Honestly. I mean, PLEASE. This can NOT be our deputy prime minister.

Published: November 11, 2011 at 12:01am

When I bribe Saint Anthony, he always finds what I’ve lost. Do you think if I bribe him more lavishly, he’ll lose this man?

I’ve got the oddest feeling that Joseph Muscat might be prepared to go Dutch on this.

25 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I have ordered a Wagner CD, a Luger pistol and a couple of cyanide capsules in preparation for May 2013. Please don’t let them use my corpse as a trophy.

    • Casual Reader says:

      Don’t be silly. He’s up to the tuks of running the country. He said so himself. “Ħsibijiet durissimi” are his forte.

    • Jozef says:

      Have you seen the first comment below the article? ‘Fair billing for owners of summer flats’, according to this geezer, someone who owns a second home should receive a subsidised rate.

      How’s that for social justice? And who, if I may ask, is going to pay for his wellbeing, which, it seems, should include a summer residence?

      Never was the expression ‘jarmi l-ghaks’ so apt. Labour’s middle class; material wealth and a brazen cheek.

    • Wenzu says:

      The Chairman of National Commission for the Promotion of Equality is Sina Bugeja, an avowed Zejtun Labour supporter, and the majority of the members are Laburisti too. Andrew Azzopardi is one of them.

  2. No problem says:

    Hi Daphne


    Please read the comments.

    Another Maltastar gaffe.

  3. ciccio2011 says:

    Mentalita tas-sottokumitat tal-Kumitat tal-Banda.

  4. La Redoute says:

    Isn’t that one of the famous “Dinner Densis” that Jason boasted about attending? I believe it was in the elephant man’s own home.

  5. me says:

    Ara veru haġa belgħa liebsa l-ħwejjeg.

  6. Mark Abela says:

    After watching Lino Spiteri on Bondi+ last night, I cannot imagine how PL can elect this person as their deputy leader.

  7. Helen Cassar says:

    Dan ma kellux bzonn parrinu biex lahaq avukat fi zmien in-Nazzjonalisti, bil-paga ghaddejja ta’ Spettur.

    Nahseb issa PhD fid-demokrazija se jaghmel.

  8. Not Sandy : P says:

    His Facebook information says he’s interested in men and women.

  9. John says:

    On a completely different note, have a look at the following news report. It really does seem like anyone can become a writer at Maltastar.


  10. Paul Bonnici says:

    This man will be elected by people of his ilk and believe me there are too many of them in Malta.

  11. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I would have had a field day with “hsibijiet durissimi”, but alas, Manu Maltes jokes are no longer in fashion.

  12. Reporter says:

    Joseph Muscat WANTS to get rid of this idiot. That’s a fact. I know for sure.

  13. Not Tonight says:

    I don’t have to look into the crystal ball to see a future of stomach ulcers and depressive bouts. Even thinking about it makes my flesh crawl.

  14. Riya says:

    At that time of this important speech he had not yet learned the phrase ‘on the record’.

    Anglu said that the Nationalist Party cannot be permitted to run the country anymore because of corruption. Did he forget the high level of corruption when his party was in government for 16 hellish years?

    And when he was still in the police force and did nothing about it? Ghax kellu bzonn jiekol miskin.

    You should tell us, Anglu, how people obtained jobs in the public sector at that time and how state flats and land requisitioned from Is-Sinjur were given to the red-eyed boys..

    Your aim is only to be in office without a plan for our country’s future.

    I suggest you should invite Dr. Austin Gatt for a debate on TV so that your political ignorance will be highlighted better.

  15. Frank Scicluna says:

    I have become absolutely sick and tired of Daphne and her tight knit group of biased commentators with their total lack of objectivity. If you are so scared of a near future Labour government why don’t you simply piss off somewhere overseas like one of my Nationalist relatives and many others like him did in the 70’s and 80’s…then return to your country when your beloved NP eventually return to power? It makes a lot of sense!

    [Daphne – Oh hello, Frank. You’re an old man who left Malta for the other side of the world while still in your teens, and yet you know SO MUCH about what’s going on here. U ghadek Laburist ahdar. Congratulations. There are some things even half a century in Australia can’t cure.]

  16. Frank Scicluna says:

    AHDAR? Nobody but NOBODY can be that color as much as you and your klikka does. Yes, I make a point of staying updated with what’s going on in my country – because even after all those years I still regard Malta as my mother. And NO, I will never be cured simply because in those unforgettable words, I regard Malta as “Lewwell u qabel kollox”

    [Daphne – Kemm int miskin, jahasra. Australia was wasted on you. Kieku kelli mentalita iffossilizzata bhal tieghek, kieku lanqas biss nivvota ghax il-partit storiku tal-familja maghdux jezisti. Malta l-ewwel u qabel kollox, hej – u mbaghad toqghod Sydney, jew Melbourne. Ha niktiblek daqxejn strapline tal-babaw, halli tibaghta l-Klabb tal-Hodor Antiki f’Sunshine or wherever: Labour – it’s not politics. It’s a fixation.]

    • Malti Awstraljan Mintoffjan minn guf Ommu says:

      Surely you must mean “ I still regard Malta as my mother country“? Incredible that you`ve lived in Australia for half a century and yet come up with such a statement as “I still regard Malta as my mother.“ It sounds almost Mintoffian.

  17. Frank Scicluna says:

    Daphne, you are either on drugs that are illegal or you are totally losing it! You say that “Labour – it’s not politics. It’s a fixation” I say that lifelong, committed Nationalists like you are simply blinded by your type of corrupted families who OWE plenty to your party!

    [Daphne – Lifelong, committed Nationalist? Shows how much you know, all the way there in Australia. Well, you are a bit cut off. And yes, support for the Labour Party is a fixation and has nothing to do with political thought or reason. In fact, it defies all logic and rationality – logic and rationality being the main reason people in my family started voting for the Great Political Enemy, the Nationalist Party, after three generations of support for the Strickland Party, rather than vote for Mintoff, Karmenu or….Joseph. Tista tghidli x’kien sabih u intelligenti u tajjeb ghal Malta fil-partit ta’ Karmenu, per ezempju? Or why it would have been such an amazingly good idea to stay out of the European Union? So that half the population would have to try emigrating to Melbourne, perhaps?] Il-vera tal-biki, intkom tal-Labour. At least your parents and grandparents could be excused for being illiterate without the benefit of any sort of education (I’m speaking Labour in general), but what’s your excuse?]

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