A commemorative video to mark Dear Joseph's first 100 days – apparently he did nothing but prAss the flAsh

Published: October 2, 2011 at 5:45pm

5 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:


  2. Grezz says:

    X’antipatija ta’ ragel.

  3. Bus Driver says:

    So it took Joseph 100 days to get round to telling Labour Party members to start thinking about changing the structures of the party.

    Now, what? 1000 days later, Karmenu Vella and AST are now firmly back in the saddle, and probably also with reins in hand. Some change.

    Back to the zmien helu u tad-deheb.

  4. 'Angus Black says:

    Mrs Caruana Galizja, jekk jghogbok ittellax aktar dawn il-videos ghax qed taghmilli qalbi gungliena.

    Jahasra din il-hlewwa kollha, dawk l-ghafis ta’ idejn u idejn imellsu il-gisem prezzjuz ta’ Joey, qed jaghmluni geluz u ma niflahx izjed.

    Jaqbadni tkexkix nara lill Joey imelles ibewwes u jghannaq it-tfal.

    U dan wara 100 gurnata biss? Mela ara x’video qed jimmuntaw ta’ tlett snin ta’ ghaxqa, ferh u genn.

    U jahasra, Gowzef tant hu helu u karezmatiku.

    U antipatiku.

  5. Etil says:

    Please Daph, do not give us any more videos – am sick of them.

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