L-Orizzont mourns a lost world
Yesterday, L-Orizzont completely ignored the news of the prime minister’s visit to Libya (presumably on the assumption that its readers will get the information elsewhere – good going for a newspaper) and instead carried the following letters to the editor, which have a ring about them of having been written by the editor himself.
Sur Editur,
Kemm huma bravi l-pajjizi membri tan-NATO mmexxijin mill-imxajtna Stati Uniti tal-Amerika.
Tefghu lis-Serbja u l-Kosovo fi stat dejjiemi ta’ gwerra
Sur Editur,
Id-dinja kienet ferm ahjar qabel is-sena 1989 milli wara, ghax hlief gwerer militari u gwerer finanzjarji m’hawnx. U l-guh u l-faqar dejjem jikbru daqs qatt qabel.
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Plato, han saqsik – sejjer il-ballu ta’ Jason li se jsir go Villa Arrigo?
Jason’s balls are known to draw large crowds.
Silly me, and I thought he had none!
Grezz, how could you think so? They are normally advertised on Super One.
‘Imxajtna Stati Uniti tal-Amerika’
Terzomondisti prima maniera.
Isn’t it amazing that a strategist and Plato find the time to write to the Editor of l-orizzont? Commies, the lot of them.
Id-dinja kienet ahjar b’Gaddafi u f’Malta kien hawn il-gid u x-xoghol….issa ergajna sirna kolonja tan-NATO u tal-UE
Agreed, this is highly esoteric stuff for the likes of Running Commentary. The only option is to ridicule. Bravi.
Have you ever heard of sarcasm, Kenneth, or were you born in the garrigue wilderness of Bubaqra?
My hunch is that those letters are authentic…yes there are people in the street who still think and talk like that.
[Daphne – My hunch is that they’re not authentic, not unless L-Orizzont has corned the market in readers who can express themselves in a single concise sentence. I’m not questioning that people who think this way exist. I know that they do. People who WRITE that way are another matter.]
Such people think highly of Hugo Chavez, Evo Morales and Fidel Castro. They are their idols and would go down with an acute depression if one of them loses ground in one way or another. There are still people in Malta who would gladly break into chanting el pueblo unido… and bandiera rossa. I know a couple of people….I mean they exist. Not joking.
@MsDCG; those, I am sure, are 100% authentic. That is how they express themselves on a daily basis on ONE radio, during the phone-ins.
And it is not just the callers who express such sentiments either.
What is scary is that often it is highly-educated people who utter such anti-west, anti-American, anti-Semitic,anti-Nato and anti-EU sentiments.