Labour has left the building

Published: October 20, 2011 at 7:49pm

Muammar Gaddafi has been killed after 42 years of dictatorship and eight months of savage fighting. Tonight and tomorrow, the world’s leaders will be talking about what comes next.

Amid this afternoon’s excitement – real news for once, to knock ‘one new case of scabies’ off the front page – all newsroom received a press call for tomorrow morning.


There were shrieks of disbelieving laughter at the Labour Party’s total detachment from the main events, and then another email came in from the Coconut’s office.

Ah, people said, they’ve picked it up. They’ve now received definite confirmation that Gaddafi is dead and they’ve realised that the great leader should be doing something more fitting tomorrow than see milk pasteurised.

But no. The new email said ‘sorry, we said ‘tomorrow Thursday but what we meant was tomorrow Friday’.


Then I turned, for my sins, to the comments-board on and found the greatest Labour supporter of them all, hard at it.

Victor Laiviera
Today, 17:19
This is a godsend for the PN as it will distract attention away from the Hacking Scandal

11 Comments Comment

  1. GiovDeMartino says:

    This ia a godsend for the PL as it will distract attention away from the contents of the E Mails.

  2. C Falzon says:

    “real news for once, to knock ‘one new case of scabies’ off the front page”

    Or earlier in the day four out of five headlines being about buses being late.

  3. ciccio2011 says:

    Maybe Joseph is working on a Maltese revolution. Malta Dairy Product’s Benna milk goes down well with Nescafe.

  4. Amanda says:

    I’m still shocked at how narrow minded and blinkered some of these morons are.

  5. C Falzon says:

    Not even KMB could save him this time.

  6. Giovanni says:

    The Times is full of Victor Laiviera comments. Like one commenter said, he is working overtime to save the day for Joseph but he definitely is not succeeding. I am sure that The Times are now looking deeper into what their journalists are doing and what sort of allegiances they have.

  7. Mandy says:

    Victor Laiviera, I take it you won’t be the lone person with an MLP flag in front of Auberge de Castille tomorrow morning.

    Distraction from the Hacking Scandal (sic). Kemm tiflah tkun banali, ghid?

  8. Francis Saliba MD says:

    Perhaps Muscat wants to make sure that the Malta Dairy Product’s Benna milk won’t be laced with drugs prior to the next election as Al Qaeda was accused of doing with the Libyans’ coffee by the late unlamented Gaddafi.

  9. La Redoute says:

    Victor Laiviera is a godsend to the PL because he distracts attention away from the Gaddafi Financed Labour Scandal.

  10. 'Angus Black says:

    Whatever Laiviera writes is faithfully carried in The Times. There must be a mole there somewhere permitting Laiviera’s comments to be published without restrictions while anything criticizing Joseph or the PL are either edited out or published much later diminishing their relevance.

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