Just look what Silvio Parnis uploaded on Facebook….
November 30, 2011 at 11:38pm
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31 Comments Comment
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Din qisa xi santa tal-mejtin.
The goatee and the goat.
Yes, because the Labour Party is united…..hah maybe Gonzi should have a photo like this at least with his members of parliament such as F Debono, JPO and the list continues……No they don’t want….. he wants to be alone gonzipn
[Daphne – ‘He wants to be alone gonzipn’: well, I have to hand it to you – you write as you speak. Now I know you think all these silly rules are a matter of opinion, but just in case you ever decide to grow up, it’s ‘Lawrence Gonzi wishes to be seen alone.’]
BC, how about a nice photo of Joseph with Alfred Sant and KMB? Why is Labour hiding them?
BC, do you call that a “nice photo”?
Besides, that is a pic of Alfred Sant the Mexxej with Joseph Muscat.
What I asked for was a pic of Joseph Muscat with Alfred Sant and KMB. Back to your archives.
Seriously my scope over here is not to show off my ENglish and idioms and stuff, I argue the substantiaive….on which you seem to lack….but yes you got my point at least you didn’t argue about it (PN not being united at least not at the moment)
[Daphne – Two people with psychological problems and one with a bitter grudge do not count as disunity, BC. Scope does not mean ‘purpose’. It is not the same word as the Maltese ‘skop’.]
then what counts as disunity? if having your backbenchers either not agreeing with you or promising not to contest next elections isn’t
[Daphne – Something like the Labour Party, I would imagine, where when the party leader is laid up with a “broken leg”, his wife elbows the deputy leader out of the way and represents the party herself, like Mrs Ceaucescu or Mrs Yeltsin.]
And by the way, it is the Nationalist supporters who gave them their vote….so then at least 7500 persons (estiamte of the amount of votes altogether) must ahve psychological problems
[Daphne – I am one of those who voted for one of them, and no, I don’t have psychological problems. Had their psychological problems been apparent at the time, they would not have passed muster as candidates. There are enough disturbed people in this cabin-fever island. We really don’t need them in parliament as well, even if it IS the House of Representatives. ]
Uija we got your point….you regret your vote in 2008 huwxx, mhux wahdek ta Daphne, taf x ghandek taghmel 2013, the only way is up uwxxx ;) u relax naqra ta….
[Daphne – This is somebody’s Facebook wall. People come here to be safe from this sort of thing. So please, write properly or don’t stick around.]
An argument requires the use (not abuse) of language, including its idioms and what you call ‘stuff’. Anything less reduces it to incoherent utterings defeating the purpose.
When you declare yourself uncomfortable with good form and its possibilities, you show lack of faith in your own capabilities. Practice improves mastery, so don’t be shy.
Nor should you be afraid of revolting against Labour’s dictat, bound to semi-illiteracy.
That’s not a photo of MPs. That’s a photo of Labour Party leaders.
And it doesn’t symbolise unity – Mintoff infamously squeezed Pawlu Boffa out of the party he had started up himself.
And Sant did the same to Mintoff several years down the line. It’s still to early to tell whether Joseph Muscat WON’T do the same to Sant. Poodles have been known to bite their owners.
Dak Duminku liebes it-trench coat , jew il-patri tal-ordni Djonisjana?
Le, dak Duminku, dak li tal-Labour jibqghu ifakkruh ghax illegalizza is-Sodomija.
Illegalizza is-sodomija u wara, ghamilna blood-brothers ta’ Gheddafi.
ilegalizza is-sodomija u bena l-Malta wara il-gwerra (kien ad kellu anqas minn hamsa u tletin sena meta kien ministru responsabli ghal dan is settur). Hawn nies illum li ta daqsu ghadhom jghixu ghandt il-mummy.
[Daphne – Don’t look at it as a heroic initiative, Richard. That’s where he made his original stash. Meta bena’ Malta, he did so as an architect and civl engineer, not as a politician. Oh, didn’t you know? Miskin.]
Daphne, I never saw it as a heroic initiative. After the Labour party won the 1947 elections, I believe Mintoff was made deputy prime minister and minister of public works and reconstruction. Correct me if I am wrong, but I don’t think that he was invoicing the government for his works as a Perit whilst retaining the post of minister (and deputy prime minister).
I just want to point out the fact that his political career does not only cover the ‘Golden Years’ of the Labour Party.
[Daphne – I don’t want to drag third parties into it, but yes, Mintoff’s firm did much of the post-war reconstruction (he had a partner) and was paid for it. That’s where he made his first lot of money. This is something I have known all my life and taken for granted, and not something I discovered yesterday. As for his political career before the Golden Years, as you seem to be inadequately informed about a lot of thing, I suggest you obtain a copy of last night’s Biografiji, about Paul Boffa, and watch it. It skims over the surface, that’s true, but it gives you the bare facts. This country’s biggest tragedy after World War II was that Mintoff forced Boffa out.]
Will watch it. Thanks for the suggestion.
[Daphne – Yes. I learned something I hadn’t known from it: that Lady Boffa campaigned for Eddie Fenech Adami in 1981 and asked Boffa’s former supporters to vote for the Nationalist Party.]
Dak il-famuz trench coat li kien jahsel darba f’sena.
I thought it was illegal to deface a national flag. Off with his head!
Allura itratt bhal dan imma ta Mintoff ma Alfred Sant ma hemmx?
Dan ghaliex Alfred ghajru traditur fil waqt li tal lejber (inkluza in nanna ta joey) jghidulu salvatur?
Why is Joey towering above Duminku? He can’t be much taller than the old geyser.
Reminiscent of the larger-then-life images of National leaders, prevalent in the past communist golden era of Eastern Europe.
It’s true that The Old Geyser tends to erupt intermittently, just like Duminku – but it’s a geezer wot the old fart is.
He borrowed Kurt’s stool.
But the “Old Geyser” had supporters, and Joseph is after them, naturally.
I would like to tell BC that last election we voted for and canvassed for Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando because he was on the PN ticket.
In the next election we will still vote for PN because it is the best option. I want to remind BC that during Alfred Sant’s time in government there were backbenchers disagreeing with him and even Lino Spiteri, George Abela, Joe Grima, AST, and more and his consultants.
[Daphne – This is not somebody’s Facebook wall. People come here to be safe from this sort of thing. So please, write properly or don’t stick around.]
Thank you Daphne for pointing this out. We come here to seek refuge from the semi-literate comments littering Maltese websites.
BC means Before Christ just as the PL and its members are. History.