Danielle Mitterand who?
Labour’s tink-tenk boss and former Lead Elve, Aaron Farrugia, is up in Brussels at the PES conference, with Cyrus Engerer.
He’s so thrilled to be there that instead of concentrating on the matter in hand, he concentrates on posting frequent status updates on his Facebook wall and tweeting his followers, biex forsi tarah il-mama.
You can take the elve out of the island, but you can’t take the island mentality out of the elve: he’s forgotten that there’s a world outside his PES conference.
Aaron Farrugia
Will Hollande,Thorning Schmidt and Gabriel attend todays session?I wonder why they didn’t attend yesterday.Can someone explain?
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Matthieu Hornung
Hollande has to attend Daniele Mitterrand’s funeral
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Rather than “keep it up,” the elves need to “keep up.”
And Cyrus Engerer is SO proud of all the ‘zghazagh’ (young people) involved with the Malta Labour party, so much so that he states that the other Socialist parties of Euope are impressed.
Cyrus Engerer
Il-Partit Laburista Malti fi Brussel impressjona lill-partiti l-ohra membri tal-Partit Socjalista Ewropew ghall-ammont ta’ zghazagh li qeghdin jinghaqdu mieghu. Flimkien mal-mexxej Joseph Muscat, Alex Sciberras Trigona u Helena Dalli inghaqdu hmistax il-zghazugh u zghazugha ghall-Konvenzjoni Progressiva fi Brussel fejn qieghed jigi diskuss il-futur tal-PSE u kif jista’ jkollna Ewropa ahjar. Il-Partit taz-zghazagh!
Impressed by their level of incompetence more likely.
Impressed with the money they have to spend rather. So much for austerity. Where did the party get the funds to send up so many people?
Aaron Farrugia And what abt the other two?
Matthieu Hornung + Hollande will be in Brussels @ S&D group on 30 Nov. The others don’t know
U zgur li jimpressjona. Meta jiddiskrivu lil Alex Sceberras Trigona bhala zaghzugh.
Peasants the whole lot of them.