"All Labour" – how najs

Published: October 2, 2011 at 5:39pm

And is that a kejk with his fejs on it?

6 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    ‘Irrid li l-poplu jkollu fina l-ahjar ghazla’

    We’re still waiting.

  2. pas says:

    “…jien ta’ dak jew jien ta’ l-ijhor”

  3. Bus Driver says:

    And is that a kejk with his fejs on it?

    What the guy is really asking for is a kasterd paj in the fejs.

  4. cat says:

    Madoffi Daphne ghandha l-pacenzja toqghod tarha dawn l-antipatija ta’ videos?

    I can’t understand why Dr. Muscat is always seen with children in his arms.

  5. Etil says:

    To convince us that he is a ‘faamilee mann’ ?

  6. malteser says:

    Vice-versa. Joseph is a kejk with a fejs on it. U ta’ miegħu figolli.

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