Cyrus: tut-tutting about stolen emails

Published: October 26, 2011 at 9:57pm

From Cyrus Engerer's Facebook wall

Click on the image to be able to read what’s written. Cyrus has since deleted those comments.

21 Comments Comment

  1. C Falzon says:

    Is he just demented or what?

  2. Snoopy says:

    Can someone please explain to him that if you are in a hole you better stop digging.

  3. L-Anonimu ta' Hal-Ghaxaq says:

    Oqghodu attenti kif titkellmu fuq Ciru s-Slimiz, ghax ghandu lil Franco Debono jaqbez ghalih fil-qorti. U ma dak m’hemmx cajt , jista jwaqqa gvern billi ma jivvotax.

  4. Bob says:

    I cannot stand seeing him always running around in a suit. Is he studying to become yet another lawyer or is it because he is always in court?

  5. Andrew says:

    He didn’t delete them actually.

  6. Rita Camilleri says:

    Jaf jisthi dan ir–ragel?

  7. Joe Micallef says:

    Ah so the progressive liberal who left the PN becasue he felt hindered deleted those comments.

    What is it in the “garden” on the other side that makes things go bad so quick?

  8. Mister says:

    Do some people have multiple personalities, with one not knowing what the other is doing?

    Why won’t some people count to 10 and realise that it’s not a good idea to put something online?

    Now if counting to 10 isn’t enough, try counting to 20 for the thought process to kick in. It could be side-effects of the gel products being used, but hopefully not all is lost.

  9. Hot Mama says:

    We are well rid of this sorry excuse of a man.

    We are now patiently waiting to see the back of the rest of the toads: JPO, Mugliett, Musumeci, Debono.

    Gonzi, crack your whip.

    Being a gentleman does not help since these sorry individuals do not know what it means to be one.

    • No problem says:

      That’s exactly what I thought.

      None of these ‘gentlemen’ know the meaning of the word. Debono has a lot to learn from Dr Gatt, instead of trying to do him in and getting the entire country to pay the price in terms of turmoil we just don’t need.

      He needs to be whipped into Joseph’s skip.

  10. These guys need to learn a bit of Maltese. Politikanti? Politici!

    • Jozef says:

      I don’t think she mistook the word,

      Politici, dawk li jaghtu lilhom nfushom ghall-hajja politika tal-pajjiz.

      Politikanti, dawk li jaraw il-politika bhala mezz biex jiehdu vantaggi minnha.

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