The outer circle of hell

Published: November 30, 2011 at 7:51pm

This is where people go when they die after having been very bad: a coffee morning ghal Silvio Parnis in an obscure theatre hall with serried ranks of tables at which you sit as though in a school refectory or – judging by the festive air – home for the aged.

Special punishment is reserved for those who are seated beneath the big picture of Silvio, looking down at them from the stage.


And here’s another picture taken with one of his many old ladies, which he uploaded on Facebook and captioned QRIB IN-NIES.

21 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Is that his shiny disco ball?

  2. La Redoute says:

    They’re playing bingo. It’s on offer at his upcoming festa for 5 euros, including transport, zewg pastizzi, pizza (not steak) and kafe’ jew te’. Bingo’s extra.

    • yor/malta says:

      Sad thing is that both parties are at it , seems they both have to grab as many as the brai….ess as possible , votes count in number not in the quality of voter .

  3. The chemist says:

    That lady in red seems not to have had her string of free pearls. Silvio, Silvio , you tight git.

  4. Jelly Bean says:

    Just heard on the news that, after all, Joseph Cuschieri is taking his seat at the European Parliament.

    He denied reports saying he was having doubts.

  5. ciccio2011 says:

    Daphne, you underestimate Silvio.

    Behind those curtains, the Pom Pom Girls are preparing a big surprise for the pensioners.

    And Silvio Parnis himself will do some runway walking on the stage, showing off the latest additions to his syoots collection.

    To be followed by a special appearance of Charlene with her Summer 2012 bikini collection.

  6. Dee says:

    On TX, there is an …….erm, in-depth analysis of the Sargas proposal that is bound to turn all listeners into instant engineers and power- station experts..

  7. No2Sharon says:

    In betweeen coffee mornings for pensioners, Silvio Parnis does a bit of this too.

  8. Ian says:

    Where on earth is that?

    • No problem says:

      He usually holds his coffee mornings at the Palace Theatre in Paola. Isa ibbukkja ghal coffee morning li jmiss. Tal krismas jaf jaghtik xi fridge, jew xi rigal minghand il World Marketing.

  9. BC says:

    Post all comments fantastic blogger….even those for which you have no defence, at least admit defeat

  10. Carmel Scicluna says:

    Kepxin tajba ghar-ritratt: Ejjew ghandi intom ilkoll li tinsabu mtaqqlin u nhabbtin u jien, Sivio Parnis tal-Lejber, inserrahkom bil-coffee mornings u t-tombla u l-pastizzi!

  11. oldtimer says:

    Miskin!! BC – adu jghix f’dik l-era “Before Christ”

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