Muammar Gaddafi 1942 – 2011

Published: October 20, 2011 at 7:16pm

At last I can sit down at my computer and say, IT’S OVER.

I suppose the definitive biography is being written already. It might help us understand how the supposed reformer who started out smart and apparently sane ended up like this, possibly through spiralling mental illness. Looking back, he can’t have been psychologically sound to begin with.

He was straight out of another era, the closest parallel being a mad, sadistic Roman emperor.

Amnesty International has announced its concern because footage broadcast on Arab stations showed him captured alive, and now it has been announced that he’s dead.

I don’t think that’s going to be worrying too many people.

15 Comments Comment

  1. C Falzon says:

    “I don’t think that’s going to be worrying too many people.”

    But we know at least a few (two in particular) who will be.

  2. Marku says:

    Have they found KMB yet?

  3. Amanda says:

    I’d love to be a fly on the wall in the Mintoff household this evening.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      What about the Muscat household? I’ll bet the air is blue tonight. The future ‘First Lady’ watching her world dissolve in a ‘Clintonesque’ episode.

  4. Likki says:

    Joseph and Sabrina “Kemm nixtieqek tmur mat-times” must have orchestrated this killing of Ghaddafi to deviate attention from their story. ha ha.

  5. kev says:

    …and before joinng the army, he used to be a folk singer:

    [Daphne – Yes, such a strong resemblance I must say. Kevin, you’re so bloody boring.]

  6. A Grech says:

    Would have preferred if they simply arrested him and let him be tried by the international tribunal. I did not like the ending at all. A lot could have been discovered if he was put on trial. but he’s now gone and may he remain where he is forever.

    [Daphne – You don’t discover things by putting him on trial, but by preparing the case. That can still be done, purely for the purpose you say. Gaddafi doesn’t speak. Haven’t you ever watched an interview with him?]

  7. gianni says:

    ✓ Saddam Hussein
    ✓ Osama Bin Laden
    ✓ Gaddafi
    ☐ Mintoff…

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