of Zejtun. It’s that it is people like me who know what living under Labour really means.

        You see, I might be 22 years old, but back in 2008 I lived for a few hours under a Labour government. You may rise your eyebrows, but for a few hours on 9th March, my whole town was in their hands. And I’m not talking about horns and sirens in the distance, or the celebrations as charming as those of the PN supporters along the Sliema seafront.

        The whole village square was impassable with Labour supporters, drinking beer and making merry at 9 am. I was told the jolly retired thugs from the 80’s parked their souped up rides around the square, in a pageant of sorts. Naff people were dancing and shouting to naffer music blaring from speakers set in the Labour kazin, with victory photos taken all round. I saw flags with two MLP torcas sewn obscenely alongside two EU flags, orchestrated by some bright spark from the “We’re pro-EU now” subcommittee. And before they got the news that they really should not be celebrating, they were already organising trucks and carcades “ghal hdejn in-Nazzjonalisti.” I do not really think they would have needed a passport to cross the North-South divide.

        I was told there were no policemen in sight, and that insults were thrown aplenty at GonziPN and his gbejniet, whatever that meant, at then President Fenech Adami and at Daphne too.

        It is very easy for you to forget what living under the Labour regime meant. People like me, especially us young ones, brush our elbows daily with henchmen from the eighties, and their extended progeny. Our parents made bloody well sure to tell us everything about what they endured, and which places to avoid.

        And what really pains me is that it is mostly the Sliema people who were ready to let Sant back in government in 2008, and who are willing to give Joseph and the Dinosaurs another chance in 2013. I remember overhearing someone asking “Imma kemm ill*stja hawn Nazzjonalisti?” just after that election. Believe you me, with many ‘northerners’ deciding not to vote, those one-thousand who made the difference in that election did not seem quite enough to me.

        But what do I know, I’m just an irregular from Zejtun, right?

      • A. Charles says:

        I was born in Birkirkara, lived in Paola for a short period and am proud to say I am a Zejtuni.

        Maltese gemgem was invented in Sliema; double-faced horrid people who continually complain against the government which has done so much, and who enjoy saying that they will vote for a change because the Nationalists have been in power for too long.

        Sono incazzato nero, for want of a better phrase.

      • Dee says:

        @Peter Borg Olivier;
        at Zejtun , and tal-Barrani!

    • KS says:

      What do you mean tas-south? Santa Lucia u Rahal Gdid?

      Ghandek xi haga specjali ghax int toqghod go belt jew rahal iehor go Malta? Tahseb li xi dizunur ghax tkun mis-south?

      Taf li l-Prim ministru u l-familja tieghu gejjijn mis-south? Dawk tirreferi ghalihom bhala “xeba elves tas-South”?

      Jekk tghidilna int minn fejn gejja ahjar…jien nahseb jew minn Parigi? Londra? Amsterdam jew Zurich?

      • Grezz says:

        Il-fatt jibqa li l-laqgha kienet ghaz-zaghzagh ta’ Tas-Sliema. F’dak il-video ma tantx jidru zaghzagh, inqas wisq li huma minn Tas-Sliema.

      • @ KS

        May I remind you and some others who have posted that we live on a rock, roughly 30km x 9km.

        What is it with this north and south crap? Mela veru li qeghdin niggennu?

        Please stop repeating this bs…it was coined and inserted in the public domain by politicians who should have known better.

    • Carlos Bonavia says:

      The one right behind Joseph is from Mosta. He carries the unfortunate moniker of Ta Hexa, his family’s nickname.

      • KS says:

        @George Mifsud

        I was not the one who mentioned it but sandy:P!

        So you should direct your comment to him/her…

        I was merely asking why he/she think is superioir to the south (Rahal Gdid or Santa Lucia people)

        I agree with you that Malta is too small for a North / South division…the difference is in the upbringing and the education.

  8. H.P. Baxxter says:


    “The accused are twins Peter Paul Camilleri and his brother Jesrit-Angel, 21, their father Peter, 56, cousin Carrin Camilleri, 31 and uncle Joseph Medina 46, all of Zabbar.”


    [Daphne – You forgot the arresting officer, Jurgen Zerafa.]

  9. MaltaRants says:

    Come on – there are a number of factors and sayings that can explain this.

    1. Age is just a number.

    2. You’re as young as you feel.

    3. Darbtejn nsiru tfal.

  10. Lorna saliba says:

    Then you must be from Glasgow, Daphne, because these are southern boys and girls who form part of the Moviment Gdid Progressiv and who aspire for a pole position come 2013.

  11. sandy:) says:

    Fejn hu Ignatius taz- Zurrieq, zaghzugh etern?

  12. Harry Purdie says:

    The irony is so comical.

    Little Joey’s Sunday meanderings are fantastic examples of Labour’s capacity to obfuscate the truth to win supporters in spite of flagrantly lying to them.

    They’re able to get away with whopper lies so massive they’re almost hilariously off the rails. So sad for the country.

  13. Antoine Vella says:

    Joseph Muscat likes to repeat that he has faith – fiduċja – in people; this time it was young people, on other occasions families, businessmen, etc.

    This is nothing but a poor re-edition of the old “Eddie Fiduċja” slogan of the 1992 elections.

    Honestly, I can’t think of one original idea or even one original slogan that Muscat has come up with, since becoming party leader. Makes you wonder if PL stands for PiLfering.

    As for using St Anne’s Square for the event, well the Krissmiss song video was shot at the Ta’ Qali National Park, another PN achievement.

  14. Jozef says:

    Ignatius was tying himself in knots over Jason’s open weekend plans.

  15. Lucy says:

    My favourite is the glowering Morticia Addams lookalike behind him. She looks thrilled to be there.

  16. John Vella says:

    My favourite is Mrs Marie Louise Coleiro Preca (far left, in red jacket) who seems to have found her way after losing it in the divorce referendum campaign.

    Has the leader now asked her to contest on the Sliema district?

  17. maryanne says:

    If the following is true, it is a taste of things to come. Is John Boxhall one of the ‘old’ ones to get the sack? On what merit is Joseph Muscat deciding whom to endorse as councillor?

    “According to Illum, reliable sources said the message was very straightforward: “do not contest in council elections again. If you still want to contest, the Labour Party will not accept your candidacy.”

  18. JOE BORG says:

    min qat qall li il laqa ija az zaghzagh sliemizi?????
    il laqa saret tas sliema, ifiser dawk l erba min nies li kien hemm fuq il fosos fl indipendwza kolla furjanizi????

    vera qedin taqaw fil baxx ghax qas tafu fuq xix ha taqbdu.

  19. Kenneth Cassar says:

    Is that man on the right (at 1:13) throwing up?

  20. NGT says:


    An interesting article to brighten your day.

    I wonder if Jesrit-Angel, Carrin and Joseph Medina are friends of Byon-Jo and Byron?

  21. Jozef says:


    Imagine being from Zurrieq…..Karmenu Vella, Julia Farrugia, Ignatius, Il-Farell, Marlene Pullicino and Reno Calleja.

    Hemm cans li johorgu bil-purcissjoni tal-Bambin Gesu’ minflok tal-muzew fil-Milied li gej.

    ‘ninni la tibkix iiiiizjeeeeed….’

  22. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    As someone who lived through Labour’s version of the numerus clausus and failed to get into the University of Malta purely by virtue of the fact that I am a Sliemiza who decided that principles counted more than the famous Ghoxrin Punt, thereby getting myself a very valid Church education………..JOSEPH MUSCAT………CUT THE CRAP AND SHUT UP…..Sliemizi, zaghzagh and education at the forefront, my foot.

  23. Ray Camilleri says:

    actually it is spelt ‘żgħażagħ’… otherwise it would sound as zahzah… but anyway…

  24. e-ros says:

    What is Andrew Azzopardi doing alongside Muscat? Is he another convert, or is he is busily feathering his nest?

    No wonder you always find him on all the TV stations, getting maximum promotion.

  25. Marku says:

    Something for il-Partit ta’ Joseph to think about (from telegraph.co.uk):

    “The shadow Chancellor set out an alternative five-point plan designed to kick-start Britain’s beleaguered economy by cutting taxes and bringing forward spending on major infrastructure projects.”


  26. Grezz says:

    I love it!

    Didn’t anyone notice li libsu pulit ghax marru Tas-Sliema il-Hadd?

    The only recognisable faces to me, apart from Cyrus Engerer, Joseph Muscat and Joseph Cuschieri, are Stefan Buontempo (from Gzira, not Sliema), Entni Zammit (fih zaghzugh, ukoll) and Tander Saliba, he of the spectacular bedroom.

  27. James Borg says:

    zaghzugh -> zghazagh fuq il-pattern ta’ karkur -> krakar

  28. Lupin says:

    @ Delacroixet – Well done for your comment. You are spot-on.

  29. Fleur says:

    To be honest I agree on what he said, and yes most of them are from sliema cause I was there and secondly enough who are you to Judge us youngsters. Let people say what they have to say. Thankfully some people use critisicsm on a base upon which one can improve.

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