Published: November 23, 2011 at 6:46pm

I’m listening to the prime minister speaking in parliament. He did well to remind his opposite number what real ‘ghaqal’ is: working towards EU membership and not trying to sell people a fictitious ‘Switzerland in the Mediterranean’.

Quite a few members of the Opposition haven’t bothered to turn up, and Muscat is smirking continually. I’m trying to work out whether Anglu Farrugia is on Facebook. Maybe somebody can go to his wall and let me know?

Now the PM is talking about the fact that the Labour Party has ignore the eurozone crisis completely, and has just said that the important thing is not getting power, but what you do once you’re in government, and how you run the country.

Remember that strapline, ninsew id-differenzi? The trouble is I just can’t. The comparison between a grown man and a whining Johnny with a smirk is just too difficult to ignore. But the tragedy is that people will see the difference and still vote Labour because that’s where their loyalty lies. And then they’ll hope for the best.

You know, like when in 1992, just under half the electorate voted for the return of Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici as prime minister.

59 Comments Comment

  1. Joe Micallef says:

    Doesn’t seem to be. He might be trying to figure out if the most recent post on his wall was addressed to him

    Stefan Nicholas Vella
    Anglu – I need your recommendation to build my reputation as a trusted lawyer.

    • Ghoxrin Punt says:

      ooo..so we’re starting with the klikkek BEFORE we get to power are we..

    • maryanne says:

      I wonder why he needs a recommendation According to his Fb page, he is a Senior Legal Officer at the Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority, .

      The comment is no longer on Anglu’s wall.

  2. ciccio2011 says:

    The Prime Minister did well to start off by saying “Il gvern li jien ghandi l-unur u l-privilegg li mmexxi.”
    That puts Joseph Muscat in his place! Gej bil-“Gvern immexxi minni”!

    Anglu is not on Facebook, but Luciano Busuttil is. I do not know if he is in Parliament – maybe he can tell us on Facebook.

  3. Joseph Agius says:

    The Prime Minister is making Joseph’s speech look like a school boy’s essay.

  4. Joe Micallef says:

    If Joey spends two hours shaking his head it might fall off! Unless it’s an effort to mask the falling reality.

  5. Facebooker says:

    Luciano Busuttil on Facebook, live from Parliament, at about 7.20pm.


  6. marco says:

    Is he serious comparing the progress done with that in 1987….can’t believe this….it’s like comparing ourselves with failed countries (Greece and Ireland)

  7. lolz says:

    The PM looked a bit tired, especially towards the end, but he nevertheless effortlessly ripped to shreds the pathetic tinpot budget reply of Joseph “Gvern Immexxi Minni” Muscat.

    • Jozef says:

      Aren’t we all a bit tired? If there’s one thing Lawrence Gonzi shouldn’t do, is to refrain from putting this maverick in his place.

      Joseph doesn’t signify consensus any more, the prime minister’s arguments have more than filled up that role.

  8. 'Angus Black says:

    It didn’t take 51 tries by the real Prime Minister to rub it in Joseph’s face.

    The PM just tore Joseph apart and gave him a lesson in positive politics not by making vague promises but with what this government has already accomplished in various fields like education, health, infrastructure, etc.

    He compared the Socialists’ expenditures in 1987 compared to what the present government spends today. The number of graduating students in 1987 (687) as compared to today (2800+), not counting MCST graduates.

    Maybe becoming PM was in Joseph’s grasp until a few months ago but now it seems his grasp is becoming more tenuous and so, hopefully, will be beyond his grasp.

    Now he should be more worried about his tenure of the LP leadership let alone becoming PM. He should remember that another loss this time will mean nothing less than being dumped and another futile attempt at getting a more mature person to lead the Party.

  9. Vanni says:

    Have you seen the ruffled feathers on Maltatoday’s comments?


    Elves are mighty pissed at the temerity of Malta Today in reminding all that Sandro was a Labour MP.

  10. Dee says:

    “Caeser’s wife must be above suspicion.”

    The Magistrate has no choice but to do the right and proper thing and resign.

  11. TinaB says:

    There is no comparison between the two. Listening to the Prime Minister’s speech is a breath of fresh air – on the other hand one would think that Joseph Muscat is addressing a class of 5 year old kids or else a bunch of staunch Labour supporters in some “kazin”.

  12. anthony says:

    In 1992 and in 1987 just under half the electorate voted for KMB to lead the country.

    Why bother!

    • Mandango says:

      Yes, and in the last elections, nearly 50% voted for Gonzi. For Gonzi! Hellooooo?

      [Daphne – Get your head examined.]

      • mandango says:

        Chill Defni. And I do mean it by the way. Voting for Gonzi….like does it make any sense?

        Won’t suggest you get your head examined, as I hardly think there’s anything one can do to treat your acute ailment

        [Daphne – To see that something makes sense, you have to have some sense yourself. Now run along and play.]

      • Antoine Vella says:

        Mandango, you seem to be around 14-15 years old. You talk like a boy who spends a lot of time watching American teenage shows on television.

  13. spy says:

    He is still smirking on how good their proposals were

    Anglu Farrugia
    X’differenza bejn il-weghdi taghna u l-weghdi ta’ GonziPN!
    Like · · Share · Monday at 20:55 ·

  14. JD says:

    Slightly off topic, but what happened to Joseph’s living wage? Doesn’t seem to feature in his grand list

  15. Grezz says:

    U ejja, Daphne! Gonzi’s no comparison with Obama, is he? – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8f_bBw48pw&feature=related

  16. Grezz says:

    One for the awfully quiet kev, starring Sharon “tpaxxhuhomx” – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtSFAmJxBF4&feature=related

  17. Seggy says:

    The real trouble with Mr Muscat’s silly smirk is that there’s nothing behind it. He just wears it whenever some PN government official says or is saying something, just to appear that he knows something that the general public doesn’t know.

    It’s infuriating to watch him smile like that, and it’s more infuriating to think that many of the Maltese voters are still convinced that Mr Muscat will be a good leader of our nation.

    • Etil says:

      It is good to see that there are some civilised people around otherwise someone would punch Muscat’s smirk off his face.

  18. Harry Purdie says:

    As usual, being a non Maltese I didn’t understand all of the speech of the PM, but got the gist. However, I was able to read the body language of the little twerp sitting across.

    He is so far out of his element that it is excruciating to watch his antics.

    He’s an embarrassment to his more embarrassing party, and if the great unwashed elect him to become PM, he will be a total embarrassment to the country.

    I, truthfully, cannot envisage him representing this country in any world-wide or European forum.

    • Hot Mama says:

      Thinking that this smirking twerp might be in power soon makes me despair of democracy

    • Mandango says:

      Well to spare you the embarrassment, you could always take the first flight out of the country back to wherever you came from.

      As for your reading of the body language, I just couldn’t stop laughing. We have a prime minister who tells us to judge him, not by what he says, but by his deeds. Now you come into the scene and “judge” by “the body language”! Hilarious. Next thing you’ll be saying is something akin to DCG’s own yardstick: making judgements based on thinning hair, orangey pubic hair, mustaches and goaties….

      Give us a break. No actually, keep at it, it provides for good free entertainment. What a bargain!

      [Daphne – Exactly how do you know the colour of Joseph Muscat’s pubic hair?]

  19. Lilla says:

    And what’s with that stupid smirk on JM’s face throughout the Prime Minister’s speech?

    It reminded me of teenage girls in the playground – the “I know I’m not cool or smart and I don’t have a boyfriend, but I’ll just sit here, smile and act like I’m not jealous of the cool group” mentality.

    How childish.

    Stupid tactics from stupid people.

  20. Matt says:

    The Labour supporters I know tell me that Joseph Muscat will reduce their utility bills and they also know that he will raise other taxes to compensate the loss of revenue.

    They know that he has no solutions yet they are loyal to MLP. They were born Labour and they will die Labour even though they have prospered under PN governments.

    A flawed thinking that cannot be won.

  21. il-Ginger says:

    Gonzi > Muscat

  22. Mandango says:

    You keep harping on the fact that a good 40% of the electorate will vote Labour in any case, even if you put monkeys for candidates wearing “it-torca”. Well the same can be said too for PN. Party loyalty is as strong on the PN front too – suffice to say that nearly 50% voted for Gonzi rather than Alfred Sant.

    [Daphne – I doubt it, but we’ll never get the chance to test your theory. The Nationalist Party is most unlikely to elect somebody akin to KMB, Alfred Sant or Muscat as its leader.]

    Speaking of whom, he was a REAL economist, and you had issues with him too, notwithstanding the fact. Actually you loathed him more for the mere fact that he was a clear cut-ahead of all other politicians on your side of the fence….put together.

    [Daphne – Slow, aren’t you? My objection is not to the fact that Muscat isn’t an economist (why would I object to that?) but to the fact that he and those around him lie about it. I am glad to see that you understand at last that he is not a REAL economist. And I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but Sant isn’t – why do you use the past tense for him when he’s still alive? – an economist either. His first degree is in maths and physics, his second in physics and his doctorate is a DBA (business administration).]

    Which puts you in the league of the same moneys with “il-maduma” on their lapels voting in a blinkered manner to “GonziPN”.

    [Daphne – Jahasra.]

  23. Albert Farrugia says:

    Unfortunately I could not see the PM’s speech on TV. Yet I read the report on The Times.

    And as a Maltese citizen I am scandalised that my Prime Minister still refuses to take a postion regarding where my country stands regarding the future of the Eurozone.

    Maybe everyone in Malta is living in cuckooland, but there is a big debate going on in the Eurozone at present regarding whether there must be more Europe, more intergration, as favoured by Germany, or less Europe, a looser EU, as favoured by the UK.

    Very important Treaty changes are being prepared. But where does Malta stand? I wish to know. I don’t care what Joseph Muscat thinks about this really. I only care what my Prime Minister, the one who has the power to decided things, thinks about the matter.

    Where does my country stand. Please, Dr Gonzi, the EU referendum has taken place almost 9 years ago. And you won it. Now tell us what you think about the EU as it is developing now. I eagerly await your answer.

    [Daphne – You don’t care where Joseph Muscat stands on the matter and yet you’re going to vote for him.]

    • marco says:

      Daphne, Joseph Muscat’s opinion at the moment is irrelevant, he is just the leader of opposition and would make no difference in the actions taken by govt, or you want him to propose an opinion to Gonzi as well, issa zejjed kollu zejjed ta, Gonzi must begin asking questions to himself and at the same time respond them….acting like a PM. The economic crisis would be totally differnet after election and if Muscat was to be a PM…it may even be non-existent…

      • me says:

        No sir, you are wrong.

        If Joseph Muscat has the plans to alleviate even by a small bit the economic pressure on the Maltese families he himself is claiming, then he is duty bound by the oath he took to protect the constitution (the people) to sustain his claims.

      • Kenneth Cassar says:

        Marco, I wouldn’t vote for a politician whose opinion is irrelevant, if I were you.

  24. Jozef says:


    If you’re not sure where the plane is coming from, just add possible…….


  25. K.P.Smith says:

    News from another universe…


    (press cc for translation)

    I can’t shake off this feeling that we’re like that alien race Will Smith keeps in the train station locker in men in black.

  26. Jo says:

    Nothing to do with the subject, but at the moment on TV La 7 they’re trasmitting Entebbe, a film about Israel’s feat of liberating a group of hostages from under the nose of Idi Amin. A film which in the golden years of Mintoff, Insp. Gadget, K. Vella and all the rest of the troup, was banned in our cinemas. I watched it with some other people – clandestinely at AZAD in Slema.

  27. Paul Borg says:

    maltastar.com has once again decided to put a picture of Dr. Gonzi and Gaddafi in its leading article.

    Bad taste- ma jfiequx, dawn.

  28. kev says:

    Just a reminder: Leaked UN report reveals torture, lynchings and abuse in post-Gaddafi Libya

    Now go back to your teddy bears…

    • La Redoute says:

      Aha. Bring back Gaddafi, then, at least we had cheap oil and finance for the Labour Party

      Now go back to your paljazzi and 24/7 fantasising about being a master of the universe.

  29. Joe Micallef says:

    This morning because of the idiot (maybe it was the coconut) who prepares the posters for PL clubs, I nearly rammed a BMW in Birkirkara. The PL put up this huge poster on the infamous Birkirkara club balcony showing a moronic looking Joey in the background and a down-facing- out- of-focus Gonzi in the foreground with the caption suggesting that Joey makes proposals.

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