The latest release from the master of the Al Qaeda Kidnap Video genre

Published: October 22, 2011 at 4:13pm

17 Comments Comment

  1. Nigel pace says:

    How can a newspaper owner and editor avoid following what is going on in the press so as not to upset himself? He lives in Cloud Cuckooland.

  2. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    You should also read this, and laugh at the way poor old Saviour can’t bring himself to mention my name. Oh, and also take note of the fact that, since a great deal of fuss was made about the absurdity of and conflict of interest in having the deputy leader of the Labour Party serve as Malta Today’s lawyer, Toni Abela is now having Malta Today’s legal work signed off by one of his office minions, the lawyer Charmaine Galea. Bzar fl-ghajnejn.

    • maryanne says:

      Daphne, can you please explain the term criminal libel. Criminal as opposed to defamatory libel?

      [Daphne – No, criminal as distinct from civil. When you believe you have been slandered, you can ask the police to take (criminal) action, in which case you pay nothing and let the police do the work and the state carry the expenses, but then if found guilty the defendant pays a FINE which goes into the state coffers and you get nothing. And you can take civil action, which means you have to engage lawyers and prepare the case yourself, but if you win, you receive damages from the person who has slandered you. Some people, like Julia Farrugia in my regard, choose to do both concurrently. In fact, getting the police to prosecute for things that have been written about them is a favourite among Labour people.]

  3. Mark Vella says:

    Check out this video at 11:00

    He completely avoids mentioning Daphne’s name…

  4. Jozef says:

    If he’s so independent, widely read and respected how come Joseph didn’t wish Sabrina was with HIM?

    Is it because even he understands Malta Today and Saviour Balzan are toast?

    [Daphne – No, it’s because he doesn’t need moles in Malta Today. They’re doing his work as it is.]

  5. Simone Camilleri says:

    Haha Daphne…. “she who shall not be named”…

  6. Giovanni says:

    As facefull of hatred and anger, just like Godfrey Grima’s on Inkontri last Monday.

  7. A. Charles says:

    The tone and writing gives me the impression that the comments section of Salvu’s blog were written by himself.

  8. ciccio2011 says:

    Every time I see one of these videos I say to myself “Saviour must have received another bill from the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, who is Saviour’s lawyer.”

  9. zorro and family says:

    Hello Daphne from everybody here.

    I have one comment and stand to be corrected.

    I believe that Joey in one of his emails to sweetie-pie Sabrina suggested, rather strongly I thought, that one person he definitely needs is a Head of News. Charming! I’d hate to be the current one, whoever he/she is. Obviously Joey doesn’t think much of him/her.

  10. Antoine Vella says:

    “. . . anki jien nitkellem kontra l-gwerra, minkejja li l-gwerra iġġib magħha ħafna ħniżrijiet u ħruxijiet . . .” Saviour Balzan

    (. . .I too talk against war, in spite of the fact that war causes many abuses and hardship . . )

    Does Saviour know what he’s saying?

  11. Grezz says:

    The video should have come with a warning. I now need to clean my laptop screen.

  12. 'Angus Black says:

    Hard to believe that he does not read newspapers or watch television, but that may explain why he is so dense, bored, boring and has picked every living hair which once covered his scalp.

    So, where is he getting information from? Aliens from Mars? Little green men or red-faced ones who live in a glass house at the Mile End?

    For the next few days, will he get information from someone in Gozo?

  13. Carmel Scicluna says:

    Zewg kelmiet biss ha nghid fuq dal-video blog: antipatija tboss.

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