Christmas came a little early
Well, I must say that it’s been a pretty good day, if rather tiring. First I got to see off that squalid, awful woman in the black toga, then I got the news that her scummy little tooth fairy friend has had enough sense to announce that he won’t be standing for election again.
That should leave him plenty of time for Facebook and parties with Magistrate Herrera and her miskin of a lover, who won’t be contesting the elections again either.
I guess they worked out at last, even in their delusionary throes, that the Nationalist Party didn’t want them and that electors weren’t going to vote for them either.
It’s good to see that whereas the Labour Party actually IS a skip for rejects, the Nationalist Party keeps its skip on the pavement outside and dumps its rejects in it.
If the Labour Party wants to come along and scavenge them up, so be it.
Good riddance, Jeffrey. I mean it. I swore I would make amends for helping inflict you on the country, and I kept my word. I regret every bit of the help I gave you and will do so for years. May you rot in a mug of Earl Grey tea, with or without your cheap and tacky magistrate friend, though you’ll be hard pressed to find a mug big enough to contain both your bloated, pathologically inflated egos.
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Wow, I wouldn’t like to be in your sights.
[Daphne – Damn right.]
DMWD! Don’t mess with Daphne.
Recently Jeffrey was doing the rounds of the PN clubs within his two districts, probably to touch base with his own [ex] canvassers and PN electorate. The feedback must have been worse than he expected it to be. By now he must have realized that hisFacebook friends are not equivalent to his constituents.
Some give pleasure by coming and some by going….but more talent seems to be leaving than any real talent coming to embrace Gonzipn…….
Maybe Eileen Montesin might fill in the space or one of the Gejtus to supplement their income from the Board Honoraria they are getting.
Who know what skip for rejects, the Nationalist Party will re-cycle to fill up the limited pool of talent….
[Daphne – Why, who’s planning on leaving Labour?]
Flash needs a lesson in expressing himself well – as it is he is completely hopeless.- Flash, stick to Joseph
David Agius was on Reporter saying he wanted Mugliett and Franco Debono to contest. What’s the logic behind that?
[Daphne – You mean the reasoning? I think it’s obvious. Imagine the consequences between now and the dissolution of parliament had he said anything else.]
Literally “chickens” coming home to roost.
Updates from JPO’s wall…
Robert Garmston
What a great pity. Speaking as an outsider, you seemed to have the right ideas and values that Malta needs for the 21st Century….had you marked down as a future Prime Minister in fact. I wish you every success in whatever venture you undertake.
Pawlu Richard
Its a big loss Jef. for our country, we ask you to consider again your position, politics like you and Robert Musumeci deserves better, and we need your contribution in our country, even if i dont agree with your political colour, but i always egree with you on the view….
Aha! More elves. Now they’re using English surnames.
Hi Daphne, I really like your aggression……. WELL DONE
I think Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando has given a valid contribution to the party by forcing the PN establishment to come to turns with the realities of contemporary society and its needs. His method was to rock the boat, but ultimately he achieved change.
The dinosours in the party may not like change or like him, but then they are not so popular themselves with the public.
[Daphne – You’re not one of his constituents and you didn’t elect him, so quite frankly, I don’t give a damn what you think and nor should he.]
A good politican would always give a damn on what people think, whether they were his/her electors or not.
In fact, that is the problem with PN dinosaur politicians, that they do not give a damn on what the public thinks or expects of them. They just rule and for their arrogance they award themselves a pay rise for doing us the favour of representing us (that is whenever they do actually make it to Parliament), but not listening to us.
For this reason, Jeffrey stands out for listening to people, whether they are his contituents or not.
That is what ultimately makes a good politician, and the PN will be even poorer without Jeffrey.
[Daphne – Nice work. You almost sound like somebody who votes PN. I don’t think. Exactly why are you so upset? Were you planning on voting for him? No. So don’t lose any sleep.]
Get real. Farrugia. This loose cannon has the ability to bring down a government that has kept the country free from the economic turmoil around us. Their job has become even much worrisome over the last week. Worry about YOUR future, not this asshole’s stupidity.
JPO is only interested in his own headlines, Would you want a dentist who dabbles in bottox to play with your mouth, unless you want to look like a trout? Good riddance.
PN dinosaur politicians? So where would Labour be then? At the big bang?
The PN has “come to turns” brilliantly with Maltese society for the past one hundred and thirty years without and, lately, in spite of, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando.
Thank you very much.
The Nationalist party cannot afford to have people like JPO, Mugliett and Debono in its ranks anymore, but must scout for other good and loyal potential candidates whom it can trust.
Slam dunk.
I feel cheated by this news.
I was so looking forward to voting number 1 for some other candidate, continue on the others and leave a blank next to JPO’s name.
Oh well, life goes on.
Mistra scandal notwithstanding, a man who managed to defy one of the biggest taboos of Maltese conservative politics, put the Church in its place, and get 54% of the electorate behind him can’t be all that bad.
[Daphne – Nobody got behind him, David. Indeed, several of my acquaintances refused to vote in the referendum at all because they didn’t want Jeffrey to think their Yes vote was ‘for him’. People voted Yes to divorce legislation, certainly not to that prat.]
Ohh for once shut up Daphne, a loyal man to the nation, who won us the election and defeated Sant alone….please for once show respect to those who have the guts to become public personalities in order to represent you and me, not a mind-fucked blogger
[Daphne – You’ve posted comments in support of Joseph Muscat and the Labour Party under so many different nicks that I’ve lost track. At least have the intelligence and imagination to use a different computer/network. Given that the Labour Party depends for election on the ignorance of the uneducated and the mentally dull, it is no surprise that it has always been the enemy of anything which opens up the mind.]
By far the most disloyal MP. He is smelling an embarrassing defeat.
Alfred Sant was correct about this man..
I think that a new party is going to be formed and it will consist of JPO,John Dalli and others who are not very happy in the party.
Well let’s hope not maria, it would be a long list of MPs then, our party is in the weakest position right now, seems like Lawrence lost all sense of control and something which really bonds us together is needed in moments like these. I hope that if we lose this election another leader who has the whole command of the party takes control….Gonzi is proving to be the puppet managed by strings at the moment :s
[Daphne – Note to readers: this person has posted a long list of comments in support of Joseph Muscat and the Labour Party, under a variety of names, and has even posted one purportedly in support of Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, right here, under the name of Alfredo.]