And now….Jeffrey is showing us his breakfast

Published: October 13, 2011 at 9:42am

This is what Jeffrey would have us believe he ate for breakfast.

Hothouse small communities throw off balance our sense of what’s normal behaviour and what isn’t.

The abnormal becomes normal because there is no ‘control group’ of wider society.

So we find ourselves taking any manner of absurdity for granted, in our stride, and then one day we suddenly think, but hang on, there’s something wrong here.

Seriously wrong.

After a day of mixing with his underclass, tasteyourownmedicine Labour friends on his Facebook wall (hahahaha saharaaaaa lolllll!!!!!!), trawling through that ghastly site for photographs and links to upload (and failing to make the connection between this and the sort of people he is attracting), and posting attacks on me and others to the Facebook walls of Labour politicians Cyrus Engerer, Evarist Bartolo and Robert Musumeci (no, that wasn’t a Freudian slip), Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando uploaded on his Facebook wall last night a picture of him raising his fingers in the hippy peace sign, with a quote from Mahatma Gandhi saying that a man should forget his anger before he goes to bed.

You know, in case he gets a stomach ulcer.

What did he do – hold the camera out and take a picture of himself? Get Carmen to do it? “Ejja, Carmen, hudli daqxejn ritratt qed naghmel il-peaceV ha nitfaghha fuq Fejsbuk.”

And this morning he fell out of bed and uploaded a photograph of what he claims he ate for breakfast. At your age, Jeffrey, I don’t think so. This is the accompanying quote:

Mum always used to say that breakfast was the most important meal of the day :) Top of the morning to you ! :)

For all his posing, this is quintessential ‘hamallagni’ behaviour and thinking: “Issa nurihom. Look ha, nigi naqa u nqum minnkom. I slept well u qomt niffanga f’platt English breakfast.”

Or, as his slummy Facebook friends would know the word, brake – fast, like when you’re about to crash and have to brake fast.

(Typical comment by a Facebook Friend of Jeff: u jien allahares nisma lil xi hadd jghid kontra malta ax nieklilhom wicchom!)

Mela tiekol English breakfast, Jeff? Isn’t that kowtowing to the colonial Sahib? If you want to be true to your national roots, you should be eating a piece of day-old bread dipped in black ‘coffee’ made with cikwejra.

But that’s not the point is it. The point is that a 47-year-old MP and chairman of one of Malta’s most important national organisations should not be behaving like this. And when he is, the red alert should be sounded that something is very, very wrong.

And then something should be done about it, if not by his political superiors then certainly by those family members who care about him.

44 Comments Comment

  1. C Falzon says:

    You’re right in suspecting that it wasn’t his breakfast. He took the trouble to find this:

    • Dee says:

      As a dentist, he should have told us about the importance of brushing your teeth in the morning. Too many of his Facebook friends don’t.

  2. Kenneth Cassar says:

    Typical behaviour of an eight-year-old.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      This guy is an unguided missile. He’s lost it.

      There’s a good chance he will bolt, bring down the government, and join the rabble. In fact, he’s already crossed the line.

      Clueless asshole.

  3. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Daphne, shall I take you round to MCST? It would make an interesting morning out. Plenty of material for your articles.

  4. Dee says:

    I shudder to think of his blood cholesterol levels after eating all that, and at his age too.

    I pity his morning clients. That sort of thing will give him more hot air than he usually has.

  5. A sahib's breakfast says:

    Zewgt zlazet u bajda wahda. No wonder he’s frustrated.

  6. Dee says:

    Anyone followed the circle jerk yesterday night on Smash TV, featuring Robert Musumeci and Cyrus Engerer? And then TX on Super One, with Evarist Bartolo and ex-Mintoffian Minister Spiteri, giving their discerning viewers lessons on democracy and bewailing today’s current democratic deficit.

    Provare per credere.

  7. Joe Micallef says:

    “certainly by those family members who care about him” – now that is the crux of the matter.

    I honestly think this whole JPO issue is terribly sad. He has, or has been, moved on a course that will lead him nowhere, and for his own good sake I hope he will be able to live with the self-inflicted outcome of his current behaviour .

  8. g says:

    Typical behaviour of an eight year old? I think not ! I have an eight year old who knows better than that.

    Unfortunately I must confess that I voted for Jeffrey at the last elections – what can I say – I was wrong and gullible – I believed him. Probably the worst decision and poorest act of character judgement in my entire life.

    We were at the same school when we were young. Even though the religious brainwashing was lost on me soon after I left school (and I did not feel the need to make a fuss about that), the values of honesty, sincerity and gentlemanly behaviour remain ingrained in my character.

    Not so for poor Jeffrey, who seems to have lost or forgotten them.

    Jeffrey, shut up – for your own sake. Take a break, a long break.

    Think about what you have done, and be happy that you spearheaded the divorce legislation.

    If you continue the way you are going, your involvement in this achievement will be forgotten forever, and you will be remembered as a deceitful, lying, spoilt brat with a chip on your shoulder the size of a bus.

  9. Dee says:

    The timing of the evening pro-Labour propaganda programmes on Smash TV and Favourite Channel is interesting.

    The guests on Super One shows in the morning tend to be well-known personalities from the Mintoffian era. In the early afternoon ONE radio is littered with GWU personalities and more Mintoffians with impeccable democratic credentials.

    Late-night ONE radio shows are more of the same. Yesterday it was about the democratic deficit and poor persecuted Ms Abela Garrett (yes, still). The main guest was none other then democracy personified, Mr Joe Debono Grech himself.

    Hurrah for the progressive party.

  10. How is this different to playground bullying?

    [Daphne – You’re referring to Jeffrey’s behaviour towards me, I trust. If not, go straight to his Facebook wall. And remember that bullying necessarily involves an imbalance of power. In a situation of legislator/national organisation chairman answerable to the prime minister VS writer, you know where the balance lies.]

    • Actually I was referring to the gist of the article and the general sense of bonhomie floating around here …

      [Daphne – Of course there is no bonhomie, Reuben. Jeffrey has tested people’s tolerance to its maximum endurance. The average person only has so much compassion for those whose behaviour can be explained away by the psychological pressure they are under. There is a tipping-point where compassion shifts to extreme irritation.]

      Of course there is an imbalance of power. You are using your superior linguistic skills to appeal to the herd instinct of many of your readers-cum-sycophants to gang up on Pullicino Orlando.

      [Daphne – Reuben, please try to see things clearly and not let prejudice get in the way. Your assessment is correct, but it applies to Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando using his Facebook wall to whip up the herd instincts of a few thousand unthinking and dangerous hamalli – against me. The people who burned down The Times exactly 32 years ago, who sacked private houses and burned flour mills on Sette Giugno, who set fire to my house five years ago, who slashed all four of my car-tyres some months ago, who used to send me excrement through the mail in the days before they could do it on the internet, were/are like those people on Jeffrey’s wall, and not like the ones on this website. To sum it up for you, nobody commenting here is going to burn down Jeffrey’s house, but I wouldn’t vouch the same way for the kind of people he’s whipping up against me. I live this reality, Reuben. For me, the constant threat of violence is real life, not a theoretical exercise.]

      You know I’m not trying to defend him, but I don’t think that you’re being fair. He can’t harm you, but you can harm him.

      [Daphne – Read my note just above. He can’t harm me, but the members of his fan club are certainly that way inclined.]

      • I am not prejudiced. I will concede that I did not factor in the readiness with which some people will resort to violence, but still.

        You can hit him where it hurts, while he has done nothing of the sort to you. If you’re going to talk about “betrayal” on the Mistra case, then you’re not the only one.

        [Daphne – He can’t hit me where it hurts not for want of trying, Reuben. This is what you haven’t grasped yet. The imbalance you speak of is in the fact that I am not an MP who lied to the prime minister, lied under oath, and lied about a controversial project in which I am involved. But he is.]

        My point stands. You are in a much stronger position. So strong, in fact, that there’s hardly any comparison.

        [Daphne – Reuben, let’s at least try to be clear about this. My strength comes from my character and my ability to see things clearly. It does not come from being in an elected position of power and paid from public funds.]

      • Antoine Vella says:

        So Pullicino Orlando has finally found someone who can spell, to defend him, apparently out of pity.

      • Kenneth Cassar says:

        @ Reuben Scicluna:

        You’re missing one important fact: While Daphne is accountable to no one but herself, Jeffrey is accountable to his party, his constituents, and the electorate.

        It seems to me that we should be grateful to anyone who exposes behaviour that is not fitting of members of parliament, who are paid by us (through our taxes) to represent us (in parliament).

        Jeffrey is not a private citizen. He is an MP.

      • Joseph A Borg says:

        @ Reuben, I’d like to see you facing an amorphous mob that’s constantly angry at you. I doubt I have the balls to face such constant harassment…

      • @ Joseph Borg

        I freely admit that I overlooked the “violence factor”. I appreciate that it is a scary prospect. It would make me think long and hard about my motivation.

        But in this day and age, how many people are threatened in the way they used to be threatened in the Golden Years? I can’t fault Daphne for bringing it up all the time. That sort of thuggery is enough to scar anyone for life.

        All this is beside the point however.

  11. Jozef says:

    How sweet. He’s relating to Facebook as if it were his scrapbook. Who needs scissors and glue?

    Homework for next week; ‘Ottubru ix-xahar tar-ruzarju’

    Ejja Jeffrey, halli taghtik star.

  12. Pecksniff says:

    To keep in mind when posting on Facebook and on the net in general:

    Never tell your problems to anyone: 20 % don’t care and the other 80 % are glad you have them.

    (Anybody knows who is the author?)

    [Daphne – I know that differently: few people care; the rest are just curious.]

  13. Ganna says:

    What a pity!

    What’s wrong with Jeffrey lately? I went through his Facebook comments criticising Daphne, I don’t think that he should come down as low as this.

    Have a break, Jeffrey, and just keep quiet because you are doing more harm than good to yourself.

    Jeffrey, remember the truth of “ma’ min rajtek xebahtek, u ma min taghmilha elghuq is-sena tigi bhalu”. Be careful, don’t ruin what you achieved.

    In the last election, all my family voted for you, but not this coming election. You are hanging around with the wrong guys I’m sorry.

    Open your eyes. The Labour Party is only using you and after it will throw you into the skip.

  14. Antoine Vella says:

    It could be that Pullicino Orlando was influenced by Deborah Schembri posting a huge dish of pasta on her Facebook page, a photo he admired.

  15. David Gatt says:

    From Facebook:

    Doris Balzan (to JPO): proset hafna ta kollox ,alkemm ma naqbilx mal politica jixraqlekx ma dawn il hodor ta nies .insomma kieku tohrog ma labour zgur nivvotalek,.keep int up.dawk ghira andhom alik specjalment ,ax helu ukoll plus li int ragel attrajenti.

  16. Antoine Vella says:

    Interestingly, people seem to forget that their Facebook comments can be read by anyone and that they are not anonymous so everyone (i.e. those who bother) can know which Dalcy, Clayton or Fallon said what.

    This rather limits their credibility for they can neither use different pseudonyms nor sign ‘ex-PN’, ‘Disgruntled Nationalist’, ‘New PL voter’ or something similar as they do on The Times and other websites.

  17. JPS says:

    I’m so curious to see if JPO will:

    1. contest the next elections;
    2. if so, then with PN, MLP or as an independent;
    3. and if yes, if he will be elected.

  18. Jubilee make black ‘coffee’ made with cikwejra.

    • Litratt mhux ritratt!

      [Daphne – Excuse me? Ir-ritratt. From ritratto.]

      • ciccio2011 says:

        Oh, another ricotta debate. Actually, I’ve heard “tratti” also.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        I’ve been told I’m on notice and will be fired at the next offence. I refuse to spell “skond” as “skont”.

      • Christian says:

        talking about the ricotta debate.

        considering the quote ‘Top o’ the morning to ya’, well ‘Top of the morning to you’ that’s an Irish breakfast.

        I thought the potato bread would have given you the clue.

        [Daphne – Nobody says ‘Top of the morning’ in real life. And baked beans are American. In fact, the purist English breakfast doesn’t feature them. Yet the inclusion of baked beans does not make that an American breakfast, just as the inclusion of potato bread does not make it an Irish one. Round Liverpool they stick black pudding in instead of potato bread. It doesn’t make it a Scouser breakfast.]

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        I eat oats for breakfast. Does that make me a horse?

      • john says:

        Skond Dr Johnson, Baxxter, you’re a scotsman.

  19. lomax says:

    Being a destist, he’s trying to set a good example: we shouldn’t eat croissants and sugary cereals so a fry-up is the best bet ;)

  20. john says:

    In Maltese it is ‘katarretti’.

    In any other language known to man the third vowel is an ‘a’.

    e.g. cataract (English) cataratta (Italian).

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