Warning: this post contains obscene language. Parental guidance is advised.

Published: October 7, 2011 at 1:30am

Oh look, it's an FW

Would The Times have celebrated Nicola Abela Garrett as a heroine if, instead of using English and calling Austin Gatt a fucking wanker, she’d spoken her mother tongue instead for the equivalent ‘Mur oqghod gerrieh, ja haxxej l’int’?

I don’t think so, somehow.

39 Comments Comment

  1. Richard Borg says:

    With the hand gesture to go with it. She forgot the hand gesture. It is imperative that one uses the hand gesture associated with masturbation when shouting fucking wanker.

    The Times would have gotten a shot of her, fist held high (slightly blurred to show movement), with a faded image of Che’ in the background.

    A revolutionary indeed.

  2. J Abela says:

    oh get over it already!

  3. Jozef says:

    What is absolutely ludicrous is implying courage on her part.

    As if Nicola is the voice of the oppressed. It exposes a contradiction:

    Why should Nicola be wary of a minister’s reaction, to prove that he’s no different to Labour?

  4. John Schembri says:

    Ghandek ragun biex tbiegh, Daphne.

    BTW Abela Garret now has The Sword of Damocles hanging on her head. Austin can sue for her damages any time, and the police are bound to take her to court because she used swear words in a public place with a premeditated intent as you rightly proved.

    Or does the law differentiate between Maltese and British swear words?

    [Daphne – Oh, that will never happen. Nobody is going to make a martyr of her and rightly so. I would hate to live in a country where somebody gets prosecuted for doing something like this. In any case, Austin Gatt has said already that he considers the matter over and done with.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Is there an official list of swear words somewhere in the Attorney’s General’s files? It’s a genuine question. I mean who decides what constitutes a swear word? Are botty and titties swear words? And helmet? (God, Stephen Fry would love this)

    • Peter Pan says:

      John, I was not present when it all happened, but going by what has been reported in The Times, and we have to be careful here, she did not swear, but used vulgar language.

      • Moggy says:

        The law probably prohibits blasphemy, not the utterance of swear words.

      • John Schembri says:

        Ok, don’t we read in the papers that someone was arraigned in court for using obscene language?

        Surely, the girl is a showoff, and Austin won’t drag her to court especially after she apologised.

        This would be a precedent, and politicians had better be prepared for an eventuality on the same lines.

        The last events I recall were Old Dom and Alfred Sant’s meetings with the students.

  5. Kenneth Cassar says:

    Perhaps she shouted expletives in the English language only to save her friend at The Times from having to translate ;)

  6. Wayne Hewitt says:

    For me this student was just a simple case of partisan theatrics. Nothing more, nothing less.

    No wonder those who feast on and celebrate Arriva’s teething problems for their own perceived political advantage, gave this ‘incident’ much coverage.

    • Wayne Hewitt says:

      Someone just informed me that on her Facebook profile she lists BA (Hons) in ‘Theatre Studies’.

      Enough said.

  7. Antoine Vella says:

    Isn’t ‘fucking wanker’ an oxymoron?

  8. Andrew says:

    Swearing in Maltese sounds very crass, whereas obscenities in English are perfectly fine. Imagine if your son had told the One reported “Mur hudu f’ghoxx kemm ghandek.” Now that would’ve been embarrassing and you probably would’ve given him a spanking.

    [Daphne – I wouldn’t. I would have been very pleased because it would have been far more effective, particularly if he had addressed a succinct ‘gh*** ommok’ to Byon Jo Zammit, given that at one time half the men in Malta seemed to know what THAT looked like on a pay per view basis.]

    • Paul Bonnici says:

      Andrew, ‘obscenities in English’ are NOT ‘perfectly fine’. I have lived in the UK for the last 30 years and more, and I can tell you that anyone who uses the ‘f’ word in company or public would lose respect.

      The English language is more than rich enough to express displeasure without resorting to vulgar language.

  9. Concerned says:

    To Daphne
    You had stated that once you were arrested and treated badly, however you do know who your “aggressor” was.

    What do you think about the mysterious person who aggressively forced Nicola to hand over her details.

    Is this behaviour acceptable to you?

    [Daphne – You are utterly insane to even think of comparing what I and so many others went through with having a polite official ask your name. Why exactly did Ms Garrett not wish to give her name? No courage is required for something like that. Had she been properly raised, she would know that she should have stood up and introduced herself BEFORE making her complaints. It’s basic good manners. You don’t just stay seated and shout from your chair. There are far too many chavs in this country, I’m afraid. They’re taking over. It’s as though you have to be a chav or behave like a chav, or else. It’s sickening and exhausting and above all, they just make everything so ugly.]

    • La Redoute says:

      How was she ‘forced to hand over her details’ – tortured by cattle prod or a gun to the head?

      Or do you mean her ‘bravery’ deserted her when someone asked her a question?

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Concerned, the “mysterious” person is not mysterious at all – his name is known.

      As for Abela Garret being “intimidated” because someone asked her who she was, I saw her Facebook page on Lou Bondi’s blog and, on the eve of her little skit, she jokingly said she was polishing her spear.

      Well, Boadicea should have polished her shield too; as the old saying goes, if you can’t take it, don’t dish it out.

    • Concerned says:

      Mr Xuereb had no authority what-so-ever to act in such a manner. (i.e: NAZI style).
      To be frank the rest of the issue (ie Ms Garrett, Austin Gatt or Arriva) is of no concern to me since I do not use the service in question.
      Further; this is not about politics ( ie Blue or Red) however something has to be done or the situation will get worse.

  10. Ray Camilleri says:

    You are missing the point… Austin Gatt IS a fucking wanker… no news there!

    [Daphne – He isn’t. And I speak as somebody who knows him, not as somebody who doesn’t but who watches Super One for jollies. Austin Gatt is about as much of a fucking wanker as I am a witch or a whore. Grow up. People don’t have to be fucking wankers, witches or whores just because you don’t like them or disagree with them.]

    • John Schembri says:

      If Austin is a wanker – no, even more, a fucking wanker – then I would say let’s have more f. wankers in politics.

      I never believed that the breakwater bridge and the Barrakka lift projects would materialise, but they are there for everyone to be enjoyed soon.

      Along with these projects there is the city gate project. Today I saw the new parliament’s last base beam being put in place, and also saw how professionally the Theatre Royal is being restored.

      I’m also suffering because of the roadworks leading to the airport, the road to Cirkewwa and the Xewkija /Rabat road. I would blame hard-working Austin for that.

      My idea of a fucking wanker is someone who feigns that he has a fractured leg or who does not show up in public for a whole summer and is seen only when the prime minister is on a week’s holiday abroad, or pretends that he’s compiling an important report when he actually is playing for time to be eligible for an MEP’s pension.

      Ray Camilleri, neither you nor this student Nicola know the definition of a fucking wanker.

    • Luke S says:

      “Austin Gatt is about as much of a fucking wanker as I am a witch or a whore. ”

      If that is so, then he is the biggest fucking wanker of them all.

      [Daphne – Is it necessary to suffer from retarded development to get into some university courses these days? What next, ‘look in the mirror’?]

  11. mark v says:

    If the student did right or wrong is beyond the point, I have a daughter attending university and it is a nightmare to reach campus from most parts of malta by Arriva. furthermore traffic congestion during peak hours this year is worse than last year, this is because the public does not trust Arriva and most are using their own car. political convictions aside, the whole arriva saga is a mess, the routes are not well planned and someone got it all wrong, but as usual no-one is responsible in this country.

    • No problem says:

      I agree with you.

      This is something totally different, regarding school transport and traffic.

      My daughter arrived at home @ 4.15pm last Wednesday from school which finishes at 2.45pm. BTW I live at Tarxien and my daughter goes to Sta Lucija Secondary School.

      Since both my wife and I work till 5pm, she has to use the school transport, which is a mess. So parents are forced to collect their daughters from school, which means more traffic.

      We phoned the person in charge of transport at the school who gave us the mobile number of the garage responsible and the telephone number (always busy) of the person responsible at Education department.

      A fortnight has passed and nothing has changed. As mark v said no-one is responsible in this country.

  12. Tony Zammit Cutajar says:

    Isn’t Ms. Abela Garrett directing her anger, however justified, at the wrong person?

    As far as I am aware, the bus service is operated by a totally private company – Arriva.

    They are responsible for any failings, and not Minister Gatt. If there are any penalties in Arriva’s contract for service failures then perhaps they should be enforced.

    From a purely commercial perspective, it might be a good idea for Arriva to offer half-price travel until it gets its house in order. If nothing else it might help them overcome all the negative publicity they have received from day one.

  13. Nightwing says:

    wonder if daphne recalls her son’s incident with alfred sant?

    [Daphne – How can I forget the fact that Super One harassed him and then put him on televised loop throughout the last few days of the election campaign? The fact that Super One persecuted him just because he is my son only served to teach very many people the valuable lesson that the Labour Party is just the same old savage, peasant party it always was. How that damned stupid Jason Micallef and Kurt Farrugia ever thought it would help Labour win the youth vote is beyond me to understand. It had precisely the opposite effect. Not just primitive peasants with pitchforks, but thick with it.]

  14. TROY says:

    Kemm hi sabieha il-liberta u d-demokrazija. Immagina kieku kien fi zmien id-dittatur Mintoff u tajjar lil xi ministru. Kieku l-ghada missierha jitkecca min mal-Gvern, Miss Garrett issib ruha id-depot tal-pulizija interrogata minn Gadget, jehel il-Partit Nazzjonalista, jghidu li hi mignuna u tispicca Mount Carmel.

  15. me says:

    So we have a student at university who, as reported, wasted hours daily for four months without coming to the conclusion that it would have been better to walk.

    I have been working for over forty years and for the first decade walked to work and back daily (I used to work Saturdays too) which was nearly 45 minutes walk one way, and another two decades with an hour’s walk one way, every day, rain or shine, working shifts 06:00 to 14:00 and 14:00 to 22:00 and sometimes 22:00 to 06:00. I was never, I repeat never, late for work, even now with retirement round the corner, but at least thirty minutes early.

    I always carried a book with me to read in my spare time, as I do now, and I am sure the exercise kept me healthy.

    Dear student, you are young and still with a full life ahead of you. Do not ever, ever expect someone else to solve your problems, even if the problem is not your fault.

    It is not how much you live, but what you pack into your life that counts. Do not waste it ever; every minute that passes is in the past and nothing and no one can bring it back.

  16. BuBu says:

    Wouldn’t your Maltese translation be closer to “wanking fucker” though?

  17. carmel says:

    What’s the fuss, we are talking about our most arrogant Minister, alias Dr. Austin Gatt.

  18. Know what Daphne, you always were and always will be a profound vulgar person, and want to know something else Daphne, your face says it all. All ways did.

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