Gaddafi's end

Published: October 20, 2011 at 9:21pm

10 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio2011 says:

    There goes Labour’s 2013 campaign.

  2. Louis says:

    Tghid imur ghal-funeral KMB?

  3. ciccio2011 says:

    Mutassim Gaddafi – Pixtu’s client – has been reported killed as well.

    • Grezz says:

      Pixtu must be celebrating privately, what with all those millions at his disposal.

      I bloody well hope that the authorities are investigating his bank accounts and investments.

  4. Fleur says:

    I hope you are watching dear Anglu being hammered about Wifred Cardona’s murder.

    • 'Angus Black says:

      Imma l-memorja, ta Anglu wara daz-zmien kollu bdiet tghib xi ftit. Li kien interessanti hi li dawk mprezenti ma staqsewx jekk il-bullets li rikoveraw mill katavru sarilhomx ‘ballistic tests’ biex ikunu jistu jigu mqabbla ma xi arma. U lanqas ma staqsewx x’kalibru kienu, u jekk ir-revolvers tal-puluzija kienux ta l-istess kalibru.

      Haga ohra li laqtitni hi li it tielet bullet li sparawlu f’rashu li dahlet minn wara w harget minn vicin ghajnejh, ma nsabet qatt.

      L-ispjegazzjoni kienet li meta giet sparata u harget minn rashu, habtet mat-“tarmac” u taret u qatt ma stabet! Mela x’tarmac kien?

      Anqas li kien zonqor wkoll kienet thalli tracca ahseb u are tarmac li huwa ferm aktar artab specjalment f’temperatura shuna.

      Anglu kien ferm attent li ma jizloqx u deher ezitanti fir-risposti tieghu.

      Jidhirli wkoll li f’parti qal li ra lill Wilfred Cardona mejjet ftit wara li dahal ir-rapport u aktar tard qal li hu ma kienx involut fl-investigazzjoni.

      Forsi sejjer zball imma jekk hu hekk, allura ma kienx qed jghid is-sewwa.

  5. Lomax says:

    I hope it was not his double. I’m still thrilled at the news. Can’t get over it.

  6. Zorro says:

    The gem of the decade:
    George Vella, former Labour foreign minister, today declared that the party would welcome any request for assistance by the Libyan council and would be delighted to assist the Libyan people in any way possible.

    Mela issa m’hemx ghalfejn izjed tuza prudenza, ja helu.

    Ighdlu taf, lill-leader tieghek, kif qatt ma ghamel xejn waqt li Ghaddafi kien qiehed jimmassakra lil niesu. Ghax Joey ried juza l-prudenza hej, heqq ma tafx li ahna newtrali. U halluna.

    One thing’s for sure. Dr Gonzi handled the Libyan saga admirably. Horror upon horrors, imagine if Joey had been prime minister.

  7. Dee says:

    Anyone watching “Porta A porta” right now?

    They are practically making a martyr of the tyrant and bewailing his end. One went so far as to comment that the close-up of the face of the dead tyrant is the image of the dead Christ of the famous Mantegna painting!


    The Italians seem to have total amnesia of the manner in which they had disposed of their tyrant Mussolini and his side kick at the end of world war two., summary execution and hanging upside down in a public square.

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