Naghmlu daqxejn 'plentink'

Published: October 25, 2011 at 8:35pm

Glann, ha nipplentjawk taht id-dask tal-editur tas-Sunday Times, imma l-ewwl trid tnaqqas 30 kilo biex forsi ma jindunawx bik.

That was a boring edition of Inkontri last night.

Demis Roussos was looking especially awful in what must have been two black spinnakers left over from the Middle Sea Race and stitched up into a shirt.

‘Does he wear black to look slim?’ my friend texted.

I replied that perhaps the size 60 only comes in black, but it’s certainly why he sits behind a shop-counter throughout the show, so you get this hand-puppet effect.

As for the guests – well, what can I say.

Lucky they weren’t discussing bias as they did last time. Qabda Mintoffjani and one ex-PN politician, Michael Falzon, who must have been feeling really outnumbered and too nervous to fight back.

It was like watching a committee meeting of the Mosta Poodle Breeders Club: all of them saying the same thing and agreeing with each other that poodles are great.

If you have no differences of opinion, Mr Roussos, you can’t have an interesting television debate. Two of the people on your show last night actually work for Saviour Balzan: Julia Farrugia (it-tifla tal-Botom and editor of Illum) and Toni Abela (Labour deputy leader and Malta Today’s lawyer).

And how about having somebody give Toni Abela some lessons in basic English pronunciation? Get Marisa Micallef to earn her cheque by sticking him in a room at Mile End to repeat after her:


Toni Abela peppered the entire show with the very painful PLENTINKK, and felt the need to explain to his subliterate, monolingual Super One audience that this doesn’t mean tizra’ but thawwel.

As if they know the difference between the two.

I’m thinking that Demis Roussos has worked out that having a bunch of Labour nodding-dogs talking to each other all night on the Labour station, with a host who rose to fame as one of Mintoff’s most awful cabinet ministers, is not exactly a recipe for scintillating viewing.

So he came up with a cunning plan and invited Mad Jaff and Lou Bondi to claw each other in gladiatorial combat in front of his shop-counter set next week.

Mad Jaff – obviously – accepted with alacrity. Anything to stay in the limelight, even if it melts his make-up. Bondi didn’t reply. Perhaps he should have sent a one-word text: Hmieg. After all, people from some very smart Sliema families have been known to do it.

Demis Roussos must be one sandwich short of a picnic.

Why on earth would a television show host want to debate with a politician on somebody’s else’s television show on a rival station? Also – two hosts and one politician?

Mister Roussos has fallen into the Labour mental trap of thinking of people like Bondi, or me for that matter, as politicians.

That’s what happens when segue from banging on a truck at Mintoff’s mass meetings to hosting a show on TV. You get a bit confused.

31 Comments Comment

  1. Dee says:

    Mr Pace sounds like a disgruntled medical student who never ever made it to his M.D, and is now taking it out on the medical profession.

  2. Pecksniff says:


    Is MUMN President Paul Pace a prospective candidate for the Mile End skip ?

    • ciccio2011 says:

      Joseph Muscat wants the investigation to serve as a smokescreen (paraventu).

      It’s the substance – the content – that matters, not how the emails came to be public.

  3. JZ says:

    Toni Abela and Michael Falzon are also columnists in the printed paper, and bloggers on the online edition.

  4. Harry Purdie says:

    NEWS FLASH! ‘Local Labour Council Debate Heats Up As Candidate in Coma More Appealing Than Rest of Field’.

  5. Likki says:

    The Labour Party’s own Manuel Mallia following the advice of Lawrence Gonzi.

    Toni Abela – Salvu Balzan//Manuel Mallia – Sabrina Agius… independent media, my eye.

  6. Joe Micallef says:

    Somehow Toni reminds me of Zorro but I cannot put my finger on why.

    [Daphne – That’s because he’s straight from central casting as the caricature 17th-century Mexican.]

  7. Hmieg says:

    Kemm hu pastaz, Joseph Muscat.

    Jasal tard ghal Bondi+, and he will ”appear” only for a bit of the show.

    Mela haseb li qieghed Hollywood dan, jew, bil-cameo roles?

  8. Grezz says:

    See Joe Grima in all his glory at 2’48 to 3’08:

    Back then, we thought this kind of thing was normal.

  9. Tony says:

    I’m currently watching the great leader (on Bondi+) say that the emails he steals are legitimate whilst that the ones others find are illegitimate.

    Anyway, what is illegitimate?

    Il-partit tal-prim ministru? Xi dwejjaq ta’ nies.

  10. Herman says:

    Excellent as usual, but I can’t recommend on Facebook because I am 50 years old.

  11. Anthony says:

    This poor, overinflated (literally) Joe Grima suffers from the PL intelligentia syndrome.

    Admittedly, he has a modicum of intelligence but thinks that everyone else is a moron like the vast majority of his PL followers.

    He is unaware that for people in possession of a few neurons he is nothing but a laughing-stock.

    • maryanne says:

      ” but thinks that everyone else is a moron like the vast majority of his PL followers.”

      I was going to comment in the same vein about Joseph Muscat after watching him tonight. All Labour leaders ‘talk’ as if we are all morons. Joseph Muscat is sure following Mintoff’s style in this.

  12. Maltafan says:

    What about the pronunciation of “En Gear Er” during the ‘feature’ about hacking. How sad that they can’t even pronounce their own people’s names.

  13. il hacker says:

    Allura din sabrina qed tispera li tkun ministru ukoll? Dawn kemm jisparaw fil-gholi?

    Mela din ma tafx li qabila hemm ministri-in-waiting iktar ta’ valur u b`kapacita, bhall per ezempju Silvio Parnis? Stilla bhall dak ha joqghod wara Sabrina?

    Mela Sabrina, stenna please wara min imissek,. Ftit qablek dahal Engerer li jista jkun il-ministru tal-LGBT.

    Viva l-Labour.

  14. H.P. Baxxter says:

    You’re mistaken. That shirt wasn’t black. It’s just that light leaving the surface of Joe Grima’s body was being sucked back by his immense gravitational pull, effectively turning him into a man-sized black hole.

    I advise anyone not to approach him too closely.

    • ciccio2011 says:

      In fact, Toni Abela put Julia Farrugia between himself and Joe. And Helena Dalli protected herself behind Michael Falzon.

  15. D.Borg says:

    poor daphne…

    i dont know why people say bad things about you…. who wouldn’t be angry with the world if every morning when waking up and looking in the mirror you see that UGLY face???? poor thing…. and let’s just not talk about the nose….. poor poor thing i understand you because i would be angry too… but no worries now adays you can always go for surgery and change that horrible face…. maybe who knows you will feel a bit better and won’t be angry with the world anymore…..if it’s a money problem don’t worry we can nominate you on ARANi ISSA… too bad that there isn’t anything you can do to change your horrible character…

    • Pecksniff says:

      Oh boy, another one on the loose, must have missed taking his medication.

      All those words and nothing to say.

  16. Clive Hamilton says:

    Speaking of Saviour Balzan, this might be of interest to you:

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