Clear your diary

Published: November 24, 2011 at 7:31pm

25 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio2011 says:

    Can’t find the word “Ghaqal” on that invite. You sure this is Silvio Parnis tal-Labour?

  2. Excited says:

    Where to start! The venue, the catering, the party favours, the bingo, the head spins…..

  3. Joe Micallef says:

    Compared to this, Kitsch would become a great form of Art!

  4. spy says:

    Jien sejra – ghandi bzonn par imsielet tal-perli biex inqabbilhom mas-suit gdida li xtrajt

  5. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    X’qamel, he’s not committing to the amount of pasta..

  6. mark v says:

    Fools’ names and funny faces, always found in public places.

  7. The chemist says:

    ‘Par imsielet tal-perli’ ! I need some Rohypnol.

  8. A. Charles says:

    For a change, this event is not taking place at Caqnu’s Montekristo.

  9. angie says:

    not il-Paliss?

  10. paddy says:

    joke of the year

  11. maryanne says:

    What on earth is ‘impenn ta’ kwalita’?

  12. Steve says:

    Those attending had better read a bit beforehand? What do you think?

  13. Mark Camilleri says:

    love the way Father Christmas is warming his hands up, and Bingo is flying out

  14. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Oh cruel fate! I’m not old enough to take Daphne on a date. This would have had her in raptures.

    [Daphne – Tragic. Imagine that.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      There’s a par imsielet tal-perli missing in your wardrobe. And you’ll never know the thrills of seeing Silvio Parnis in the flesh. Perhaps you could furnish us with a photomontage of the man himself?

  15. Johnny Kexx says:

    Par imsielet tal-perli – that should be 52 now. Proposta biex naghtu par imsielet tal-perli …..53 flixkun inbid lill irgiel….

    So while the men get drunk watching Super One, the ladies sit in front of the mirror admiring their imsielet tal-perli.

  16. Jack says:

    Of all the spam mail received over this last year from the Hon (oh my!) Parnis, this is one of the “better ones”.

    You should have seen those promoting the tombola, high teas and visit to Gozo, and to top them up the monthly newsletter he sends to all households in his constituency.

    If you want to be entertained I will scan and send upon receipt.

  17. Hot Mama says:

    Of course. the pearls are not cultured

  18. Wayne Hewitt says:

    Forsi johrog b’xi tuzzana propowzals ohra, spirtu pront.

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