God bless, everything is ‘crystal clear’, except that we’re not quite sure about it
On timesofmalta.com, this morning:
A Labour government will not necessarily “strengthen” stipends as Opposition leader Joseph Muscat pledged during his Budget reply speech on Monday evening.
It will only “consider” increasing the stipends if the economic outlook of the country improves.
“Stipends will be secured under Labour. For now, our commitment is crystal clear not to touch this system which has delivered,” a spokesman for Dr Muscat told The Times yesterday, when asked to elaborate.
“If the financial situation allows us to do so, we will actively consider increasing and spreading the reach of stipends,” the spokesman added.
The pledge to strengthen stipends was the 33rd of 51 proposals made by Dr Muscat, in response to 10 questions asked by Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi, who pushed the Opposition leader to say how he would behave in government.
Dr Muscat’s predecessor Alfred Sant had also promised to retain the stipend system before the 1996 election, only to back down on this promise once elected, saying the system was unsustainable.
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Only one proposal:
Gvern immexxi minni, Giov DeMartino, irahhas il-kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma b’90 fil-mija, jirdoppja l-pagi, il-pensjonijiet u s-ser5vizzi socjali l-ohra kollha, jibda jqassam il-pirmli KOLLHA b’xejn u jnaqqas l-eta tal-pensjoni ghal 40 sena. Dan car daqs il-kristall!
You miss one point:
That they promise to give me a room with a view when I am dragged to that place on the way to Rabat.
At your age it is time to grow up.
Joseph Muscat has not yet answered the 10 questions posed to him by the PrimeMinister and we are still waiting for the answers.
The answers are there my friend…..blowing in the wind and totally out of point
Car daqs il-kristall…are they all being told to use this phrase?!
Milli jidher il-kristall tal-Labour Party huwa rhis, imtappan u mdahhan.
Id-diskors vojt ta Joseph huwa ezempju car daqs il-kristall ta kwalita superjuri, li m’ghandux ideja kif jiggverna, ma ghandux soluzzjonijiet u mohhu biss biex isir prim ministru w allura jista jibda jitharreg fuq il-job ghas-spejjes tat-taxxi tal-poplu.
Joseph m’ghandux kuragg jirrispondi mistoqsija WAHDA mill-ghaxra li ghamillu l-Prim Ministru, avolja ghandu suggerituri bhal Fredu Sant, Karmenu Vella w Charlie Mangion. Anke waqt id-diskors tieghu shabu kienu aljenati jilghabu bil-mobiles, Ipads etc. Dejjaqhom ukoll!
I have only one question to ask : Would you buy a used car from Joseph Muscat ?
I hear he’s got half a can of spray-on hair for sale.
Well done Daphne;
Glad to hear, Daphne!
I must say, I love THIS bit which http://www.timesofmalta.com decided to say:
“She detailed the columnist’s insults: she had been called a bitch and compared to the back of a bus, described as a sow and called fat.”
Min jaf l-atmosfera ma’ Musumeci illum! Kemm hu miskin.
Someone should ask Anglu Farrugia to recall from memory the 51 points. Would be fun to hear the results.
Too big a tuks for him.
Crystal is clear but fragile and easily broken. Like Labour’s “pledges”.
And it’s full of l(d)ead weight.
On a positive note….
Strolling in the main streets of Valletta on this beautiful morning as I often do, I could notice huge numbers of tourists literally packing the main areas of interest and the cafes particularly in Republic, St John’s and Merchants streets.
The number of tourist visitors is exceptionally high for this time of the year which seems to indicate a very strong performance for Malta.
Notwithstanding an austerity programme in some part of Europe, it appears this sector will remain strong and lucrative to Malta thanks to good governance and political direction.
Looking forward to see Dr Gonzi ‘s explanation about question number 10 . Mr Muscat was unclear when Bondi asked him about it
Dr Muscat’s predecessor Alfred Sant had also promised to retain the stipend system before the 1996 election, only to back down on this promise once elected, saying the system was unsustainable. This says it all!