Alex Saliba of Forum Zghazagh Laburisti: "Praise Lorry Sant because he built a centru sportiv"

Published: October 5, 2011 at 1:54pm

To prove to us that, despite the evidence of his New Room (as uploaded on Facebook and since deleted) he is a regular guy with a girlfriend, Labour Youth’s secretary-general, Alex Saliba, has had an image make-over.

It’s the pseudo-rugged look, as shown in his new Facebook profile picture, one of many taken on his recent Scottish holiday with yes, his girlfriend.

There is also a photograph of his girlfriend surrounded by shopping bags after raiding the shops there in between bouts of starving to pay her electricity bills under gONEziPn.

And to heighten his tough-guy image, or perhaps just because he’s so v-e-r-y close to Lorry Sant’s old henchman Ronnie Pellegrini, who likes the company of young men and spends a lot of time hanging about Labour Youth, Alex Saliba has just posted a photograph of Lorry Sant on his Facebook wall, with the words:

Alex Saliba
Tislima lil eks-Ministru Laburista Lorry Sant f’gheluq is-sittax il-sena mill-mewt tieghu.

Somebody responded:

Mark Anthony Sammut
When even the ‘progressive’, new generation, hails a fundamental human right violator, whose thugs beat people to death, who was expelled from his own party for his corrupt practices, and who trampled upon the rights of all to feed his greed for power, as some sort of exemplary politician for us to follow….then I give up that this country will ever mature.

And Labour Youth’s secretary-general gave a VERY smart response:

Alex Saliba
Ssoltu diskors bla la bla, il-kantliena tan-nazzjonalisti…forsi insejt isemmi il-progetti lid an il-ministru irmexxielu jaghmel, insept kemm ta kenn lil nies bla saqaf fuq rashom? Insejt kemm il-centru sportiv (li ghadhom jintuzaw sal llum bena)…dawn ma nistawx infakkruhom…bit-tajjeb u l-inqas tajjeb tieghu lorry sant kien protagonist sabiex jibni Malta gdida. Tghid x tghid in u l-erba’ pampaluni nazzjonalisti li taraw it-tibna f’ghajnejn haddiehor u ma tarawx it-travu li hemm fuq raskhom, had qatt ma jista jinsa dak li Lorry Sant ghamel ghal pajjizna!

32 Comments Comment

  1. A.Attard says:

    “insept kemm ta kenn lil nies bla saqaf fuq rashom? ”
    should read:

    insejt kemm seraq art lil propretarji legittimi biex qassamha b’xejn lil tal-klikka?

    • Mark Sammut says:

      In fact my reply to Alex Saliba’s response was:

      “Kif nista’ ninsa jekk dawn il-progetti li tant tiftahru bihom ghamilhom fuq artijiet li seraq m’ghand nies li ma jaqblux mieghu. Kulhadd jaf ikun galantom bi hwejjeg haddiehor.”

      • Benjamin Pule' says:

        Even my reply to Alex Saliba’s comment was on those lines. U minn fuq, jghidulek li thares lejn il-passat biss.

        X’faqar ta’ nies – bilfors li ma jharsux lejn il-passat, ghax m’ghandhomx passat (u wisq inqas prezent/futur).

  2. Dee says:

    Outburst from yet another spoilt brat.

    Min mindu trid degree universitarju imhallas mit-tax payer Malti, biex titkellem hazin u taghmel it-ejatrini?

  3. Mike says:

    FFS, that’s all I can muster

  4. Kenneth Cassar says:

    On one thing he is correct: Hadd ma jista jinsa dak li Lorry Sant ghamel.

  5. C Falzon says:

    The sad thing is that many people actually believe Lorry Sant was a great man who just made some ‘mistakes’ in the course of doing his great deeds.

    This Alex seems to be no exception.

    [Daphne – What do you expect, with the kind of upbringing he had in a household where the grown-ups actually VOTED FOR Lorry Sant and not just praised him. And he’s clearly too unintelligent to work things out for himself.]

  6. Edward Caruana Galizia says:

    Lorry Sant was found guilty of violating human rights. Why is Mr Saliba praising him?

    [Daphne – Because a little thing like that doesn’t matter when he ‘built a sports complex’. So what if Hitler ordered the deaths of millions? He loved animals and painted watercolours.]

    • Edward Caruana Galizia says:

      I suppose they think it’s unfair to bring such things up.

      What strikes me as odd is their idea of an oppressive and brutal leader.

      They seem to think that you can only call a man a dictator if he lives in “The Castle of Doom” surrounded by a mote of fire and guarded by dragons.

      Or perhaps, for the less imaginative, he must walk around with a swastika and throw people into ovens because of their race, and start a war.

      They aren’t aware that there are many different types of dictators and monstrous leaders. Like Idi Amin for example. He was a charismatic man who was the hero of the day when he first got elected.

      People loved him and praised him everywhere he went.

      And like all charismatic dictators he did some good to start with.

      But say that name to anyone in Uganda and all they’ll talk about is how horrible he was and what a terror he was to his country.

      [Daphne – Not just in Uganda. He was one of the BIG names of my childhood. If a kid in Malta in the 1970s knew who he was, that should tell you something about how spectacularly bad his reputation was. He kept bits of his enemies in his fridge, as I recall, unless that was an urban legend. Also, Malta hosted many refugees from Uganda at the time.]

      Some people find it hard to believe that a dictator can first do good to start with and then terrorize the nation. Which in my opinion is worse.

  7. Jozef says:

    The moustacchioed deputy leader should have a word, in private obviously, with this peacock, if he has any dignity left. Or is he feeling totally isolated?

    Mark Anthony Sammut is wrong in giving up, the country is mature enough to take the right decisions, if provided with the right information.

    Thank you, Alex.

  8. Dee says:

    Anyone remembers a huge streamer hanging in one of the side streets off Paola Square, boldy proclaiming that ”LORRY SANT HU XEWKA F’SORM IL-PN?

    That was in the Lorry’s heyday in the apex of the golden Mintoffian Era.

    • Kenneth Cassar says:

      I certainly do. I was brought up in Paola.

      • Dee says:

        I apologize for using the dreaded four letter S word , but that was exactly what was written on that banner.

    • silent observer says:

      Yes I remember well and also I remember well how fast it was taken down together with all the ‘Communist’ type of posters hanging around Paola Square which we had to face each and every day like the rising sun. I was brought up in Paola as well and remember well May 1987

      • Dee says:

        Then you must have very fond memories of Labour celebrating their electoral victories in 71 ,76 and 81 in Paola square.

    • IL-COP says:

      I also remember a large graffiti on a wall on the St. Andrew’s main road that sums him up.

      IMMA INT L- – A

      I put the dots for prudence. On the wall the whole word was written in big letters.

  9. MaltaRants says:

    “insept kemm ta kenn lil nies bla saqaf fuq rashom?”

    Ta saqaf lil laburisti, u lin-nazzjonalisti taghhom is-swat mhux saqaf! Imma dan fiex jifhem, dan jghid li jisma biss.

    • Grazio says:

      Probably he wanted to write:

      ‘…insejt kemm ta lil nies bla saqaf, fuq rashom?’

      They are used to omitting words and punctuation.

  10. Ian says:

    Why do all these Labour people insist on writing so badly? In just a few lines there are countless spelling mistakes – and this in Maltese. God knows what his English is like.

    Also, “bits of his enemies in his fridge”? That can’t be, can it?

  11. edgar says:

    Il-progetti li Lorry Sant irrnexxilu jaghmel.

    Alex Saliba meant il-MIRAKLI li irrnexxilu jaghmel, by converting large ”green” areas into areas with building permits overnight.

  12. psa says:

    Ssoltu = Is-soltu
    bla la bla = bla bla bla
    il-kantliena = il-kantaliena
    forsi insejt = forsi nsejt
    isemmi = issemmi
    isemmi il-progetti = issemmi l-proġetti
    lid an = li dan
    irmexxielu = irnexxielu
    insept = insejt
    sal llum = sal-lum
    lorry sant = Lorry Sant
    x tghid = x’tgħid
    raskhom = raskom
    had = ħadd
    jista = jista’

  13. Joe Micallef says:

    Elllo Alex hasra he is no arownd he majt giv u a desint badroom!

  14. La Redoute says:

    “dakk kien labure taveru fiz zmien mintof u lory sant.”

    I couldn’t agree more.

  15. Ganna says:

    Who knows, may be Alex’s family was given property – possibly filched off some private landowner – when Sant was in power?

    To praise someone like Lorry Sant, he must really owe him – or have been told that by his parents because he can’t possibly remember the man himself.

    Lorry Sant actually thought he was the next prime minister when Mintoff said after the 1981 electoral fiasco that he was handing over the leadership to somebody else. He had thousands of T-shirts printed with the slogan “Lorry Sant il-futur prim ministru”. And then the premiership went to Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici instead.

  16. denis says:

    Il-lostra x’faqar hawn f’Malta…………..

  17. James II says:

    Possibli Alex Saliba nesa li Lorry Sant ta’ mahmug li kien, kien tkecca mill-Partit Laburista stess tal-korruzzjoni li ghamel fi zmien Gvern Laburista ta’ Mintoff?

    Nesa Saliba li Lorry Sant ipprova jisfida apertament lil Mintoff meta tajru minn Ministru tax-Xoghlijeit u floku lahhaq lil Karmenu Vella?

    Nesa Saliba il-hmieg u l-korruzzjoni ta’ dawk kollha li kienu jhufu madwar Lorry Sant, kollha jwerzqu ghac-cejpelli?

    Nesa l-inkljesta li Karmenu Vella ipprova jaghmwel fuq hafna min nies ta’ Lorry Sant ghal hmieg li wettqu fi zmien li Lorry kien Ministru tax-Xoghlijiet?

    Nesa Saliba il-hruxijeit li wettqu n-nies ta’ Lorry Sant kontra l-partitarji ta’ Karmenu Vella talli ppruvaw jinvestigaw l-ghemil qarrieq taghhom?

    Insew il-vendikazzjonijeit li wettqu kontra kull minn mess mal-Ministru Karmenu Vella? jekk ghandhu memorja qasira tajjeb li nfakkruh lil dal-kummidjant.

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