Leading the rAvolution….in a white tie and black syoot

Published: October 2, 2011 at 6:16pm

6 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    He makes a good Alfred Sant impersonation at 3:35.

    Better than Jason Micallef.

  2. Grezz says:

    This should be made compulsory viewing for all those considering not voting or voting Labour come next election, simply “because we need a change”.

  3. H.P. Baxxter says:

    The thing is, the word “moderati” and unbridled lyrical passion don’t fit at all.

    It’s so naff when when they set New Labour Image lyrics to “nissuktaw il-hidma mbierka” euphoric music. It just doesn’t work.

  4. Harry Purdie says:

    News Flash: Little Joey Past Prime Already, Unable to Match Asinine Embarrasments of Years Past. Deputy Leaders Hoping For Improvement.

  5. Ray says:

    Good Lor’ Almighty, I would by far prefer to listen to Spiru Sant (Alla jahfirlu) or Il-Farfett, rather than that babbling a**hole.

  6. sandy:P says:

    EUROPEAN UNIONS f(l)ags ?
    is it the same great leader who opposed Malta’s accession?
    what a hypocrite!

    for sure not to trust!


    ‘zghazagh’ = AST, Anthony tie me up, jason pinky winky, natious, marilena mizzy, maria mintoffjana camillieri, angelo gadget farrugia and the list goes on and on ( a half a dozen of skips)

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