It’s gets better and better (or scarier and scarier): ANGLU FARRUGIA FORGOT THAT THIS IS BUDGET NIGHT
November 14, 2011 at 6:30pm
Speaking on Super One radio earlier today, Anglu Farrugia referred to Budget Day as being “bhal illum gimgha, fl-14 ta’ Novembru” (today week, on 14th November).
The show-host replies “Illum, illum l-14 ta’ Novembru” (it’s today, today is 14th November).
And Anglu freezes for a moment, backtracks in confusion, and carries on.
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Illum,illum Ang,cara daqs il-kristal.
This seems to have been recorded on the 7th. The last 2 seconds of the clip give it away as another confused person says ‘seven illum’.
Disgrace. Utterly useless.
7th or 11th?
Sounds like 11th to me, which makes a little more sense than the 7th, seeing as he referred to the debate, which I assume to mean the confidence debate on the 8th.
Either way – I’m sure it was recorded, but to have recorded such a bloody stupid mistake, and then not RE-recorded just shows you what a bunch of imbeciles we’re dealing with here.
And that was on Super One radio? He can say that the recording was doktort then, can he? No, it’s on di rekort.
Ta’ l-isCuntament.
l-14 illum, l-14 illum … LOFL
Did he say bhal ‘lun’ gimgha?
A puerile tweet about the budget by that useless Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi, president of the Labour Party.
Ghaz-zieda ta’ 500 euro fil-gimgha ma kien hemm ebda maltemp. #maltabudget
This was most certainly a recording. Couldn’t they have just erased that part and corrected the mistake?
Not only Anglu, but Ellul and Muscat Terribile too are terrible idiots.
On second thoughts, Ellul and Muscat Terribile could always claim they’re senile … but Anglu?
Simple: Anglu’s stupid.
Reminds me how he got mixed up about Austin Gatt’s responsibility for Smart City.
Smart Anglu he is not.
On the record qieghed hawn…
A former Maltastar editor and former Labour MEP tweets his wisdom to his followers:
GlenBedingfieldGlenn Bedingfield
Tonio Fenech’s threat to #airmalta employees. Early retirement schemes “take it or leave it” #maltabudget
More of the same from the sorry Bedingfield
GlenBedingfieldGlenn Bedingfield
No mention of water & electricity bills so far #maltabudget
It isn’t funny any more – Well, not that it ever really was. With all their fluffing around and messing up, the fact that they’ll be in government shortly is actually quite a worrying thought.
U iva Defni, tinsiex li Anglu m’huwiex tekniku. Ma tistax tippretendi li jkun jaf dan it-tip ta’ dettalji.
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i can’t believe how lucky we are .. the Greek female counterpart wants her job back and we just got an extended maternity leave …
Trid tkun tekniku biex tkun taf il-gurnata. Bambin henn ghalina!
God, he’s also funny.