Hey, Saviour – there’s a good story about the Bile Blogger With No Name on timesofmalta.com. They beat you to it.

Published: November 23, 2011 at 6:07pm

Ara, dan sabih ghax bjond, bhall-mexxej. Naghtuh naqa strawberry blonde rinse? U daqxejn spray-on fuzz?


I see that Matthew Vella and Saviour Balzan are still glued to their conference table, working out how to report the news that Magistrate Herrera dropped her case against me after she saw the list of witnesses.

Plan A
Plan B
Plan C
Plan D

And all the way to Z: let’s pretend we haven’t noticed, while looking the other way and humming loudly.

Is there somebody selling some power station platform we can interview? Another story about how John Dalli’s ideas are D Bast?


17 Comments Comment

  1. Paul Bonnici says:

    Daphne don’t forget that Saviour Balzan does not read The Times, maybe that is why he was not aware of the news!

  2. Johnny B. l-Ghaqal says:

    Took them a while to sort something out and pick a couple of pics. Insomma, li kieku ikolli, I’d make a go for the one on the right and steer clear of the one on the left.


    [Daphne – Jahasra. So…..maltastar.]

  3. David Ganado says:

    a comment on the maltatoday article. I cant decipher what he is trying to insinuate:

    POSTED BY: RassacT — 23/11/2011 18:55:03

    Mhux ghalhekk xi hadd bhal din l-imsejkna DGG tibia’ Xserves il-velenu KIEN hemm cans li ssib kappell JIGIHA bhal ma libbisha Anglu FARRUGIA, imbaghad nirtira l -procedure io Trina? Mhux hekk tghid!

    • Jozef says:


      So they do remember the past, doesn’t Saviour abhor those days?

    • Neil Dent says:

      This person has a vote. Lie and weep.

    • anthony says:

      Neither can I.


    • 'Angus Black says:

      Din hi kampjun tal-kotra li tigri wara il-gustus Joey. Anqas taf tikteb bil-Malti u inqas u inqas taghmel sens.

      Min jaf kemm se jilghabu l-’51’ Prima d’il-gimgha?

      Isa. Joseph ilghab xi 20 ewro (jew ghadek bil-lira?) forsi tirbah somma sew u ma jkollokx bzonn iz-zieda bhala l-Kap ta l-Oppozizzjoni li accettajt imma se taghti lill xi karita. Ghidilna x’karita hi li qed tircievi d-donazjoni tieghek u kemm!

  4. oldtimer says:

    Editors and people who are in the news business should read all that is available – print – radio, TV, Internet. Otherwise one cannot call oneself a journalist

  5. MMuscat says:

    A title for the lanzit family:
    Magistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrrera being the ‘bigger’ person withdraws the criminal libel and defamation proceedings against blogger.

    They will be sticking to the facts for one time.

  6. Hot Mama says:

    They sure won’t win the Pulitzer

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