Those emails

Published: October 25, 2011 at 11:09pm

Lucky Sabrina Agius isn’t into men or we’d have reason to think she left her Gmail account open to the Joseph Muscat folder in a bunny-boiler moment, serving the dual purpose of getting back at him for some slight while also showing off her Important Relationship to The World.

You know how some women are (many women, actually, but I’m not going to be disloyal here).

Joseph Muscat is lucky too that she isn’t hetero because that would have given a whole different dimension to the circa 90 smiley-flirt :)))) emails they exchanged, most particularly given his hysterical reaction to their being made public.

The nudge-nudge, wink-wink innuendos were doing the rounds already when I did him the favour of letting everybody know that it just isn’t possible unless there’s a new form of sexuality that hasn’t yet been brought to my attention.

25 Comments Comment

  1. Pecksniff says:

    So according to Joseph Muscat those emails which can be used by the PL to spin and gain political points can be classified as “leaked” while those emails which misfire badly and hoist the PL (and its leader) on its own petard fall under the “stolen”category.

    Heads I win, tails you lose.

    • Pecksniff says:

      Come to think of it “hoist on his own petard” is appropriate given that Joseph Muscat pere’ is into pyrotechnics !

  2. C Falzon says:

    She now wants the police to find out who copied her emails, because that is a serious threat for democracy.

    On the other hand her spying on a news outlet for the leader of the opposition is perfectly OK. Go figure.

  3. 'Angus Black says:

    What if Joseph pushed her to go to the Police because he did not have the guts to do it himself to begin with? Hedging his bets re hacking?

    Isn’t it a coincidence that she only went to the cops after the Prime Minister suggested that Joseph should have gone to the Police rather than the Speaker of the House?

    • maryanne says:

      Since it is Ms Agius who went to the police, Joseph Muscat can get away without having his computer checked. Or am I wrong?

  4. ciccio2011 says:

    Muscat distinguishes leaked and stolen e-mails:

    OK. So he has now ruled out hacking and spying, which is what he alleged in the first instance in an attempt to divert attention from the content by being sensational.

    • ciccio2011 says:

      The point I would like to make here is that Joseph’s line of attack about hacking and spying by the government is now severely weakened.

      This was a theft, a robbery – that’s what he told us last night.

      When Cyrus Engerer lifted private photos showing private parts of private persons from a private computer in a private home, that was fine with Joseph. So fine that he invited Engerer into the skip.

      So the focus should now go back to the content.

  5. J Abela says:

    Why do you feel the need to emphasize that she’s not hetero? Who cares really….

    [Daphne – It’s a crucial fact, without which everybody would go on thinking that they were having an affair, encouraged in this conclusion by the way Muscat has behaved after the Big Reveal. I could as easily have said nothing and allowed people to go on thinking that, but it would have been dishonest.]

    • Why me? says:

      You’ve only solved half of the problem, Daphne. The other, most crucial, half is: did Joseph Muscat KNOW she is gay?

    • MG says:

      I think the crucial question here is whether he KNEW that she’s not hetero.

      • Carmel Scicluna says:

        Good point, MG.

      • silvio says:

        Why should we drag Sabrina’s sexual orientation into this?

        I see it as nothing less than character assassination, and a subtle way of diverting atention from the real issue.

        Stealing anything, is wrong whether one is green, yellow or red.

        [Daphne – Silvio, Sabrina Agius’s sexual orientation is a crucial piece of information in a discussion about an inappropriate relationship conducted by means of flirtatious emails between the future prime minister and a journalist. It is actually a ‘saving factor’ for both of them. Secondly, there is public interest content in those emails. This is what the Whistleblower Act is all about. With your reasoning, the Labour Party should never have ‘stolen’ Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s Mistra contract and made it public, and we should all have been kept in the dark about it, prime minister included. I’m sure you wouldn’t agree with that.]

    • ta' sapienza says:


  6. Edward Caruana Galizia says:

    Now Dr Muscat is trying to tell us the definition between stealing and leaking emails. Clutching at straws. Never a good sign.

    • silvio says:

      Daphne, if the Labour Party stole JPO’s Mistra contract, it was wrong, but there is quite a difference between the two.

      All deeds in connection with transfer of lands, etc. have to be deposited at the Public Registry,so eventually the Mistra deed could have been procured from this office legally.

      [Daphne – It wasn’t that kind of contract, Silvio. It was a private agreement.]

      I am not saying that the contents of the emails are not of public interest. What I said was that the private life of Sabrina could have been kept out of it.

      [Daphne – Silvio, that’s because you’re ever so slightly homophobic as earlier comments in a separate debate have indicated, and you imagine that gay people are ashamed of being gay. I would say that Sabrina Agius is probably grateful that this fact has entered the equation through a third party, because she can hardly issue a statement saying ‘Look, I’m not having an affair with him because I’m gay.’ ]

      I have my doubts whether this was revealed as a ‘saving factor’.

      [Daphne – Believe me, it was. It would have been dishonest of me to allow people to carry on suggesting they were literally as well as figuratively in bed together when I knew for a fact that it couldn’t be possible. There are enough of a true and solid basis for criticism of Joseph Muscat. We don’t have to spread rumours as well.]

      If what they did deserves condemnation, so be it, but to ask us to believe that someone was trying not to break Michelle’s heart, come on.

      • silvio says:

        Daphne, what I really admire in you is the way you always find a valid way out all the time I try to corner you.

        I would hate to have you as my opponent in a game of chess.

        Hoping that you will not take Mr. Sammut’s suggestion of giving up your blog and taking up a hobby.

        [Daphne – I don’t play chess or any other game, Silvio. And my blog is a hobby. It’s really cut into my reading and gardening time.]

  7. edgar says:

    You were right to emphasize that she is not hetero, although you did spoil for some guys I know. She is not bad looking at all and the word got around, why the hell would a nice looking girl go flirting with Joseph, who is, let’s face it, is no Tom Cruise.

    But then every spy story has a pretty actress.

    [Daphne – Why would she flirt with him (if she weren’t gay)? Simple: he’s the leader of the Opposition and he’s quite obviously open to it. His looks don’t come into the equation at all.]

  8. Francis Saliba MD says:

    “Lucky Sabrina Agius isn’t into men ….. “.

    The female of the species is not intended to go into men anyway – nature planned it the other way round.

    (Yes….I knew that).

  9. Carmel Scicluna says:

    Lesbian or not lesbian, what counts is whether Joseph knew. Don’t be so sure that his wife let him get away with it. You and I may realise that he was actually using her for his own silly partisan purposes, but prima facie it looks like they are flirting.

    Don’t you think so?

    [Daphne – Yes, that was my point. And his embarrassed attempts at distracting attention with hysterical complaints to the Speaker only made it worse.]

    • Jozef says:

      It’s not the first time he engaged with women to offset himself against the party’s male mindset.

      He married Michelle, thanked Marlene, hired Marisa, visited Consuelo,and claimed Deborah.

      It’s the rural upbringing as an only child which gives him access to maternal instincts. Fundamentally ‘mammone’ in his approach, uneasy with the male persona he believes he should emulate.

      Sabrina, like Julia and Miriam, are his peers outside the party.

  10. Pecksniff says:

    Reno Calleja is posting long epistles on’s board. I thought they had limit on number of words per comment?

    He said that he could go on and on with his arguments in support of Joseph; even the Titanic did that and hit an iceberg.

    He is going round in circles, tying himself up in knots and contradicting himself.

    Perhaps he has not heard Joseph Muscat drawing a very fine Jesuitical line between “leaked” and “stolen” emails: if the PL can spin them to its political advantage, they are” leaked” but if the proverbial brown stuff hits the fan to the PL’s disadvantage, they are “stolen”.

  11. Kenneth Cassar says:

    “There is no way to know whether those who hacked my emails also stole more serious information, which they have not yet revealed, Opposition Leader Joseph Muscat said during Bondiplus yesterday evening”.

    Fingers crossed. We might at last get a glimpsE of those top secret PL policies.

  12. Pecksniff says:

    Will Sabrina Agius end up like Joseph Cuschieri, used as needed, discarded and unemployed?

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